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Let's see some AARs


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It seems that most of the threads that have been started over the last week or so having ended up being locked up. Let's get some threads going that will help both inexperienced and experienced players improve their game. In particular, I would like to encourage others to start posting blow-by-blow AARs on the Forum of games they are playing. I know that there are a lot of PBEM games going on, and a fair number of Z-league games as well.

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since i have been officially challenged to a pbem w/ AAR by monsignor kuniworth (formerly an sc force) i would like to finalize the OFFICIAL rules.

you said--

I will fight him in his own lair - the cheating pbem-reloading cave - and by god I will prevail! Let him pick scenario and I will pick sides, this will be a just and good war. Order will be restored in the kingdom"

If disorder accept the challenge CNN will bring you the game live - a match to the death between two of the SC world's most exciting players, or at least Kuniworth. This is turning out to be a personal war - maybe the clash of the century?

this is all well and good smile.gif but the same challenge to you was ignored a mere week ago??!!

whatever the problems in the past, i accept your offer to a game, and choose the original SC 1939 fall weiss scenario. make sure fog of war and disable undo and partisans is checked, in addition to regular stuff.

as for the clash of the century.... perhaps that would be a small stretch. :D

AAR would be good. i will try to get in 2/day.

do we play by the "100 character sig insert" prize i suggested last week? or do we consider that an undue burden for the loser?


we did not ask for this war.....but we will finish it!


it will be an extra pleasure to play you mr. kuniworth! tongue.gif

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Is she holding a rifle?

Probably she's preparing to pick off surfcasters as the ship moves out to sea!

It's about time they had a cruise ship dedicated to the special needs of psychotics.

[ August 10, 2003, 06:20 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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JerseyJohn, you are simply the Best. I am rolling on the floor again, laughing.

By the way, what about an Allied answer to my stormtroopers yesterday?

Oh, did I mention I dont like the dutchgambit, the italiangambit, the ireland gambit, in short, any allied gambit. But playing sitting duck and waiting to be conquered would suit me just fine as your strategy.

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Glad you enjoyed that observation. Been swamped with company all weekend -- it's almost 9 p.m. here and we've still got people over. I'm hoping to get to the games by around midnight my time. I've got eight of them stacked up, nothing I can do about it -- been stealing a little time to come in and see what's going on at the Forum, but it's a different matter to break away from guests to make moves in eight PBEM games.

Sorry, the moves usually flow more quickly during the week. Aside from which I've read your E-mail and it sounds as though you've conquered half of Europe on the move; could be I'm just plain terrified to look at the map!

You've got a good policy on Gambits, usually when I attempt them I do a lot to help my opponents!


Same situation, as soon as I can get to the games I'll do my backed up PBEMs and start that AAR on the 1945 Fall Weiss; looking forward to it.

[ August 10, 2003, 10:23 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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