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Action points question.


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How do you get your action points to go up?

I have a general who can't get pass a mountain area because he is constantly at 1(2) action points. I've let him in same HEX for over 3 rounds figuring he would go 2(2) and then I could move him but he remains at 1.

This sucks, I've just lost a general because of this. If he is rested for a period of time should not his action points go up?

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Is this the pass to the East of Turkey?

Anyway, Your General is out of Supply. He can't move until he recieves more supply. I am not sure how the HQ linking thing works but you can try that. Or conquer Spain, Gibralter, and Vichy or Turkey to get the supply up. I don't know if that will work though. Where is the HQ? Sorry I can't help more. Im sure someone will respond with more info.

Its kinda like landing a unit in Ireland.

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Go back to the Strategy Guide Updates and Errata thread a couple pages back. There's a LOT of good information about HQ's and supply calculations.

Don't worry about being confused. Even I had misinterpreted the supply calculations all this time and didn't fully understand them until I got Hubert to clarify a few things for the errata. On the flip side however, all these HQ capabilities and limitations are one of the charms of the game. Learning how to use them effectively is an art form. ;)

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At the start of each turn supply is calculated new. There is no accumulation possible.

It traces the shortest way (sometimes SC calculates it wrong and takes a not so good way... but thats another story ;) ) from the next supply source: either a city, fortress or another Hq (each normal hex reduces supply by 1, some hexes like mountains, swamps etc by 2).

For your Hq: if it is supplied (after the calculation it receives at least supply of 1 or more from a city or fortress - not from a second HQ !) then supply goes up to 10 (if the supply source is connected to the capital) or 8 (without connection). Out of supply Hqs have a supply of 5 and can only move 1 hex (supply 1-5: 1 hex; supply 6-10: 2 hexes).

If supplied from a second Hq, SC treats the first Hq like a normal unit and it has only the normal supply from the second Hq but still a minimum of 5(e.g. if it receives 6 supply, then it has supply level of 6).

As far as I know, this can only be a problem east of Turkey as Axis, if you want to move into Russia. A land connection to Berlin doesnt solve the problem there: Iraq goes up to 8 (or 10 if liberated), but thats not enough (you can only move 1-2 mountain hexes further).


You can use a second Hq to supply the first one. Place it one (or 2) hex south of your first Hq (there it is supplied from Iraq) when you want to move north. The second Hq provides the first one with a supply of 10-2 = 8 (with 2 mountain hexes away: 10-4 =6), so the first Hq can move again.

But be careful when moving your second Hq north and stop in time (remember where your first Hq had no supply and stop one hex earlier) or it will soon stuck - out of supply - in the mountains like the first Hq :D . To solve your supply problems you need to conquer a russian city as soon as possible...

If you only want to retreat your Hq, then you can simply operate it back to a city (Hqs have a minimum supply of 5 and can always operate) smile.gif .

[ October 04, 2003, 06:14 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]

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I either only move through the Turkish-Soviet border with two HQs and/or, more often, I just stick to the coastline as long as the enemy doesn't have surface units gunning for my HQs. In one of my first games I got an HQ stuck and I learned my lesson, never doing that again.

Logan Hartke

[ October 05, 2003, 11:04 PM: Message edited by: Logan Hartke ]

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Originally posted by Liam:

Wow Terif, good one! tongue.gif

I didn't think of 2 HQs myself

I read the the manual by Bill that 2 HQs can NOT supply each other if there is not city close.

My HQ was stuck when I unloaded on the Algerian coast from that Atlantic, I could not cross the mountains and I was not about to declare war on spain just to take that one city.

So you are saying had I brough another HQ and placed it properly I could have crossed the mountains?

Would this be an errata in the manual Bill?

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Blashy --- Nice nickname, are you one of the four "bad guys" who chased the famed "Pac-man" in the video game back in 1980's? Good question, I don't recommend landing in N. Africa as the Allies unless you're playing A.I. or pulling off an Iraqi gambit (very rare, only if Axis screws up).

The double HQ without city happened to me a long time ago in Russia against Iron Ranger or maybe Jollyguy. I believe (65% sure) that the HQ's were both supply-5 beside each other.

Only way to know, is play test, ask Terif (but he is gone)...Maybe I'm wrong, maybe they weren't strength-5...

Only way to know is playtest. This 2-HQ supply chain had to do with one of the patches.

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Was one of those PAC-MAN ghosts named Blashy?

I invented that name arond 1988 when I played Dungeons and Dragons, I needed a name for a Hafling Thief and I've always invented names for my characters, for some reason I liked this one and started using it on Arcade games and when the internet came along it just carried.

I recently found out the name or I should say word Blashy actually exists!

The meaning:

Blashy, adj. C. (1) Wet, as regards weather, roads, &c. (2) Weak, watery, as applied to drinks.

Ex.- It 's a blashy tahm been.Ah thinks this tea 's nobbut b/ashy

So I'm not original after all :(

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Yes, it is useless to supply a Hq by a second Hq if the second Hq is out of supply too. You can only use a second Hq to extend the supply range of a city/fortress like in Iraq/Turkey. Without a city to supply the second Hq, there is no positive effect cause the second Hq has only supply of 5 too and the first Hq is treated like a normal unit. Your second Hq has to stay in supply range of a city/fortress to provide better supply for another Hq.

It is not possible to increase a Hq to full supply by a second Hq. Only if the second one is in supply (=supply level 8 or 10), then it can increase the supply of the first Hq slightly (from supply 5 to supply 6-9, depending on how far away the first Hq is from the second one).

No city = no Hq linking

Hqs supplied by other Hqs are treated like every other normal unit concerning supply. Only cities/fortresses increase them to full supply.

Consequence for your algerian landing:

If you cant conquer the spanish city or Algeria itself, then your Hq is lost. If you are sure you can not take Algeria now or later (best to take it: landing west (1unit) and east (2units) of the city - so you can cut it off in case it doesnt fall in one turn - combined with naval/carrier attacks), then you can only wait until the Hq is destroyed, or disband it (gives you 100mpp back).


Rambo mentioned Russia:

There your Hqs should stay in range of a city/fortress. Since they have only supply of 8 (far in the east) Hq linking can only increase the other Hq (too far away from a city/fortress and without a second Hq out of supply =5) to supply 6-7. If both Hqs are standing near each other but both out of city/fortress range, then they stay both at supply 5.

[ October 06, 2003, 06:09 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]

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