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Scenario Editor


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What exactly will be provided with the scenario editor? I'm wondering how much tweaking might be possible on our own - like unit types, AP values, MMP costs, map features, etc. Could a default game parameter file be provided which we could edit? It would be nice to be able to customize the game to our particular tastes, beyond simple OOB changes or .bmp image mods.

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The campaign editor will only allow you to generate campaigns, i.e. set up countries at war, place units, define start incomes, initial research settings etc. As a matter of fact it is actually the same one that I am using for generating campaigns except that yours will flag campaigns as 'custom' campaigns

You won't be able to modify things like AP, MPP costs and map features unfortunately


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While an editor is a good thing, having one that turns the game into a World War Two Construction Set might not be such a good idea.

There is something to be said for having to work within certain parameters. Imagine CMBO if you could have whatever goofy SMG only squad you wanted, or make the armor values on a M3 greater than those of a Panther. Things get silly in a big hurry.

The counter arguement is that no one would force you to tinker with anything. True. But somehow, knowing that I can make any changes I want kind of spoils the challenge, almost like having cheat codes.

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I raise the possibility because SC offers a lot of potential game development capability. Not sure how flexible Hubert has made the SC code and whether game parameters are hardwired into algorithms or located in separate files which could be editted. SC has a nice Windows interface, hex-based map, basic unit types, and a functional AI. Not to mention FOW, research, diplomacy, and other features. TOAW also has a lot of capability, but requires too much detail for unit OOBs and the programmed opponent has limitations. The SC game engine could possibly cover everything from Napoleon to NATO. For now, a simple editor would be nice.

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Originally posted by Hubert Cater:

You won't be able to modify things like AP, MPP costs and map features unfortunately


Ohhh...Why not map? I've tried to modify COS map and units. It was possible,inside borders, of course. COS's rivers are strongly questionable, f.e. What about Kerch Pennisula and Crimea? What about Crete?

OOB could be changable, too.

Some example of private modification ("chrome"):

I've changed nationality of Polish Air Force to British, so it could be reconstruct after collapse of Warsaw. The same with weak Polish mobile unit "Maczek" (strength 2/MP=5).

I've add Czechoslovakian Corps to Soviet OOB, as well as Polish People's Army.

I've added British and Italian airborne units to allow airborne operations against Malta and airborne preparing of amphibious operations.

BTW - there was basic problem in COS, I hope resolved in CS. There was no possibility to transfer UK/USA air units to Balkans, without earlier conquer of Italy or Turkey. Churchill's strategy was just impossible.

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