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AI and Norway


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In my most recent game of SC I experienced something I have never seen before. Playing as the AXIS I had taken over Europe, Noway and Sweden. The Allied AI played as I would expect untill about November/December '43 at which point they seemed intent on Capturing Norway before they started the invasion of France. They landed several Armies (US and British) and a couple of Corps.

I could see that in England there was a huge force waiting to be used in an invasion of France, except that they would not launch an attack untill Norway was at least partially captured. I tested this idea by withdrawing from Bergen and letting the AI have it, they then promptly launched an invasion of France.

Has anyone else seen this happen before? I have read in the forums that the AI does'nt bother with the Nordic countries.

[ April 27, 2003, 08:54 AM: Message edited by: 6thAirborne ]

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In my experience the Axis AI will never invade Norway or Sweden.

If the Axis AI takes Norway or Sweden I have seen the Allied AI move 2 corps to the coast of Norway if Bergan is unoccupied and then withdraw if a German unit is moved to Bergan.

I have never seen the AI mount a serious invasion of Norway as you have described. Perhaps this is because I normally defeat the AI too soon or destroy their navy early in the war.

I have also seen the Russian AI send a corps to take the ungarrisoned Swedish capital. But once taking it the corps does not advance to take the Swedish iron mines, even if the nearest German unit is in Oslo.

After the Allied forces in your game took Bergan, did they move on Oslo?

[ April 27, 2003, 09:52 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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They did move out from Bergen, but were stopped by Rommel and four full strength armies smile.gif

There invasion was also supported by two air craft carriers. They were pretty persistant and even after I had kicked them out of Norway their carriers stuck around and attacked my garison corp.

I have never seen this behaviour in the AI before. I posted this up because of my suprise.

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Ive also seen a very strange thing. The allied AI launched a surprise attack on Neutral Portugal(1.06) and after capturing it attacking Spain. Supported by carriers, battleships and 3 air(us and uk airforce I could barely hold also fightin the russians.

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..? I have never seen a serious invasion of Norway, and DEF not an attack on port. I wish I did though! My games seem to get pretty repetative. Usally the Allied AI just does Air assults on mainland Europe while I fight and beat Russia, and when Moscow is in my sights is about the time they are ready and launch an invasion into france, which usally takes brest easily using battleships and airattack, but is soon stoped since they barley land HQ's early enough to stop me from smashing many units. It actually get's kinda borin :(

Another thing, I haven't seen the Axis AI invade Norway ethier, just poland, denmark, france, sometimes greece, yugo, then russia. :(

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Night, I agree

Although I have seen the Axis AI attack Vichy France and Spain.

The problem with the AI could be solved by;

1. Adding more built-in strategies to the AI routine.

2. Giving the AI improved naval strategies & tactics as the Naval AI seem to be weaker than the land AI in responding to threats and consolidating its forces.

3. Having the AI respond to holes in the Axis deployment to weaken its attack on Russia.

For a list of 60+ suggestions on improving the AI consult this link:

Suggestions for Improving the Allied AI

In fact I would like to see the AI get smarter as its experience level increased from Beginner to Intermediate to Expert. The higher level AIs would consider a wider range of strategies while the lower level ratings would be more predictable to ease the learning curve.

[ April 27, 2003, 04:06 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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I agree with Edwind. If you really think about it, the AI's predictablity make's it very vunerable. Like I stated eariler, the allied AI usally just open's up an "air front" againt me until later in the war with Russia, then finally invades France, and even that is predictable and thus, defeatable. Since I pretty much know England isn't going to attack me much anywhere else but some bombing and limited navel bombardment in France, I can consintrate my force on just about anything I want, including building a huge force to attack Russia with.

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When I first started playing the game, I assumed that "Green" or "Expert" settings changed the behavior of the AI, so I was very surprised to find out that it's the same in all versions, only the MPPs and other random events change. I agree that it would be excellent to have the AI get 'sneakier' as the player improves.

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