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I don't like the weaker air strength in the gold demo

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The gold demo is just as fun as ever, but the weaker air power does not improve the game.

Some of these cities last FOREVER now that the air forces have been weakened.

Also, the air units seem weaker when they are sitting on a river hex, which doesn't make sense.

Are the strength of air units modified by a river the same way that land units are?

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Originally posted by Aloid:

Hubert said that he found a bug, which makes the air power weaker than it should have...

He's fixing it, and making a few other "changes"...

Aloid <== wants full version

Ah, good! smile.gif


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AF's were too powerful in the beta demo. It was possible to base your entire strategy on air power. This should not be. I have not played the gold version much, but the AF seemed fine when I attacked France.


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