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Arngrim vs Derek AAR Pbem


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Oh, and to all current and future opponents: I _never_ cheat, but my computer seems to be rather unstable, so SC occasionally crashes. I believe that my current opponents can testify thet this happens wether the turns are good or bad for me, last BS is that outlook is bugging me too,. guess i'll need to do a proper computer overhaul this weekend.. :( :mad:

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Arngrim vs Reiver (Derek)

This is my 1st AAR so bare with me.

June 9th 1940

The Danes have survived a major assault including Air and Sea assets, ground down to a mere 1 strength factor they survived – that Carlsberg brewery must be defended at all costs! OK so they are reinforced back up to 5- don’t know if they’ll survive another turn. But they did spot a large number of CENSORED heading CENSORED probable objective CENSORED.

Meanwhile in the Med Malta holds on against similar Air and Sea bombardment surely earning that George Cross! Further East still my Air catches sight of an Italian transport presumably about to disembark troops for a Middle East offensive, we’ll see about that.

Manstein and Rundstedt have both been seen on vacation in Western Europe and otherwise things are quiet.

UK has been moving its assets around however this falls under the official secrets act so no details can be revealed at this time.

For the wider picture Axis has conquered Poland, France, LC and is tryingto take Denmark, while US is at 14% and USSR 40% war footing.

Hope that wasn’t too boring.


aka Derek


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Königsberg lost, berlin & Prague (?) threatened. Placing corps in berlin. Hq walks west, Warsaw surrounded 6 down to 3. P air hides nort of Königsberg, nice move, didn’t see it until after Denmark KM exercise. LC goes well, taken. Corps to Ardennes, 1 gb, 1 french interception of LC. Armor moves s/w of Brussels, attacks army, supported by one air. Subs raid. LC surrenders.

Turn 3

Prague taken by Poles.

P air fight KM, 1pt

Subs found, both damaged, British ship sunk, and raid continues.

Denmark pinged

Warsaw taken, but lots of polish troops on tha map

No headway in LC

Heavy airbattles.

New airfleet for a hopeful edge in breakthroughs…

Turn 4.

Concerted action by F&R navy destroy both subs while taking minimal damage.

Polish Corps in Prague threaten Munich. Next corps occupy Prague. Bad…

Luftwaffe+armor train on Pcorps, destroying it.

KM strikes Pair to 1

First blood hex Farmy attacked by armor&army, down to 4

Atacking army in Poland & Königsberg.

War: Italy: 88%



Poland Surrenders! *phew*

Turn 5

French full retreat towards Paris.

Denmark reinforced.

KM practice gunnery on Copenhagen.

Manstein commission (the choices, air, ‘tech, or HQ)

3 armies (damaged)+Bock prepare for Norway.

Blitz vs paris with c, A+Pz results in Farmy destroyed. 1c crosses Danish border.

Misc units operate/move West.

Maginot completely destroyed, F resource in G hands.

Turn 6.

Italy enters the war, and immedieately takes Marseilles. Fleet on maneuver..

German armygroup France has now reached paris, destroying a corps on the way. Taskforce Scandinavia in preparation.

KM on gunnerytraining vs Copenhagen.

Turn 7

Italian navy trains on corps at Malta.

Army destroyed in france.

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Turn 8?

France has fallen.

F air in Egypt spotted. Nice move.

Egypt appears to be heavily defended… perhaps the allies plan a med-campaign?

Denmark taken.

Bock celebrates in Oslo

Italian navy is getting rather proficient at bombarding Malta

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Turn 8 or 9 (I think)

The brave Danish defenders of Copenhagen finally succumbed to the overwhelming fire power of the German invader. However there intel was correct and Norway was indeed the next objective, my war cabinet decided that intervention would only risk high losses on an already stretched Royal Navy – we looked on in anguish as yet another democratic country was conquered by the Nazis.

Operational security prohibits me from describing UK troop movements and the large amount of alcohol I consumed at the barbecue this afternoon means that this may not be the most coherent AAR you’ll read on this illustrious forum but…

…Malta is still getting hammered by the Italian Navy , but the Axis will need some serious air to knock out the defenders and reduce the defences. Also my long range recce picked up Mansteins HQ in central France – perhaps a strike against Vichy is in the offing?

Will find out soon enough!


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Not much to report Malta still being hammered the Italians brought up some planes, but those guys are hanging tough. Manstein is still sunning himself in La Bell Francais. Where are those pesky Nazis going next?

As for me being suspicous I certainly am - after playing Rannug, Friendly Fire and Curry Cook to name a few you really need to be cos those guys are good.



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July 28th 1940

Axis launch a very slick and effective strike against Greece, Athens falls whilst bulk of Greek army sits up in the North waiting for an attack that does not come.

Malta still holds out against air and sea bombardment.

The United Kingdom has launched a preventative strike against the Republic of Ireland for “Strategic Reasons” Royal Navy carriers Ark Royal, Courageous and Glorious carried out bombardment of Irish positions along with the gig guns of HMS Royal Oak from the mouth of the River Liffey. 2 RAF fighter groups and all of bomber command also contributed to the operation. Dublin was heavily damaged with the defenders taking 80% casualties according to the international red cross – yet the defenders grimly hold out against what they consider to be unprovoked aggression by the British Empire.

Meanwhile in Liverpool Field Marshall Wavell took up his new duties.


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August 4th 1940

German forces pile into Sweden. The Swedish 2nd Army attemps to destroy an understrength German Army that has landed south of Oslo and even with the assistance of 2 corps it gets mauled but no kill.

With a massive air campaign Ireland finally surrenders to UK forces, the plunder is gratefully deposited in the Bank of England.

Still along way from seeing USA (37%) or USSR (58%) in this fray


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August 18th 1940

The freedom loving people of Sweden fall under the Nazi yoke.

The 5th Italian Army were spotted and strafed by Free French Air units just North of Suez, whilst observers have noted that the 10th Italian Army is cruising of the coast due west of Alexandria. Pity the Royal Navy is not in vicinity or is it?


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September 1st 1940

A lot happening this turn –

Axis lands forces West of Alexandria and at Suez - fortunately reinforcements also arrive. The defender outnumbers attacker plus Allies have some air support.

Manstein finally puts down his dry martini and gets into the Vichy French, they take Marseille but the Cruiser Suffren escapes and near Algiers an Italian Corps gets bogged down.

The French battleships indignant crew sortie from Algiers and attacks Italian naval units off Malta. Malta receives reinforcements. RN units ship anchors and sail - destination CLASSIFIED

Commander at Suez ****s up his dispositions and withdraws West but Free French Army (newly arrived) stays put.

Free French air takes a couple of points of the Italian Army at Suez.


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Italians are stunned over the stubborn Brits. Mussolini promised that this would be esy. The RN's arrival in the Med will delay the Med campaign some time, but The Italian Navy shall prevail! Other than that, som repositioning, and reorganisation... 1 VF Battleship is sent to the bottom of the med. byt the Italians

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November 29th 1940

The Vichy French battleship Jean Bart was sunk with heavy loss of life whilst valiantly engaging superior Italian naval forces.

1st Free French Army launch an attack on the Italian beachhead at Suez, followed up by Air and Corp level probing action Italian army now at 40% strength. Another Italian army West of Alexandria withdraws toward Benghazi.

It looks like the Axis are commited to taking the Med – it is going to get messy.

In the Western Med HM battleships Warspite and Valiant accompanied by Cruisers Gloucester and Suffren (Vichy) engaged Italian warships South West of Sicily and West of Malta. Reports are coming into the Admiralty that a heavy concentration of Axis air units are present on Sicily – **** **** **** – we are expecting heavy losses.

And finally UK gets Industrial Tech Level 2 - could really use Air Attackproof Warship Tech.


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Oktober -40

Tjhe valiant Italian Navy and airforce acting in concert with Luftwaffe completely annihilate the Allied taskforce Med. Probing attacks around Egypt inconclusive, reinforcements are in order. plans for seelöwe drawn up. Mussolini protests that the Med. was promised to him. HC meetings about the future of the war...

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