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France - Time or Units?

Logan Hartke

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Which is more valuable when it comes to the defence of France as the Allies? Should one go for the all out defence, transferring most British units to France and letting British air forces help defend, or should a player try to get as many units out to fight another day - including French, as possible? I have always gone for the strong France. I think it helps Russia in the long run.

Logan Hartke

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I always felt time was important in the defence of France, the objective being, the longer France remains in the game, the better for the allies...this is why I opt for the no-counterattack doctrine....Putting British forces in France helps but you better have a Dunkirk escape route ready for the inevitable fall...

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I defend France with french units only.Moderately supporting them with the RAF based in England. Too hard to make a Dunkirk happen and get British units out. Leaving England weak, waiting for SeaLion. Defend, defend, defend and reinforce. When the line is broke and can't be easily mended, abandon the maginot and fall back to Paris. This will let you survive another 2-3 turns. Any MPP's that are not use to reinforce at that point I spend on Corps that are immediately evacuated to Britain. As Paris is usually surrounded by this time using the corps to suicide attacks is pointless. The only attacks I usually have the French do is ramming the fleet against either the Italians, or the strait of Denmark.

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I defend France till the bitter end...drop in my two Canadian units but extract them through Brest usually 1-2 turns before France falls. Use the Fr. fleet along with RN to take out Italian fleet. Yes, in my view, the longer France stays in the game, the better for the Allies overall.

I do not send British units over to France in '40, just the Canadian (I send British units, along with HQ, to take Iraq, then mop up Afrika, and then onto Sicily...it always works).



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