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"Alright...alright"..."No need to get bent out of shape"" I'm looking at my notes as we speak. It late summer 1940..."

The British situation:

"the danger of an invasion of Britian is over."" Their fleet is sitting pretty with the loss of only a few cruisers."" all their carriers are in the med with the idea of gaining experience for their pilots by pounding Italian positions."" They have additional fighter squadrons in Gibraltor and Malta."" But they are not very effective because of the IC situation." "The fleet is extremely beat up and will take months to re-fit."" Monty is trying to save enough to set up a proper HQ"" research is picking up across the board"

The German situation: " The 10'th 14'th and 8'th army alongg with two panzer groups have gone to italy to "assist" the Italians after the embarrassment of Bari". There are Air units in Southern France and in Albania keeping the British fleet from having total freedom of movement. Rundstedt and Bock are in Italy..."WHOOOOOO HAAAAA!!!!! Bock just loves those Italian girls!!!!!!" " Agreements with Romania and Hungry are almost completed"

The Russians: Are about to annex the Caucauses. Romania and Hungry are about to enter into the Axis..

The Italians:" Have a half strengh Battleship and a few subs that ran to the safety of Nazi air cover."

"The assault on Vichy Algeria is quite nasty and protracted....With French troops under myself being used and Britian's resources stretched to the max." " the German are easily running arms in at night through the beat up fleets and their own mine fields.

I will finish the entry on the assault of Algiers tonight.

[ December 21, 2002, 02:05 AM: Message edited by: General Billote ]

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"Thank you cousin, that's all our friend is asking for, just a little cooperation and me, well, I'm different, I love stumbling around in the dark and -- ooooh!"


"--o00h, much better. What an uncomfortable body that double gizmo is. Filthy minded monkey half, and that fake virgin part -- ahh, this is much, much better."


"Meanwhile you poor creatures in this two bit coffee house chose the wrong time to get nosy" -- wham!wham!whammmM! "-- Jeez, I just killed an unarmed man or twenty. Well, guess he should have armed himself, they should have armed themselves, hey?"


"Much better. I hate killing them -- I mean, I hate killing them in such small numbers!"


"Ah, now I can almost breathe again. Except there's so little methane on this hellhole!"

[ December 21, 2002, 08:32 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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First a good disguise, then it's off to influence world leaders and perhaps inspire the final total slaughter of the oxygen breathers.


". . . And I can assure you, Mr President, using this method and with nothing more than the resources you have readily at hand, a marvelous bomb can easily be constructed that will annihlate entire cities at a single blow. I can show you how to make them cheaply and quickly and at the rate of, say twenty major cities a day the human race would be . . ."


"Excuse me, Professor Einstein, but Elleanor and I were always under the impression that you were a man of peace. A pacifist, actually."


"Yeah, sure, anything you two say. All right, you're too famous to kill so I'm blowing this joint and when the two of you open your eyes you won't remember me at all!"


"I've just had the oddest experience, Elleanor."

"Oh, Franklin I believe I've also had a sort of, well, shall we call it a black out?"

"Yes, Lovie, that's precisely how I felt. Who was here scribbling on the blackboard?"

"Oh, I don't know, perhaps one of the grandchildren."

"Yes. And please, Elleanor, do you suppose you could have the exterminator give the place a treatment?"

"Why yes Franklin. And how very odd, I was just thinking the same thing, some sort of awful brown roach and I know we don't have a pest problem. But we musn't take any chances."


"How depressing. The only half-way intelligent being on the whole planet doesn't believe in killing. Very, very depressing."

[ December 21, 2002, 05:10 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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As originally posted by JerseyJohn: (we think :eek: )

"How depressing. The only half-way intelligent being on the whole planet doesn't believe in killing. Very, very depressing."

That extremely intelligent being also surmised, oh just incidentally, that God doesn't "play dice" with the Universe, and/or, in other words => keep yer gaming room nice and tidy, since no telling when the late-night lights will dim once... twice... and go - oops! utterly out... the only thing then... is to feel around in the dark until you touch... well, that's another sort of story... :cool:

You guys are amazing - great pics, astounding depth and breadth of creative flair (... I am sure everyone realizes what grasp of "real & imagined" history is required to make this kind of Wyrd Epic work, yes?) smile.gif

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Immer --

Thanks for the good word -- you're swelling our heads! :D

Anytime you want to post an entry we're very, very eager to see it. More Raymond Chandler or Dash' Hammit episodes would be greatly welcomed. Your last one blasted our socks off! smile.gif

I wonder if there's a study somewhere comparing Alber Einstein's view of the universe with Kurt Vonnegut's? (". . . You two have been granted a special two day pass. You're both from the Milky Way and we just got word it disappeared. Sorry." or some other Kilgore Trout crazyness from one of his novels -- any one of them!)

[ December 22, 2002, 07:45 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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All right fellows,

just want to tell you that I am still around, still would like to take the Japanese if you still want me.

Will be ready for new posts in January.

I work in a book store, and its Christmas-time as you all know. So you might be able to imagine what is going on there now.

Stalingrad and Guadalcanal are battles that come to my mind in comparison.

In the evenings after work I am usually braindead and even today, on Sunday, I have to go into the store to make the bookshelves presentable again and so on.

If you like, you can add my Tojo-posts to the official tread.

Didnt drop a line before because there were no new posts from you either since November 20th or so.

Perhaps we should contact us per mail:


All of you a merry christmas

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Incredible seeing you again! Yes, of course we'd like you to post. In addition to all his other personalities, Carl von Mannerheim has also made a Japanese entry tonight. If you can we'd appreciate you contacting him via the envelope over his posting and working something out with him for the Japanese.

The reason we haven't posted since whatever date you mentioned is simple -- we've all been worried sick about you! tongue.gif


"Hey boss -- I just got back from that other Froggie forum you're stuck babbling in. Amona here wants to know why you didn't send flowers or something. Give me the word boss and I'll do it -- matter of fact I may just do it anyway -- Amona was it? Well, you're lucky the boss here's a softy and I don't have any bullets left on account've it's been a real fine day for me. Yeah, I got to shoot plenty've unarmed men and it just shows they should have all been armed. Now get the hell outta here before I call Sepp Dietrich or the Duke. And thank your lucky stars General Billote isn't around. Know what the frogs do with miserable deserters like you? They make'em eat disgusting things like snails and smaller frogs than themselves. And the General ain't a soft touch like this dopey bastard JerseyJohn!"

[ December 22, 2002, 07:41 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Hi Jersey John ,

alias THE DUKE alias Sepp Dietrich (not Deitrich, by the way), and all other great insane personalities of old.

Sorry, but I didnt visit the forum until today, because of the mentioned frenzy at my work.

Please excuse my absence. I liked Sepp Dietrich and his lines about abuse.

I must go to work now and will not return for the next 8 hours or so. Will have no time to add any japanese postings, just too much work to be done in real life.

As I said, will be back when the christmas-madness is over.

I liked the Duke and everything very much, absolutely nothing insulting for me.

Simply have no time at the moment. Perhaps you can contact von Mannerheim first.

Will be back to you all soon enough.

By the way, you will all be beheaded in the name of the Tenno...

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Will do. Welcome back. smile.gif I'll have to talk with Sepp what'is name about his abuse level. You're way too jolly. I fear he's losing his charm, but then he hasn't worked for the past sixty-three years.

"By the way, you will all be beheaded in the name of the Tenno... "

Secretary take a note:

Buy another case of bullets for Dirty Harry. Don't admit any suspicious looking ninja types with samorai swords. Also, if Amona tells me I mispelled anything ever again -- yeah yeah like that screwy Japanese sword -- remind my cousin Nuncio that he owes me a favor and Amona's knees-- uh, that's okay, buy those bullets, strike that last sentence and I'll talk to Nuncio myself when the time comes.

. . . Sepp Dietrech, Marlena Dietrech -- now I need to worry about offending dead krauts with mispellings!

[ December 22, 2002, 08:42 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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