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"Free French" AAR: Discussion Forum


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"By all means, pull up a chair and listen to our fire-side chat." "But we shant be talking politics."" Yes, We like to talk here...We find it amusing."" I have a superb bottle of wine that I have held in reserve for just such an occasion.""And Monty has sent over some good brandy."" A little tart for my taste but it still hits the spot.""And to think that while we chat, somewhere far away, we are building something beautiful at the same time."" But that is off-topic and something that shouldn't concern you....for the moment."

[ November 15, 2002, 12:13 AM: Message edited by: General Billote ]

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it's this Immer fellow -- he's written another entry. The man is great but neither myself nor Eva nor Speer understand his meanings
If anybody is able to break the Immer-code, let me know! Each posting is simply another reminder to me of the inadequacy of my literary education. Occassionally I will get a reference here or there, but mostly I'm left bewildered and sitting there with the RCA Victrolla dogstare. :eek:

Where's the famous picture of the French guy weeping as the Germans march through Paris? That should be added here. "If only we had reached L2 heavy tanks!"

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Thank you for your support, We are in the process of building a "Free French" site with a writers forum to continue work on this. So the answer is yes there will be more, lots more but first we will go back and make what we have better. Long live the Blue, White and Red!!!!!


[ November 13, 2002, 10:48 AM: Message edited by: General Billote ]

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It appears that, while away, preparing for World War II. World War Three has erupted on the board. I applaud everyone who stuck up for Carl and John. Two people who have become my best friends on the board. Carl is polite , gracious and so helpful regarding tech issues. I believe you all did the right thing in jumping to his defence...That's all...

[ November 17, 2002, 12:12 AM: Message edited by: General Billote ]

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Meanwhile in a movie theatre in N.Y.C


"Honey, When are they going to start the 'real' movie?"

also IN THE NEWS this week....


.....Combined British and "Free" French naval assets have blockaded the port of Algiers...


......General Francious Billote...The man Hitler calls 'The Butcher of Belgium' and Churchill calls 'The Last Hope of All True Frenchmen'....was last seen in the seaport of Liverpool....addressing his troops.... shortly before boarding a British transport two weeks ago....



....Those silly "Moy Brothers" are at it again...failing for the third time to get their new-fangled flying contraption to work!!!"

.....and this woman was declared "Miss America" in Atlanic City.



John Wayne


in............Something new this week!!!

(The audience erupts into whoops of anticipation...John Wayne, never one to disappoint his fans, proceeds to kick some red-skin ass.)

[ November 18, 2002, 07:21 AM: Message edited by: General Billote ]

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Meanwhile, in his Bavarian Mountain Retreat . . ..


[should be a photo of Hitler on the phone, smiling]

"That's right Hermann, the whole gang is coming over for a private screening of the new John Wayne movie -- yes, the American actor who resembles me so!"


"Yes, he is in the cavalry again, the Americans can't affort panzers. -- I suppose in the movie he hunts down more evil American Bolsheviks, the ones with the feathers."

[ November 18, 2002, 07:30 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Keep posting these character developments and all.

I am really enjoying this very much and I am sure others do too.

Great work you do here. If my English would be better, I would like to participate. But, unfortunately, I cant write sarcastic/humorous lines in English on the same level.

I trust you will tell us when your own site is online.

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-- Amona,

As always thanks for the support. Your English seems very fine to me and I have no problem understanding you. If you want to contribute feel free.

If you aren't sensitive about your English, and there's no reason you should be, why not develop a spy character trying to blend in to a British or American setting, someone vain who thinks he fits right in but really sticks out like a sore thumb? Another possibility would be a member of a "Government in Exile." If the sentences are unintentionally funny they'll fit in with the premise -- this is a humorous effort. I can't speak for the British, but most Americans love seeing the language mangled, intentionally or otherwise; I think it's because subconscioulsy we don't particularly like it.

In any case, I'd like to read what you have to say and I'm sure others would to. We would never be concerned with the way it comes out grammatically -- I'm damn sure your English is much, much better than anything I'd manage in your language! Aside from which English is prone to sounding humorous, moving a few key words around changes the meaning entirely and it happens all the time.

A last point -- The best way to improve your English is to write some really horrible sentences -- you'll notice it right away and can always go back later to change them. Most of the few postings of mine that make sense go through several revisions before even I can understand them. With each revision you learn something about the language.

The real problem is this: suppose you come up with a great character who speaks hackneyed English and after a while your own English radically improves and becomes perfect -- then we're really screwed!

Go for it -- I'm sure the others feel the same way, and those who don't aren't worth worrying about.

[ November 19, 2002, 01:34 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Absolutely, the Japanese are about the best at mangling English, which is why their spies were so effective, the FBI couldn't understand them unless they were transmitting in one of their broken codes! Then there's Yiddish English and Italian English and all the others. It's a language meant for mangling -- and this sentence proves it!

*** *** ***

[should be photos of Bela Lugosi in films]

Bela says, "Why do you worry so, Amona, I mangled the language for decades and they loved me for it!"


[ November 19, 2002, 01:37 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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"Your garden is beautiful as ever."

"My gardener works hard to maintain it."

"It inspires me to a haiku."

"Oh, may I hear it?"

"I have to think it over first."

Two men in kimonos are sitting on pillows on the floor. There is a borad game between them.

The left one, bald-headed and wearing glasses, moves one of the numerous tiny pieces on the board.

"Now your strategy becomes clear. Very subtle indeed."

"One must use subtle strategies in Go, but in the real world, something less subtle may be more appropriate."

"Ah, you mean the Burma- and the Indochina-issue?"

Finally, after several hours of playing Go and exchanging pleseantries, they came to the meet of their meeting.

General Tojo, the bald-headed one, repressed a sigh. There was, after all, something to be said for the directness of the Gaijin.

"Dear prince Konoye, we must pressure the decadent British to close the Burma street, in order to get our China incident under control. Furthermore we need to btain bases in French-Indochina. The fall of France and the weakness of Britain gives us a golden opportunity to seize the rotten empires of the white man in Asia. Lets get it on with all our might!"

"Dear Tojo, your boldness and aggressivness inspires me to a haiku..."

"Will you use all diplomatic pressure available?"

"Oh, General, these actions may set up the Americans. You know, the white devils can be so upset about our policies. I made a haiku about it once upon a time and..."

"These degenerated fools will not stop us. Their president is even a cripple. In Japan he would have been brought on a mountain top to die there long ago."

"Admiral Yamamoto says they are dangerous. Their industrial might..."

"As my dear friend, the great German Hermann Goering once said: The Americans may make good razorblades, but everything else is just bluff."

"Well, I must speak about this with the Tenno. Fortunately, His Majesty and I will meet this afternoon. His Majesty was so very kind to invite me to share my favorite haikus with him."

Not a muscle moves in Tojos face, while he is imaging behaeding this fool whit his katana, hanging on the wall nearby. If only HE himself would be in charge of the nation, instzead of this yellow bugger.

Now, there was an idea...

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*** *** ***

Excellent posting, your English is fine and your ideas are very good.

*** *** ***


"I tell you Amona is the only one in your Forum who is not a half-wit! Why that other one claiming John Wayne looks like me -- a womanizer a smoker a drinker and a meat eater! Perhaps Gary Cooper, though he is neither so handsome nor as Iron willed as myself. Or maybe Clark Gable or perhaps Randolph Scott, though neither of them could make speeches or paint buildings as well as myself -- but we are not talking about my outstanding qualities, we are talking about your pathetic Free French Forum -- And I give you an ultimatum -- Put Amona in, or Take Germany Out. As a matter of fact, if you could take Germany out anyway we'd be very appreciative. I'd be willing to give you, uh, Luxemburg -- minus the mineral and administrative rights, of course."

*** *** ***

I vote you stay with Japan, but it's up to Carl von Mannerheim. You might want to send him an E-mail, his envelope is on top of his postings.

If Carl wants to keep Japan then I think you'd be great as China. You could do both sides, Chiang Kai Shek and Mao Tse Tung and I'm certain you'd do both of them very well.

In any case, make postings whenever you want. Origianlly this thing belonged to our departed colleague Zeres (you shouldn't ask what happened to that filthy commie) and Carl, myself and General Billote sort of forced him out and took over. Democracy at work.

*** *** ***

Pompously assining chunks of the world is such a great feeling, it reminds me that scene in the old movie where Charlie Chaplin has his fantasy with a bouncing globe:


[ November 19, 2002, 01:27 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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* * *

Just a few days later, While thinking fondly of the good ol blackshirt days....Hitler decides he must give Himmler a gift in appreciation for all his years eliminating Derr Fuh....ummmmmm....of fine party service...

Not long after that....Herr Himmler recieves a small box in the mail....In it, he is surprised to find....


Well!!! ,Himmler thinks , How thoughtful of Der Fuhrer....even though I provided all the raw materials myself!!!!

( To Be Continued)

[ November 19, 2002, 03:55 PM: Message edited by: General Billote ]

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I vote she and Carl work together...If Carl wants to take on the Russians ( and I believe he does)... it's quite a big job!!!! Especially, as Carl is continuing as Churchill.... also huge job!!! ( He really is great as Churchill and probably knows more about him than anyone on the board ( that has the balls to write about him that is!!)

[ November 19, 2002, 02:47 PM: Message edited by: General Billote ]

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