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Alright fellas, All discussions regarding our absurd little story are going to take place here. AHHHH!!!!! Can't you just feel the space!!!! Guys I want a picture and an anectdote involving your main character posted here. Change your name and "habits" in your profile to reflect your character. You see what I'm going for here....and baby we're just getting started....I'm very excited...and I will have more surprises for you very soon. bellote will be up later tonight. I am off to have a beer with my fellow freedom fighters. have fun with it guys, this is character developement...Fontaine did a great job...He's the hot shot Brig.Gen of the French 1'st corp.

[ November 09, 2002, 01:33 AM: Message edited by: Zeres ]

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Brig. General Pierre Fontaine: "Ummm, that feels good. A little lower. Oui, lower. L'afrique, n'est-ce pas?"

The wind blows hard against his freshly shaved face as he emerges fully erect from the bunker. The taste of fresh-squeezed pamplemousse dances on his tongue. Late last night he supped on the flesh of musky, delightful natives. Menage-a-trois? Comment dit ons "menage a quatre?" Refreshed from his sensual feast he matches a Gauloise and awaits the arrival of his superiors. Belching downwind, scratches his crotch and decants his first brandy of the day into a bean tin. To victory, he says to himself and tosses the tin to the raging waters below.

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Well, quite a debut. :cool:

Galouise-end to the mistral wind and Marilyn coy-hoyden too!

One doesn't know whether to act aghast... or give it over and fair savor the Continental charm, right down to the fauvian follicles.

Say... did Mr Raymond Chandler serve his adopted nation in WW2, and here someone has discovered in a crevice in The Rock -- one of his old, discarded Cinema Verite scripts?

Or, was it claimed in 1958 or thereabouts by Jean Paul Belmondo -- from a mont-de-piete, hard by the Seine at night when the City of Lights is ... sur-real looking-glass for the riverine dreams of the screaming Masses of the day?

(... I got the part, I got the part! I'll be driving this blown open '57 Ford rag-top with see-you-later-Ace fender-fins, and the blue-nose Coppers, ha ha, don't know a bean-tin about whereat to start O hahahahahahahah... )

Ahem, discarded by whom you may ask? :confused:

{pinky... justextended... the Tea come all the way from China via the opium trade route; the crumpets salvaged out of a crumpled package addressed: Mr Dickens is utterly moribund, so my word, this may just as well go to... YOU}

His wife peeked in, on Med holiday she was, ah, and sure! Monsieur Renoir, it's that Existentialist conceit, and little more, but... of course! ;)

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"yes...I know that some say that Degaulle looked a bit like me"....." I don't see it myself".." He was a brave man"" He was commanding the 3'rd army in Belgium when it was completely surrounded."" Degaulle was among the last to fall.""I can still remember every word of his last transmission.""fight on, dear boy"."Fight on"."To the bitter end." Billote sighs..."So that is what I will do."

[ November 09, 2002, 03:59 AM: Message edited by: General Billote ]

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"Well, perhaps I do look a little under the weather."

"Off the sauce...""OFF THE SAUCE.... FONTAINE!!"" You are such an impossible speciman of a man"" If you were not such an able commander, I would

have shipped you off long ago!"" The hopes of all our people are thrust upon me...."" And my own Generals give me lip for having a few glasses of wine with my dinner!"" Why don't you try being the boss for a while?"" No, you couldn't possibly do that." "It would interfere with your nightly carnal activities!!"

[ November 09, 2002, 07:23 PM: Message edited by: General Billote ]

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[There should be a photo of Hitler, Goering, Keitel and Doenitz walking in parade uniform here.]

It was a beautiful sunny day and Goering felt absolutely jubulient:

"That's right, volumes of Billote's notes simply sitting in the basement in poorly shredded heaps right next to the furnace. Why, they left in such haste that nobody thought to burn it! -- No need to get involved, Heinrich, my own intelligence people have been working on it for months now and it is pretty much reconstructed. -- Yes, when we get back to Berchtesgaden I'll read some of it out loud. You'll see, it's very amusing. He says such outlandish things, like the remark about our very own Heinrich being the 'Devil Incarnate!' -- How very uncharitable of him to describe our sensitive executioner in such a calous manner; and what an outrage to me personally -- perhaps I'm some sort of saint!"

Keitel smirked, "It's your own fault, Hermann, to have missed that one, with all the titles you've awarded yourself -- what a terrible oversight."

The Reichsmarshal nodded, "Thank you, Wilhelm, you, at least, understand the hurt he's caused me."

Doenitz quickened his pace, "If it's any consolation, we in the Kriegsmarine have always referred to you in those very words."

Tears began forming in Goering's eyes, "You're too kind, Carl."

"I am not an executioner!"

Goering broke into a chuckle, "Of course not, Heinrich, you're a philanthropist."

[ November 12, 2002, 08:56 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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It was a falling down Motel just off of Sunset Boulevard, and The Hot Shot Agent wondered why he even bothered.

He shrugs, knocks, and notices a crookedly striped cat peering up at him. The stray creature is under a withered rose-bush near the door.

No answer.

That is how it is these days, he thinks. No response-ability. Some say God in Heaven treats the faithless species that way.

Finally he just pushes on in.

The Writer is sitting in a lumpen chair beneath a floor lamp that shines around all oddly. He is smoking a loosely-rolled cigarette. He doesn't seem startled in the least.

-Hey! It is I, the famed Hollywood Agent!

The Writer looks up, then away.

Look here, I've been... I need to speak with you about this... script of yours.

-All right.

-See, the thing is, you can't write a World War II movie and... do it this way, it just isn't done. Think of Speilberg. Think of John Ford, the Duke, Cavalry with flags unfurled, you know, pretty panorama like that.

The Writer stares.

-Can you talk?

-Too much talk. Not enough of the other. Besides, I was thinking more along the lines of... The Bicycle Thief.

-Look, you just CAN'T have Jean Paul Belmondo in this movie. Why, I don't even think he's alive!

-Then go to Cherchez La Femme Cemetary, and dig him on up.

The famed Agent does a double take. He has been around the true artists, like Burt Reynolds, so he can ham it up with the best of them.

-Ha ha, you are a real piece of work, an out and out flake, you know that? Ha ha. Anyway, I was thinking... Tom Hanks could play that part... ah, what am I doing, falling into your awful woeful Web, ahem, that so-called part is... NOT part of the desired discussion, and so NOT allowed.

-I see. But, Belmondo is IN, or... no script.

The famed Hollywood Agent is still standing in the middle of the room. The carpet is tattered. The paint flaking away from the water-streaked walls.

-Geez Marie, how can you live like this?

A long, long pause.

-This is Jim Morrison's old room. Every morning, I hear this clear and defiant cry: WAKE UP!

... FADE ...

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"Why do you talk to me this way when you know I will kill you for it?"

(General Zod talking to Lex Luther, awaiting the arrival of Superman at The Daily Planet in SupermanII...awesome film..listen to the script!)

There is an exclusive club. Ask yourself, are you worthy...only Zeres knows!

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Gen.Billote: "Ahhhh Major Brady arrives ( on loan from Brittish Special Forces)......late as usual.....and we have yet to see you in uniform.""You've been out on the "piss" again I presume.""Pull yourself together soldier.""We've got a war to win."

[ November 09, 2002, 07:19 PM: Message edited by: General Billote ]

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[There should be a photo of Hitler reading a newspaper and smiling here.]

"Yes Eva, it is the latest installment of this fellow Immer Etwas -- of course I only understand a small fraction of what he writes, but still, there is something vaguely fascinating in his observations.

-- very mysterious --some sort of desert person reaching out from solitude

--or perhaps a Tibetian llama

--that fool Himmler should have provided me with his true identity ages ago. That idiotic Tibetian expedition should have looked for him.

But enough speculation, I must read on and will be requiring the services of my dictionary.

Also I must call the Office of Racial Purity and make it clear that -- like Shakespeare, Jim Thorpe and Tojo -- he is an Aryan, regardless of where he resides, and as such he is speaking for The Reich. Whatever the hell it is that he is saying.

No, Eva, I do not believe he is Raymond Chandler, only pretending to be -- perhaps he already works for our Foreign Office and that would explain why everything he says is a mystery!

Now, to call someone smart -- Canaris or Speer --and have the Etwas writings explained to me."

[ November 12, 2002, 08:58 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Gen.Billote: "Zeres, We, the "Free French" salute you.

"I'm afraid I have sad news to report.""Our dear friend Zeres has be locked in the clink....A lover of alternative history"." a man that could become quite manic when he was trying to get his head around something"."I'm afraid he has gone to live under the watchful eye of the real 'Man in the High Castle' now.""The Free French salute him.""But who, dare I ask, has the balls to replace him?"

[ November 12, 2002, 04:20 AM: Message edited by: General Billote ]

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[There should be a photo of Hermann Goering sitting on a chair playing with a lioness here.]

"Did you hear the news mein leipchkin? They say the Bolshevik Zeres is finally dead. Yes, yes, mein little pussy cat, daddy loves his little schnukums kitten!"

[ November 12, 2002, 09:00 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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" Carl....Where have you been dear boy!""We can't fight this war without you....""You started it after all!!!""You've been working on another one of your secret weapons haven't you.""Kittens last time I believe.""So by now you must have upgraded to ducks?"" But take a look at my profile and Fontaine's profile.""Aren't you a little young to be hanging with the likes of us?""I suggest you make some changes.""And how bout a picture in uniform?"" You do intend to fight don't you?""When you have done these things I believe you will find that your application flies right through.""your still in that sauna of yours, I presume"

[ November 10, 2002, 06:05 PM: Message edited by: General Billote ]

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Letter to General Montgomery:

We have sent some feelers out to the Yugoslavian and Finnish Governments. The Yugoslavs seem ripe for a coup but in my opinion, the Finns could go either way. We shall see. We could really use the Finns....We need to get our hands on those secret weapons. Your forces are in a fighting retreat. Stalwart, even to the last man. Riots have begun on the streets of Paris, Black Shirts running amok. But fight on we must and fight on we shall.

Viva La France,

General Francious Bellote

[ November 15, 2002, 12:11 AM: Message edited by: General Billote ]

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"Ahhh X-Ray"......"Almost impossible to find some of these Brittish Special Forces these days!!!""But when you appear before the general, you must staighten your tie......button up that shirt..""Let them see you just once X-ray""Aren't you a ninja or something?"

[ November 11, 2002, 01:36 PM: Message edited by: General Billote ]

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Dear Diary,

Wulfie is in such a dark mood today I find it quite exil... exhil.... eksilerating. Not that he is likely to satisfy my natural urges, he is, after all so very busy with all this ... stuff he's been up to. Not that it holds any interest for me. He has tried to explain what he and the boys are up to, but i find it so very dull. I usually do my best to look pretty and just agree with him, he has such a wicked temper and i long for him to grab hold of me and allow his temper to dissolve into animalistic passions and so engulf my lust...... ahhh. mmmmm.

I am reading such a fantastic book at the moment. It's about a butcher who is having a love -affair with a local school girl. They make love among the pig carcasses, all the blood and carving knives really turns me on. He is a gruff old fellow, and she can smell his trade on her fragile body. I haven;t finished it yet, but i hope they get married and live happily ever after in a big palace in the mountains.

The butcher reminds me so much of my darling Wulfie. He hates to bathe. He is much more concerned with something called racial clensing, than clensing himslef, he is so selfless and proactive. I wish i could be more like him, but apparently i am just a silly little fool who lives in cloud cuckoo land, i don;t know where that is, but i am sure wulfie will invade it soon enough, bless him.

That Goebals was round again the other day, he pinched my bum AGAIN the rotter, if Wulfie sees him do that, he'll chop his balls off!

Anyway, gotta dash, have to prepare Wulfies din-dins, his favorite tonight i think to cheer him up, Chicken soup with lochen and kinedlech. Some potatoe latke's and gehfilter fish for his main, then if he's a very good little dictator he can have kosher ice cream for pud!

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[There should be a photo of Hitler sitting outside, alone in his mountain residence.]

"When will Eva ever get the hint? First

I build a palace in the mountains for

her but she doesn't understand why --

she doesn't understand what a man like

me desires when he comes here to get

away from things.

"Then I leave my favorite romance novel

in plain sight for her to read -- the

one about the swineherd who made love

to his mistress among the pig carcasses,

ah yes -- it makes me shudder with

passion even now -- the scent of freshly slaughtered beasts in the air along with

the fragrence of free flowing blood to

turn them both on. But does she read

the damn thing -- no, I think not."


"I even cut down on my bathing hoping the natural beast in me would arouse her, but

does it -- no, not at all.

"Alas, she calls me for dinner. And

afterwards it's what? A nap, I suppose.

Yes, my poor considerate Eva, she will

think me a tired old man and insist I

change out of my uniform, into a

comfortable suit and take a nap.

"Good little girl that she is, she

will join me, though she would prefer

to be doing gymnastics. And I would

prefer it too, to watch her unclothed

and dripping with sweat and it flies

wildly as she tumbles and twirls and i

t's like the old days, Frenchmen

charging us and watching the machine

guns mow them down in rows!

"But before our nap a phonecall to

Radio Bavaria.


[in this spot there should be photo of Hitler on the phone smiling.]

"Yes, this is Adolf who lives in

the -- yes, thank you, and Zig

Heil to you, too. -- Well, now

that you mention it, perhaps

something relaxing tonight --

Schubert's 'Death and the

Maiden quartet'; Wagner's

'Love Death' from Tristan und

Isolde and the 'Funeral March'

from Beethoven's Eroica Symphony,

also Mozart's Masonic Funeral Music

and to cheer things up Richard

Straus's 'Death and Transfiguration.'

Oh, wait a moment, the Russians are

our friends this week -- let's hear Rachmaninoff's 'Isle of the Dead'

and also . . .."


[There should be a photo here of Hitler napping and Eva Braun, sitting in the soft chair beside him, awake, watching him.]

"When I'm relaxed like this, it

makes me melancholy for the last war.

"Those erotic nights of crouching in the darkness, listening to the howls of the

wounded and dying in no-man's land,

wishing there were a beautiful woman on

a mattress right in the middle of it all, perhaps lying in a crater made by a

420mm Krupp howitzer, even a 360mm Skoda

would do. I would crawl out to her, she

in her blonde fair skinned nakedness,

and -- but, alas, that was not to be.

Life is cruel.

Ah, and the good honest scent of trench

mud when winter turns to spring and the

half buried things from the autumn

offensives thaw. . .."


"Ah, such wonderful Aryan music.

Perhaps it is best this way. A

little Gotterdammerung. They're so

nice at Radio Bavaria, always

granting my requests and being so


"And while I doze the fond fantasies

come to me like old friends. Yes,

to have a Grand Wagnerian ending to

all this, just Eva and Me on a funeral

pyre -- Furtwangler and the Berlin

Philarmonic and Hitler Youth Choir

with the League of German Maidens

Choral Ensemble perfoming 'The

Entrance of The Gods to Valhalla'

from Das Rheingold -- the entire

world reduced to glowing heaps

of smoldering ashes."


*** *** *** ***


Great debut Eva -- unrequited love

always brings tears to my eyes!

*** *** *** ***

[ November 12, 2002, 09:04 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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"Nothing quite like the smell of a butcher in the morning to get get your blood pumping.""I can see that the boys from Brazil have finally got it right this time.""But at least, for once, we will all be working for the same team.""Eva, We have reserved you a place in our underground bunker where you will be safe from all these troubled times.""You will find that the one you seek is already waiting for you".

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Belmondo stands alone.

He flings the Camel-end into a bitterly weeping

Rain 'n wind.

There is Iconoclastin this midst,

I just know it is so.

Sure he does,

He knows it in the same way Rick once knew

That the Bosche wore gray,

And not black, and not blue,

When the skies obliterated that careless day

In a terrible, taunting outrage.

He knew.

Hell, where does... anything ...go?

When it is this and nothing much more,

But, the end

Of long-prophesied war, O

The end of Farben and Ford, and dank swords

Broken anymore - into plowshares - Ha Ha, who?

Could claim Moloch - Moloch as dreamed-for!

In such an ugly, ungainly, and banal way?

There is Iconoclastin this groveling mist,

And nobody knows... that I ...know it.

Belmondo shrugs, searches out the precious,

Sought-for key; almost angrily, he

Lights a fire in a pit-chamber of Hell.

The '57 Ford rag-top rockets off

Into a dank, mushrooming night,

And all you can see, should you be

Abandoned there in embitter lamplight,

Is rank upon rank of doleful soldiers,

Dwindling and

Tiny in the rain - like fast fizzling


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[There should be a photo here of Hitler smiling and speaking on a phone.]

"Yes, Goebbles, it's this Immer fellow -- he's written another entry. The man is great but neither myself nor Eva nor Speer understand his meanings -- do you? Better yet, do you know if he's working for us? Heydrich says he ought to be shot, but what else would he have said!"

[ November 12, 2002, 12:50 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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