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(Its the return of the-)New Custom Campaign for SC in Alpha Stage

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Well, felt now's as good a time as ever to announce

A New Campaign for SC is in it's Alpha Stages!

"Wait, Don't I know you from somewhere?"

"Perhaps, I am CvM, the long lost maker of Custom Campaigns for SC, back with another campaign (and what most likely will be, my last offering for SC1, *There are only SO many ideas :D *)"

Rrrrrriiiiight. Well, whats this campaign going to be about?

"I'm glad you asked, annonymous Claque! It is called:...."

The Turkish Option: Revisited

Waaaaaait a minute... don't you already have one called 'The Turkish Option Already out? And for quite some time I might add...

"Indeed I have, but this one is much different.

The year is 1942, August to be exact. The German Wehrmacht has launched its offensive on the Southern Front in Russia. While the 6th Army, supported by the 1st and 4th Panzer armies strike towards the city of Stalingrad, back home, Joachim von Ribbentrop, German foreign Minister has delivered the Fuhrer his greatest Political victory yet...

An Alliance with the Turks.

With Turkey in the War, the German's have another path towards the Oil Rich Caucases. It shall take some weeks to fully prepare the Turks for offensive operations, but as soon as they are prepared the combined German-Turkish forces will attack towards Grozny.

On the Opposite side, the Soviets and British race to send forces to the Region. The British manage to send 3 corps under the Command of Field Marshall Cunningham to Syria and Iraq, meanwhile the Soviets rush raw troops to the theatre.

Meanwhile, Rommel continues to fight in Africa, and America continues to industrialize and tip the balance of power into the Allies' favor.

This new theatre will not be a sideshow. It will be a brutal fight in the mountains of the Caucases with the prize being the very HEART of the Soviet war effort.

If these Oil fields fall, eventually so too the Soviet Union.

CvM Presents:

1942: The Turkish Option: Revisited

Coming to a PC near you. February 2004

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"You ask, who is this von Mannerheim guy?

"He wasn't much older than yourself when he first appeared here, starting off with jabs and pokes at the boring older members. No matter how hard they tried they could never catch him, he was always to fleet of foot.

"After a while he became restless, he sought something more challenging and began creating groundbreaking scenarios and exciting AARs. He was among the first to incorporate historic speeches and make intelligent -- often amusing -- use of photoghaphs, a technique he generously passed on to the masses, including his Desciple, JerseyJohn who had only recently escaped from the dreaded Museum of Ancient Relics."

"Wow --!"

"Yes, but he was still only beginning ..."

A crowd gathers around the campfire. Elders smile and nod approvingly at the ballad's retelling.

"... The two of them forced their way into the meandering FreeFrench Epic and, together with Zeres and General Billote, ran that classic into immortality, or something similar.

"After that there were a few more AARs, some scenarios, a final bout with Comrade Trapp, and he vanished, off to find adventure elsewhere.

"His onetime SC sidekicks -- most of them either burnt out or worse -- could only wave good-bye. Those who might also have gone, like the Double Ancients, Immer Etwas and JerseyJohn, were by then too old and wrecked from the AAR-Clone Wars to accompany him on the quest.

"So you see, it can't be said as Carl von Mannerheim, it has to be FIELDMARSHAL CARL G. E. von MANNERHEIM, of Finland Missouri, Grandmaster of the Immortal Scenarios and Golden AARs!"

"I -- I didn't know."

"That's okay, it isn't your fault, most say he's only a myth, but they're wrong, he's with us always, battling the General Forum and all other minions of the Dark Side of CyberPosting."


Looking forward to playing it, Patrick." smile.gif

[ February 01, 2004, 02:10 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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So you both had the same idea.

If you want people to see your scenario make it available to them. If you want to keep in a vault don't bitch when someone else makes something along the same lines. So what, his is probably not at all like yours. Why even mention it?

You've joined the millions of inventors who had their ideas stolen, nearly always by people who didn't even know they existed. The same is true of song and fiction and movie writers, every successful book or movie has a million creators who was stolen from.

Ridiculous. If it's important to you then send it to Otto's, announce it and that's the end of it. Some people will like it and some won't. You'll get some e-mail with mixed opinions.

Aside from which, this is a scenario based on an old scenario that he put out ages ago. I know because I downloaded the original ages ago.


I hope my New Years Resolution to be mellow is not being broken. What was said was intended in the friendliest possible way and I hope that's way you accept it.

If you don't want to go the Otto's route, just announce it and ask people to request it. You'll get plenty of responses.

Anyway, it doesn't matter how many people make scenarios on the same idea, how many variations of the Stalingrad campaign have been turned into wargames, or Gettysburg and forget Waterloo! :rolleyes:

It's an interesting idea. If there are two scenarios on the situation I'd enjoy seeing both and beyond doubt a lot of others would also.

[ February 01, 2004, 06:48 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Originally posted by Night:


you stole that idea from me. If I had the time I would track down my thread where I talked about the one I made, but never put up for download.

oh well whatever, I dont really care

Like I said... I don't really care.

I was just pointing out the fact.

Take the time to find that thread where you talked about it if your going to make the accusation. Otherwise it isn't fact, its a empty claim.
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Ok I don't know how else to explain that I don't care, so i'll take another step.

CvM i'd like to apoligize to saying you stole the idea, looking back it was to strong a word, and it seems it is more a case of us both thinking the same thing, or nearly the same thing.

Also, I have enjoyed all of the campaigns you have made that I have played and have no doubt I will like this one too.

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Originally posted by Friendly Fire:

Kurt88 and I are playing a variant of the '39 scenario with Turkey allied. Lots of action in the med, great fun!

CvM, looking forward to trying your scenario!


Is that the 1939 Turkish option u are playing?


No worries, I was never offended, lol, i just wanted to clear things up.


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CvM, we started with a standard 39 scenario, but Kurt used the wrong campaign. So as Allies I was quite surprised to find Turkey on my side.

I do not believe there were other modifications to the game. (oh ya, bid was 200 at 1:8).

The game has been balanced, but the Allies may be gaining the upper hand now with (finally) the arrival of the Siberians. We plan to play a mirror game so Kurt will also have a chance to exploit the Turkish alliance

At any rate, the game is quite interesting with way more activity in the Med than the standard '39 scenario.

Kurt, anything to add?

(and send me a turn!)

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Originally posted by Friendly Fire:

CvM, we started with a standard 39 scenario, but Kurt used the wrong campaign. So as Allies I was quite surprised to find Turkey on my side.

I do not believe there were other modifications to the game. (oh ya, bid was 200 at 1:8).

The game has been balanced, but the Allies may be gaining the upper hand now with (finally) the arrival of the Siberians. We plan to play a mirror game so Kurt will also have a chance to exploit the Turkish alliance

At any rate, the game is quite interesting with way more activity in the Med than the standard '39 scenario.

Kurt, anything to add?

(and send me a turn!)

If that's the case you may very well be playing the Turkish Option :D
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I'm the Ivans! :eek:

Wah'll, I suppose someone has to be.

Most people tell me I'm going to have a rough time and I figure okay, let's see what it is.

When you say it, I don't know why, exactly, but for some reason I'm


Other than that it sounds like an interesting twist.

Reminds me of our exchange during that Brest-litovsk test game:

CvM, "The Ivans have jets?!"

JJ - "No-no-no, they only look like jets!" ;)

Anyway, thanks for the warning, I'll fasten the seatbelt and shoulder harness and pray. Oh, that's right, I'll be a Godless Commisar! smile.gif

[ February 07, 2004, 05:58 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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