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Originally posted by Carl Von Mannerheim:

For some reason declaring war at the end of your turn(excluding russia) to me seems to negate the main advantage in any suprise attck. How bout withthe email you send a text message saying "x country has broken off relations with country x. Thereby informing your opponent of your hostile intentions.


Uhm...Von Mannerheim, have you been sniffing too many Cola Light corks again? ;)

[ July 10, 2002, 08:19 PM: Message edited by: Norse ]

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Originally posted by Carl Von Mannerheim:

seriously, why invade if they can attack you first?

You could invade any minor country right away, and reap the rewards.

This rule would adress the problems with Italy and USA.

USA gets a chance at defending herself by maybe moving a unit or two down to the coast, or calling up the units in Canada.

Italy gets the chance to move the fleet to safety.

When France and UK declared war on Germany, then they "could" have invaded but they didn't do anything. Then Germany put more troops on the border, and they lost the chance.


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Originally posted by Carl Von Mannerheim:

Or howabout if you invade a minor, the minors'miliyary units are not allowed to leave thier country.

No way, if your planning is so laughably bad that... say... as the Germans you can't take down Yogoslavia, I see no reason for Yugoslavia not to go on the offensive.

[ July 12, 2002, 03:16 PM: Message edited by: Compassion ]

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Originally posted by Compassion:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Carl Von Mannerheim:

Or howabout if you invade a minor, the minors'miliyary units are not allowed to leave thier country.

No way, if your planning is so laughably bad that... say... as the Germans you can't take down Yogoslavia, I see no reason for Yugoslavia not to go on the offensive.</font>
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Here's an incredibly gamey tactic that may or may not work. (I haven't tried it because I have never done badly enough to need to)

It would be used in a situation like the Allies defending against Sea Lion or some similar situation.

What you do is put most of your units in transports and position them just out of range of the German air fleets on the British coast. Then you let Germany invade southern England and waste their surprise bonus on nothing except maybe a corps in London. Then when its your turn you land your troops and use their surprise bonus (I assume they will get one but I could be wrong) against the German troops that have already taken damage from their landing. You lose your entrenchment bonus and probably only a couple of units will be able to attack but, just maybe, it might work.

Hopefully it isn't a successful tactic either currently or in the final version but its something that should be checked I think. Maybe I'll play a hotseat game with myself (hmmm that sounds bad doesn't it?) tonight to check it.

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