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Europeans are the best SC-players and discriminated


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Most likely the best SC players in the world are europeans. But most SC-players are undoubtly americans.

lets look at the latest zap-league top-10 standings;

1. Terif - european

2. Rambo - american

3. Zappsweden - european

4. Liam - american

5. Hombreplin - european

6. Leopard - american

7. Iron Ranger - american??

8. Kuniworth - european

9. Mannerheim - underage american

10. Golden Panda - ??

European players holds the 1st and 3rd position and that makes Europe the best SC-continent outthere. But the discrimination of european players is naturally a great disadvantage and makes the european achievements even greater. Why discriminated?? Due to SC is primarly played by americans allmost all TCP/IP games are played at night makin europeans more likely to make mistakes due to lack of sleep. Played at daytime results would be even more remarkable.

Camp America is declining, The SC-throne is at the moment in european hands...

[ July 30, 2003, 09:52 AM: Message edited by: Kuniworth ]

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Nice thread, the Forum knows how I feel about this issue. Correct, the top players are Euros, I've been trying to motivate Team America, it's a Ryder Cup thing. Codename Clone is a Euro, but retired (nothing else to copy) & was a Top 5 player.

The "can't find an opponent" because of time zones works both ways. For a guy like Puniworth, you want more opponents, so you're uplate. For Me, I want to play Zapp & Terif, so it's an all nighter.

Camp Rambo

Captain of Team USA

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Yep, retired would be the right word here, i just got tired but i still think this is "the game", maybe ive just played too many games. Ive fought memorable battles and had a big time, so i want to thank every tcp/ip player i played with for their fight and for being available no matter the time. I will be back someday when i feel "the game" again and hope to see you there.

I now play fast tcp/ip chess games and as rambo says im still a clone copycat, just doing the same movements all the time, sicilian defense, ...some1 else invented some centuries ago.

And ive never been a forum fan, but this forum is so great that i got hooked and began to partipate, i still come here from time to time to read some threads, now i see that although my previous post about u rambo, were kinda a funny stuff, my lasts posts had degenerated far beyond a decent point, sorry for those inappropiate things i might had said about u, but i guess a man like u could cope with it.

So long, fare thee well

Pip, Pip, Cheerio! We'll be back soon!

-from Oliver!-

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"And when we're in the distance,

-- you'll hear this whistled tune,

-- So long fare thee well,

-- Pip-Pip Cheeri-O . . ."

And so it was that the smiling Codename Condor exited stage left.


[ July 30, 2003, 05:47 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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