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Note to all Americans!

Desert Dave

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Originally posted by Jeff Heidman:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by SeaMonkey:

Yep! At least this "Simpleton" has simply more moral fiber than the last guy in that position, something this whole country/world could use a dose of.

Good point. Clearly all of America's problem are directly related to Presidential fellatio.</font>
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*** ***

Some people, even those who wish to maintain a low profile, find that politics is in thier blood and, sooner or later it just takes over!


A few improntu speaches, just like old times; once a public servant always a public servant.

-- "And let me tell you, my adapted people, that no one ever solved anything through a war -- on the other hand, a mass slaughter at regular intervals cleanses things, much like a good, healthy transfusion . . .."

Then it's back home for a candid interview.


"Yes, I have been living in this lovely country since mid-1945, Miss Walters -- Thank you, I take care of myself, no drinking or smoking or womanising and most of all I am a strict vegetarian.

-- Yes, it is an unfair law about having to be born here as a prerequisite and that is why it must be changed.

-- Of course I am a citizen!

-- Now, regarding that earlier subject, while I do not wish to defame others who perhaps lack the moral courage to put their life on the line and are simply weaklings and cowards yet ran for public office and -- sorry, I did not wish to become excited. Miss Walters, would you please pass me those pills over there. -- Yes, the large ones in the very huge bottle. -- Thank you Eva, I mean Barbara . . ..

-- The pills are, shall we say, a little of this and a little of that!

-- Calm again, much better, where were we -- ah, yes, as I was saying, unlike certain people who were born here and attained high office despite their contemptable cowardice, I neither dodged the draft nor joined an orgainzation such as the National Guard. No -- in fact, in my native land I was a highly decorated war hero, Miss Walters and -- ah, but I'm getting excited again and I'd meant to remain calm. Miss Walters, have you seen my pills by any chance?"

[ November 07, 2002, 07:37 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Originally posted by Jeff Heidman:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by SeaMonkey:

Yep! At least this "Simpleton" has simply more moral fiber than the last guy in that position, something this whole country/world could use a dose of.

Good point. Clearly all of America's problem are directly related to Presidential fellatio.

Enron, Worldcomm, declining stock markets, terrorists, protectionism, intolerance, hatred, widening gap between the rich and the poor, declining educational standards, all of it because of the "lack of moral fiber".

Yeah, the reformed alcoholic, draft-dodging, daddys boy is the poster child for "moral fiber". Uh-huh.

"He's stupid, but in a very *moral* way..." smile.gif


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While we are on the subject I would just like to point out that The South will rise again....Oh wait....I don't think that catch phrase has much cache anymore. I will consult with Abe Lincoln and get back to you on this one! There is a rumor someone was reading Abe's notes from the Gettysburg Address when the "Axis of Evil" just popped into their head. What a stroke of genius! It just has that special something that will ring true through the centuries. "Four score and seven years ago....blah....blah". Where is the punch? "Axis of Evil" now that's a zinger!!!!!

[ November 07, 2002, 09:18 PM: Message edited by: Zeres ]

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Ghandi: "Mr Bush, You are a very, angry young man.""You know, once, not so long ago, I defeated the might of the British Empire without ever resorting to violence or snorting cocaine.""Why don't you sit here in the corner with me and knit some clothes""It will calm you...You will feel better."

[ November 08, 2002, 06:08 AM: Message edited by: Zeres ]

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"Eleven years and sixteen resolutions to do nothing, so we do know something about the man!"

Guess who -- on -- guess who?

Abe Lincoln, the first Republican President, was also caricatured as a monkey. He was referred to as "The Original Orangutan" by his top general (McLellan '62) and his Secretary of War (Stanton) called him "a first rate second rate man" -- He was seldom referred to in terms as polite as "the simpleton." So the simian image succeeds in putting George W. in pretty distinguished company.

[ November 08, 2002, 05:16 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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interesting post John, you are refraining from biased political rhetoric. Your personal views remain close to your chest like a true politician or a poker player. Of course I always look for these qualities in my close associates because they know how to keep a secret. Never loose the element of surprise.

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Ghandi: "I also concur John...Look at this lame attempt of Propaganda by the British Government. I ask you does this look a bit like me""But did I cry like a little school girl when I saw it.""No no no.....of couse not."" I planned a counter-attack that could not be stopped."

"I killed them with kindness"


"What a lovely bouqet"..."and my note said" : "Kind Sir's"..."Do your worst."" I cannot be prevoked into crass acts of violence or retribution."

"The road was long but eventually my people were free...""More than one way to skin a cat I suppose" ( he chuckles) "not that I eat cats...I'm a strict vegitarian"..."just like "you know who"

" yes I know...he is a powerful warlord who can start wars with a wave of his hand"

"But I can stop a war by simply refusing to eat"

"That, my friends, is true power"

[ November 08, 2002, 05:36 AM: Message edited by: Zeres ]

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Nothing like a mission!

Despite all your precautions the British got a terrific front shot, what pros!

*** *** ***


"All this talk of war is very disturbing -- the more so as I have not got a fleet -- what use is a Gross Admiral without a fleet!"

[ November 09, 2002, 06:23 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Originally posted by satchel:

No one needs morals, but Clinton has more compassion, kindness, and love in his heart than Bush is capable of.

Umm... and that is useful in the leader HOW exactly?!

I should like to draw your attention to Machiavelli's The Prince, it is useful for a leader to be SEEN as liberal and kind, but it is not useful (or safe) to truly BE such.

A Prince (aka President, PM, King, etc.) can not HAVE the luxury of personal morality or kindness. (Clinton lacked the first anyway, lol) A leader's honor is inextricably bound to the honor or his country, and so his own personal needs become subordinate. I would not TRUST a leader willing to put personal morality before the needs of his people. What is good for his country is good for him, and such defines his actions.

[ November 08, 2002, 04:34 PM: Message edited by: I/O Error ]

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"The money from our tax cut went to buy the kids their pool. We'd much rather have our cash in hand, not in some corrupt government program like the one that was going to help put the kids through college. We can't afford Government waste -- especially not with the health care system being so lousy and there being no retirement plan at either of our jobs and Hank getting screwed out of unemployment last year."

[ November 09, 2002, 06:21 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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M.L.K: "I suppose I'm ok with my birthday being a national holiday." "The white folks take a day off from work and swim in the above ground swimming pool they bought with their $300 tax break."" But what I really want is a parade....Like the Italians and the Irish have got""But a funny thing happens when black folks gather in large groups in America"


"We get thrown into the tank."


"Free at last, Free at last....go figure."

[ November 09, 2002, 03:55 PM: Message edited by: General Billote ]

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