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Rambos identity finally proved


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Originally posted by Kuniworth:

Checked the ip-numbers through a friends software program. Yep Rambo is another player on this net....and I was right it´s the same ip as Hubert. Funny thing; this alias JerseyJohn also uses the same IP.

THat could mean that they are all aol'ers and all you are getting is the addy of an AOL proxy... mebbe... or you are getting the address of some router on the internet that they have in common within a hop or two of this home networks.

All three personalities have wildly different styles, I would be suprised if someone could be artful enough to pull that off without tripping themselves up especially when things get hot and heavy and posts come at the speed they soemtimes do.

[ December 29, 2002, 08:20 PM: Message edited by: Compassion ]

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Kuniworth....nice try but you have no proof to backup anything you say. I could argue that they are diffrent people by just talking about their member numbers (they are no where near each other), besides, you can tell they diffrent people because they have completely diffrent personalitys. Now quit causing trouble.

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Conspiracy Theories! I love it! Guess what guys, I'm actually Moon, and Eva Braun/Hitler and sometimes, when I'm really lucky, I'm Cobra Commander, modern day dictator with a socially acceptable and politically correct logo.

Otto = Not buying any of this

[ December 29, 2002, 09:08 PM: Message edited by: Otto ]

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"See, I was right about Otto being the -- Shuddup, we aren't safe yet, keep that wing flapping and that jaw fastened -- I told you to stop giving orders and it was me who said Otto was the -- why don't you both shuddup and besides, I'm the one who figured out Otto was the --"


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Will the Real Rambo Please Stand up Please Stand up!

"looks like we're gonna have a problem here"

Ya'll act like you never seen a loud person before

Jaws on the floor likr Rambo and JJ just burst through the door.

I started whoopin' in ass worse then before.

they first were flankin, throwin him over furniture (Ahh!)

It's the return of the... "Ah, wait, no way, you're kidding,

he didn't just say what I think he did, did he?"

And Mister Rambo said... nothing you grognards!

Rambo's dead, he's locked in my basement! (Ha-ha!)

Old Time gamers love CvM {*vocal turntable:

chigga chigga chigga*} "CARL Manny, I'm sick of him

Look at him, walkin around trashin this rambo foo

usin' his panzers on you," "Yeah, but he's so smart though!"

Yeah, I probably got a couple of screws up in my head loose

But no worse, than what's goin on in Rambo's 'puter room.

Some times i just wanna get on the forum and let loose. But i cant, but its cool For Kuni to kill a dead Moose.

"My panzers on your flanks, My panzers on your flanks, and Im lucky i might just give ur Air fleet a little dank." And that the message he give to little kids and expect not to know what the Nazi party is.

Of course they gonna know what Barbarossa is by the time they hit 10th Grade they got the History Channel Dont they?

"We ain't nothing but grognards.." Well, some of us cannibals

who cut other people open like cantaloupes

But if we can flank dead panzer truppen and antelopes

then there's no reason that my industrial tech i cant develope

But if you feel like I feel, I got the antidote

Otto wave your website round, sing the chorus and it sounds

I'm the real Rambo, yes I'm the real Rambo

All you other Real Rambos are just imitating

So won't the real real Rambo please stand up,

please stand up, please stand up?

I'm the real Rambo, yes I'm the real Rambo

All you other Real Rambos are just imitating

So won't the real real Rambo please stand up,

please stand up, please stand up?

Jersey John don't gotta cuss in his posts to get attention

well I do, so flank him and flank you too!

You think I give a damn about that army?

Half of your airfleets can't even reach me, let alone hurt me

"But Ram, what if you win, wouldn't it be weird?"

Why? So you guys could just lie to get me here?

So you can, sit me here next to CvM?

DAmn, Comrades Trapp better switch me chairs

so I can sit next to Hubert Cater and Madmatt

and hear 'em argue over who can delete that

Your little sub, robs me of MPP

"Yeah, he's tought, but I think his fleet is sunk , hee-hee!"

I should download this demo on BFC

and show the whole world how you gave CvM Victory {*AHHH!*}

I'm sick of you little spammers and yammers, all you do is annoy me

so I have been sent here to destroy you {*bzzzt*}

And there's a million of us just like me

who cuss like me; who just don't give a flank like me

who dress like me; walk, talk and act like me

and just might be the next best thing but not quite me!

I'm the real Rambo, yes I'm the real Rambo

All you other Real Rambos are just imitating

So won't the real real Rambo please stand up,

please stand up, please stand up?

I'm the real Rambo, yes I'm the real Rambo

All you other Real Rambos are just imitating

So won't the real real Rambo please stand up,

please stand up, please stand up?

I'm like a head trip to listen to, cause I'm only givin you

things you joke about with your friends inside your Forum room

The only difference is I got the gual to say it

in front of y'all and I don't gotta be false or sugarcoated at all

I just get on the thread and spit it

and whether you like to admit it {*ERR*} I just kid it

better than ninety percent of you posters out can

Then you wonder how can kids eat up these games like dames

It's funny; cause at the rate I'm goin when I'm thirty

I'll be the only person in the college Dorm gamin'

Kickin Krauts arses when I'm flankin round ur fortress

And I'm workin but this whole bag of Airfleets isn't working

And every single person is a Real Rambo lurkin

He could be workin at Best Buy, spittin on your SC9

{*HACH*} Or in the parkin lot, circling

Screaming "I just took France!"

with his windows down and his system up

So, will the real Rambo please stand up?

And put one of those fingers on each hand up?

And be proud to be outta your mind and outta control

and one more time, loud as you can, how does it go?

I'm the real Rambo, yes I'm the real Rambo

All you other Real Rambos are just imitating

So won't the real real Rambo please stand up,

please stand up, please stand up?

I'm the real Rambo, yes I'm the real Rambo

All you other Real Rambos are just imitating

So won't the real real Rambo please stand up,

please stand up, please stand up?

Ha ha

Guess there's a Real Rambo in all of us

forget it, let's all stand up

Ok, LOL im done

CvM (Not the Real Rambo)


Ahh, CvM and Rambo make up (CvM's the one on the Right)

[ December 29, 2002, 10:07 PM: Message edited by: Carl Von Mannerheim ]

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So, each of the 'Rambo's' went their separate ways.

Sir Rambo rode north, through the dark forest of Ewing, accompanied by his favorite minstrels.

Minstrel song: Bravely bold Sir Rambo

Brought forth from Camelot.

He was not afraid to die,

Oh, brave Sir RAmbo!

He was not at all afraid to be killed in nasty ways.

Brave, brave, brave Sir Rambo.

He was not in the least bit scared to be mashed into a pulp.

Or to have his eyes gouged out, and his elbows broken!

To have his kneecaps split, and his body burned away

And his limbs all hacked and mangled, brave Sir Rambo.

His head smashed in and his heart cut out,

And his liver removed and his bowls unplugged,

And his nostrils raked and his bottom burnt off,

And his peni--

Rambo: That's...That's, uh... That's enough music for now, lads. It looks like there's dirty work afoot.

Three headed knight: HALT!!! WHO ART THOU???

Minstrel: He is brave Sir Rambo, brave Sir Rambo, Who--

Rambo: Shut up!!! (to the knight) Um, n-n-nobody, really, I-I-I- J-Just, um, j-just passing through.

Three headed knight: WHAT DO YOU WANT???

Minstrel: To fight, and--

Rambo: SHUT UP!!! Um, ooh, n-nothing, nothing, really, I-I-I, j-just, just to, um, just to... p-p-pass through, good sir knight?

Three headed knight: I'M AFRAID NOT!!!

Rambo: Ah. (pause) Well, actually, I...I am a knight of the round table....

Three-headed knight: You're a knight of the Round Table???

Rambo: I am.

Three-headed knight:-

Left: In that case I shall have to kill you.

Middle: Shall I?

Right: Oh, I don't think so.

Middle: Well what do I think?

Left: I think, kill it!

Right: Oh, Let's be nice to him.

Left: Oh, shut up!

Middle: Perhaps...

Left: And you! Quick, get the sword out, I want to cut 'is head off!

Right: Oh, cut your own head off.

Middle: Yes, do us all a favour!

Left: What?!!

Right: Yappin' on, all the time...

Middle: You're lucky; you're not next to him!

Left: What d'you mean??

Middle: You SNORE!

Left: Ooh, I don't! Anyway, you've got bad breath!

Middle: Well it's only 'cause you don't brush my teeth!

Right: Oh, stop bitching and let's go and have tea!

Left: All right, all right, all right. We'll kill him first, and then have tea and biscuits.

Middle: Yes.

Right: Oh, not biscuits.

Left: All right, all right, not biscuits, but let's KILL HIM ANYWAY.



Minstrel: Brave Sir Rambo ran away.

Rambo: No!

Minstrel:Bravely ran away away....

Rambo: I didn't!

Minstrel:When Danger reared its ugly head,

He bravely turned his tail and fled

Rambo: No!!

Minstrel:Yes brave Sir Rambo turned about

Rambo: I didn't!

Minstrel:And gallantly chickened out..

Bravely taking to his feet

Rambo: I never did!

Minstrel:He beat a very brave retreat

Rambo: All lies!

Minstrel:Brave as ??-??, brave Sir Rambo!

Rambo: I never!

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Kuniworth -- "Funny no comment by Rambo. I guess he dont have to answer as Jerseyjohn is here.

You make me puke "

"It is only natural that this Kuniworth fellow, who hates Rambo, who he presently believes you to be, should act a bit deranged toward you. My advice is not to take it seriously. We shall discuss it further next visit. That will be $50 please and I'll take $5 off if you give him my card, he sounds like a live one!"


[ December 30, 2002, 03:05 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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should be a still of Perry White, Jimmy Olsen, Louis Lane and Superman


"That's it everybody, say cheeez -- good. It will be on the front page of the RedEye Edition. Too bad Rambo wasn't here."

"Gosh Chief, I still think it's sort of suspicious the way JerseyJohn and Rambo are never in the same posting at the same time saying the same thing together."

"I thought I told you to go and clean the damn --"

"I'll bet Miss Lane thinks so too, don't you Miss Lane --?"

"Kuniworth, I think you took a bad trip and you need a new supplier."

"Look Chief, he's even wearing the same ring as JerseyJohn!"

"I'm telling you for the last time to stop this insane --"

"Aw Chief, I wouldn't be too hard on young Kuniworth, probably just some whacked out delerium caused when I headcracked --I mean, uhhh, when Rambo last headcracked him."


Really, Dude, thought my little charade was safe -- how long've you had us figured out! -- Rambo says you gotta admit when you're discovered! -- Rambo says he's proud of Kuniworth who he taught so much to! -- Rambo says it's good to have honor students!

Rambo>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Proud Teacher!

-- * --

tz089-02.jpg "Like the man said, 'Depressing, very depressing.'"

[ December 30, 2002, 04:37 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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