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Riga Rule Unfair


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It's excessive to stop amphibious landing into Riga in exchange for getting rid of the RomeGambit...

If the Gambit was never found would it be introduced?

Also as you cannot DOW the USA which is Ahistorical. She wasn't going to DOW unless very pushed...

Why should the Allies get to DOW Italy at all? She doesn't collect any MPP for the first round and is in a particularly weak position.

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#1 --- Riga landings were banned like "pork barrelled" politics rolled into the RRI (Rambo Rome Invasion). This was thrown in without much discussion. I've gotten to the point were I don't care what the rules are, long as there is a bid for sides.

#2 --- DOW can be done against USA, it was reversed (I started a thread for a vote). BUT, has it be reversed due to the Russian/Italian landing? That is a good question. I've never seen a German DOW on USA, so why was it ever made a rule.

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