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AAR: Terif Vs Condor

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May 3, 1942:


- Helsinki under attack

- german army destroyed near Minsk, rocket under attack

- heavy battles between Kiev and Odessa


- Portugal still allied, US armies embarking at Gibraltar, only 2 of them left in Spain. No US losses so far.

- naval battle, last italian battleship destroyed. German air in Sicily - UK ships attack it and bombard Tripoli, allied transports in the Med looking for open cities...


- Invasion started: US forces land massively around Brest supported by HQs and several UK and US AFs.

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May 31, 1942:


- Finland surrenders

- too many rockets near Odessa, so Russia decides to abandon it and retreat behind the next river

- heavy battles around Minsk


- Evacuation successful, only one last US army in Gibraltar. But since it is only str 4 now, it may be destroyed next turn

- Malta liberated, several allied ships moving east in the Med


- Allies destroy 2 german airfleets near Bordeaux and in Bilbao (Spain)

- Bordeaux and Paris under attack by US armies. Reinforcements arrive in Brest and Brussel

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June 21, 1942:


- Kiev abandoned...new defence positions at Kharkov-Sevastopol

- still heavy battles around Minsk. The city stays russian smile.gif


- US army in Gibraltar destroyed with the last attack. Portugal still allied.

- As a compensation for Gibraltar Allies occupy Algier. Together with Tangier Allies hold Westafrica.


- Axis operate new AFs into the battle...not a good idea: one of them gets destroyed in Bilbao again. US army occupies the city and attacks one of the rockets standing nearby, reducing it by 4 str points. Heavy attacks at Bordeaux.

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The problem is you simply don´t have a chance agains UK in the air when they reach jets lv 3 since then their carriers become effective. To operate the AFs in the west is usually the beginning of the end for Axis ;) .

July 5, 1942:


Russia DoWs Turkey.

Istanbul taken by amphibious landings. In the east one border unit destroyed, the other 2 cut off and heavily damaged. Russia moves in with 2 full task forces (2 HQs + 10 combat units, mainly armies and tanks)


Germany looses another 2 AFs in the battle. Allied forces retreat from Bordeaux after 4 rockets are in the neighbourhood. UK has no longrange, so the rockets have to move a bit more north so the UK AFs can reach them ;) .


Malta occupied again after italian transports appear...transports attacked by UK cruiser.

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Originally posted by Codename Condor:

BOMBING LONDON PROVES USELESS, ive lost too many mmps but inow moral for allies is low i dont think there are willing to fight much more.

With their tanks, and their bombs

And their bombs, and their guns

In your head, in your head they are cryin'

In your head, in your head, Zombie, Zombie, Zombie, eh, eh

Whats in your head, in your head Zombie, Zombie, Zombie, eh, eh, eh

oh, doodoododododoodoo.....

(Cranberries - Zombie)


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July 19, 1942:

Axis surrender

Russia goes in the offensive and retakes Kiev and Riga. Turkey is doomed (eastern city conquered, another 2 units destroyed. Russian transports in the eastern Med, Tripoli taken by UK forces.

Heavy axis losses in France during the allied counterattack...Axis surrender

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I surrender. Russian troops now in the offensive and i dont think i can kill allies forces in France for i only got 2 AFs. The med is lost also with no ships to fight. And turquia and iraq...lost.

Rocket tech stalled in level 3. I needed 5 and i invested a lot to get it: 4 chits and 6 rockets.

The bad start in russia + bad strategy in Spain costed me the war. I DOW on Greece to get Yugo in the war and train my rockets, but they were there standing still cos not a single partisan arrived (even tho i ddint let a single troop in yugo's soil).

Bad training with rockets in London also, i lost there too many MMPs bombing his corps in London: useless.

I shoulda done better cos i had a lot of time since i took france, early June 40.

FUn and different game.

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Great game Condor...you had a good chance to challenge Terif...as you had an unusual early and good France against him.

But from that point you lost the point to do the rite thing. This bombing missions and rockets ag london were a bad mistake as you can only play ag a newby in this way.

But you proved anyway that you are one of the best players out here.

Good luck to your next game against Terif.

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i dont think the rocket strategy is to win newbies, the rocket strategy is to beat Terifs. U have to make something different and surprise him to win, just like rambo and his carrier stratagem. But if u r always doing that same thing we will beat u again cos he knows perfectly what he has to do.

The problem was that i didnt played well after France. The start in Russia was a joke. Maybe i bought more rockets that i could afford at this stage of the war. And Spain was a nightmare, Garibaldi and a swarm of italian troops dedicated more time to contemplate the landscape than to fight. And it was a real mistake to bomb London with air, i shoulda operated the other 2 rockets i had in Yugo waiting for partisan than never showed up.

What was the chance to get partisans if u have not a single troop in yugo soil i wonder????

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Originally posted by Codename Condor:

i dont think the rocket strategy is to win newbies, the rocket strategy is to beat Terifs. U have to make something different and surprise him to win, just like rambo and his carrier stratagem. But if u r always doing that same thing we will beat u again cos he knows perfectly what he has to do.

The problem was that i didnt played well after France. The start in Russia was a joke. Maybe i bought more rockets that i could afford at this stage of the war. And Spain was a nightmare, Garibaldi and a swarm of italian troops dedicated more time to contemplate the landscape than to fight. And it was a real mistake to bomb London with air, i shoulda operated the other 2 rockets i had in Yugo waiting for partisan than never showed up.

What was the chance to get partisans if u have not a single troop in yugo soil i wonder????

Rockets can do hellish damage if you can afford them. Once the experience is up on them, on certian fronts they allow for busting the line without taking damage in return. Usually I noticed when I do a poor Allied France, people buy them and train them on London or another location. Otherwise it's difficult to find the time neccessary to get the maximum bang for your buck. Axis have a short time frame to get up other 'techs' that're ten times more vital and units as well. If you are buying Rockets as Axis as a token, I assume you likely feel you've won already.

The Key to Spain IMO if you're going in late, is to have at least 1 or 2 German Tanks, surround both her Coastal Cities turn 1 of the invasion and it's over in max 4 Turns with BareBones forces. If the Allies operate in, they're locked in for the the duration. Italians are very poor quality troops, their HQ is almost worthless. Save up and spend those Italian MPPs on something that compliments their Germans.

That you had a chance to play Terif Rocks, I haven't in ages. I can't stomp Rambo lately, so I'm likely not up to par to challenge Terif. I find out that with Rambo, I'm not aggressive enough. If you can play MR. Conservative and win with MPPs<usually as Allies> you can beat Rambo as he'll get bored but Terif is a different story. Rambo is very aggressive and he'll eat you alive if you can't adapt strategies... It's best to ignore new strategies unless they kill a lot and play your own style rather trying to win at another's style, unless you're that versatile..

You have to known how to stop 'experience'. You have to know how to 'effectively run an offensive' to beat these top dogs... The rest is hard enough.

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well, in a game with rambo i made the worst campaign ever in france. France fell in October 40. i invested hevily in rockets and even tho i failed to make a good attack on russia (cos readiness jumped from 85 to 98 and i wasnt ready to attack so most russian units scaped), i managed to put the war at a stall, D-day invasion was repelled and russian troops didnt come for a fight. When u can kill 1 BB with just two rockets, and 1 russian army with another 2, even the agressive rambo can turn into the most cautious fellow.

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