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Iraq in SC?????


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Hey can anyone here help me out with something at all please? I'm playing as Germany and I'm in a stalemate war with Russia, I push them back then they push me back and so on and so forth. Thus, I'm looking for a way to cut their economy and lessen their ability to reinforce current units and send more troops to the front. The USSR's south-eastern oil fields seem to be my prime target. But, I can't do an amphibious invasion from Italy or nearby northern Africa (damn that damn canal that runs through Constantinople, or Istanbul in modern day). So I was thinking of trying to get Iraq on my side so i could invade the undefended USSR south, but I need some help please.

Does anyone know any strategies to get Iraq to come to my side at all? If so thanks a bunch.


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There are a few ways to accomplish this goal. You must take Alexandria and Suez first. Bombard it to Hell..

Send in your full fleet assisted by German Air right after fall of France. Knock out vichy and take Syria for supply help locate 4-5 italian corps and 1 german corps.. and 2-3 air and perhaps an italian army and she will fall in 1 rnd. However if you think going through the mountains of Iraq to get to USSR is easy, think again. Sometimes it's more a liability... Without Spain and Gibraltar especially.

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Is Finland still fighting?

Have you though about Transporting an German HQ with a couple of Armies or even a Tank Group there?

You'll be surprized how it helps...

- Some reinforcement possible near Leningrad... Like 7 or 8...

- Full reinforcement possible near Helsinki...

- You have enough supply to move around lake Ladoga (the lake just right of Leningrad)...

The best spot to put it is in the Finland swamp hex closest to Helsinki, just north of Leningrad...


As for Iraq, Liam is quite right...

- Be master of the Mediterranean sea...

- Capture Vichy France to have Syria as a base of operation...

- You can bypass Egypt and transport directly to Syria if you wish, but be mindful that you won't have any port to return home... Then again, you can attack Egypt both side that way: One group starting from Lybia attacking the left and your landed troops in Syria attacking the right...

- Don't forget some HQs... They will help you in Iraq, but they will be necessary in USSR...

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I don't really want to attack Iraq though, just convince them to join the Axis. The mountain fighting would be too hard. Yes I did try sweeping around through Finland and attacking the nearly undefended Moscow, but the USSR then moved their veterans from Siberia to defend it. It has pushed back their lines a little however. I just want Iraq to join my side so that I can puch into the USSR's southern oil fields since there are NO troops down there. It would cut their economy significantly before they could send troops to reinforce the area which would decrease their defence of the front lines.

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The straits of the dinarides unfortunately are unpassable for the axis as long as turkey isnt convinced to join. So theres no way to launch an amphibious operation against the eastern shore of black sea then. In fact, the turkish leadership allowed the dinarides to be passed by german navy until the crimea was lost.

About Iraq: they will only join your alliance the hard way, so move out soldier ! :D

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Why not take Constantinople?

Then you can launch an invasion fleet through the straits and land on the shores of south eastern Russai or launch an overland assualt on the Turkish capital. Once the Turkish capital falls, operate forces to the eastern turkish city to invade Russia or attack Iraq.

How to take Constantinople?

Option 1: Have Italy take Greece in one turn (with a seaborne invasion supported by an air unit in Albania). This gives Italy and extra 200+ MP's. Then launch an assault on the land units guarding Constantinople using 3 Itallian units (army or armor supported by an HQ unit) and 1 or 2 Itallian Air and destroy 1 unit each turn. Then assault the city using Naval, Air and Land units. This city will usually fall in one turn.

When doing this it is advisable to land an Italian corp on the eastern side of the straits. Then it can move to seize the straits and box in the Russisan fleet that imediately moves down to the Constantinople port hex.

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Thing is though i need to hold the line against Russia, I don't really have the resources for a tough war in the Turkish mountains.

About the hard way comment, well I've been trying that. Finland has joined me, I've taken Vichy France, Portugal, France, Denmark, Poland, the Low Countries, Baltic States, and Italy, Romania, Hungary, and Bulgaria have all joined my alliance. What else need I attack to get Iraq to join me? Britain?

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Unfortunatly SC comes without the diplomatic system of Clash of Steel, where you were rewarded with diplomatic points for conquering a nation. With these points it was possible to press a nation into your alliance. Some countries (like Iraq) were easily bribed by you diplomatic attemps.

In SC you only choice is the declaration of war against the Iraq. Maybe an early landing at Suez (normaly undefended) and you got a harbor and an invasion of Iraq becomes possible.

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