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Ryder Cup PBEM Archibald & JerseyJohn


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Bid withdrawn and awaiting a response from my opponent.

Archibald, I'll leave the opening Axis bid at 1:8 up to you. If you want to do so through an e-mail, it's:


Looking forward to hearing from you.

< Click Here to go to Part II of the AAR >

[ September 09, 2003, 08:18 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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You're wise not to trust people with freckles. My wife's freckles are all that stand between myself and Freedom!

Now I'm depressed.

Raising the bid to 75 MPPs for the Axis.

"Yes my wife is the lady with the freckles and no I haven't seen her since I planted this tree. Say, I've got a good game, let's play 'it's time for you nosy little brats to run home and bother your parents!'"


[ August 17, 2003, 01:27 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Kuniworth: He is a highlander.....our own european Braveheart

Oak: As I recall, Braveheart died under torture. Is that the fate we can expect for Archibald in this game? Will Archibald be painting his face blue as he sits down to do battle against JerseyJohn?

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Originally posted by Oak:


You showed the Scottish flag, if I am correct. I thought you were English. What part of Britain are you from, exactly?


I'm not English. Calling a Scot english is like calling a Canadian an American. <ahttp://community.battlefront.com/uploads/emoticons/default_wink.png' alt=';)'> I live in Edinburgh.

[ August 17, 2003, 09:36 AM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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Originally posted by Oak:

As I recall, Braveheart died under torture. Is that the fate we can expect for Archibald in this game? Will Archibald be painting his face blue as he sits down to do battle against JerseyJohn?

I don't plan to, but then I'm not an Australian pretending to be a Scot when I'm actually in Ireland. smile.gif


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Thank You Some_God, Now I'm Inspired!

-- Actually, the Business was hit harder by the nation's overall lack of prosperity. :D


Beam it up to 110 MPPs, nearer the Highlands.

-- A Great Painting, but a short time later those same Scots Greys were bogged in mud and impaled wholesale by French lancers! That's the trouble with glory, too often it becomes The Glory and the Grave.


-- Edward Longshanks, a Great General, they say? Ah, and with my French-daughter-in-law carrying my enemy's son while my heir is busy playing hide and seek with choirboys! Woe is me, oh woe is me! Old Edward also gave the slow death treatment to a one-time Welsch Ally who renegged on their agreement after Longshanks helped dethrone the guy's brother.

An Australian in Ireland pretending to be Scottish -- Yes, they went to Ireland because the weather in Scotland was too bad to film in. What really gets me is the removal of The Bridge from history! It wasn't convenient so, it just didn't happen that way, rewrite history to suit our filming needs.

Nothing new with that, Hollyweird's been doing it for decades.

[ August 17, 2003, 03:24 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Originally posted by JerseyJohn:

-- A Great Painting, but a short time later those same Scots Greys were bogged in mud and impaled wholesale by French lancers! That's the trouble with glory, too often it becomes The Glory and the Grave.

But that same French cavalry couldn't break through British infantry in square later in the afternoon could they?


I bid 125. Europe will prevail against your decadent American jazz culture!

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"Oh, Baby, of all the things I've come up with -- The Plague, Kidney Pie, The Inquisition, Blood Pudding, Germany, The Crusades, Frenchmen and all the rest -- the two I'm most proud of are Jazz and American Decadence."


Another Great Painting!

True, all the French cavalry were wasted in multiple attacks against the British center. The French kept overwhelming the same artillery pieces in each charge and nobody thought to either spike the guns or even turn them around to hit the infantry squares being attacked. The gunners were allowed to run to safety each time the cavalry approached, and return to the guns each time the cavalry withdrew to reorganize.

After Russia the French Army made many mistakes like that. Tactically, Waterloo was one of their most poorly fought battles.

The Decadent Americans bid 135 MPPs for the Axis.

[ August 18, 2003, 01:12 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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If you're so determined to play the Axis then they're yours sir. 175 for the British Empire and 1,400 for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. My e-mail is archibald@blueyonder.co.uk

That pipe frightens me. It's like a painting by Magritte; both commonplace and deeply strange. The thought of playing someone who keeps a three foot long pipe in the bathroom unnerves me.

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I have to keep it in the bathroom, all the other rooms are full of tobacco.

Well, my opening strategy has failed, I was hoping we'd bid for the next couple of months and I'd be able to back out of this thing gracefully, but it wasn't to be.

Having gotten the Axis, it's off to find some . . . COURAGE! and then, the first move.

Good Luck, within reasonable limits, of course.


[ August 19, 2003, 02:12 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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"Geez, now he's got 175 extra UK MPPs and the Soviets, I don't even wanna think about them Soviets with all those MPPs. . .

"The Ruy Lopez Crossover and the McEnroe racket toss, Geez, the guy's right, that's what I gotta do. Thanks disorder, you saved me!

"Now what was I looking for? Oh yeah, my courage, where'd I leave my courage this time?. . .."


[ August 19, 2003, 06:25 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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The War Begins:

No longer able to tolerate their neighbor's constant taunting, Germany expresses its displeasure by invading Poland. In the spirit of international friendship and cooperation, Hitler invites his friend, and fellow sociopath, Joseph Stalin to spread Soviet joy and happiness to the eastern part of the country.

Stodgy and unreasonable, Britain and France declare war on Germany. Lacking a will of it’s own, Canada imitates the other two and claims to have done so before either of them. Kids!

1) Luftflotte II bombs the Pomeranian Army at 37,12 and is intercepted by the Polish Air Force. The Pomeranian Army is reduced to 80% effectiveness.

2) 4th Army moves east from 36,12 to 38,12 attacking the Pomeranian Army from the Northeast, resulting in 80/60 % effectiveness.

3) 8th Army moves north from 37,14 to 37,13, attacking the Pomeranian Army from the South, resulting in 90/50 % effectiveness.

4) Luftflotte I attacks the tenaciously defending Pomeranian Army, reducing it to 40% effectiveness.

5) 3rd Army moves from 39, 12, East Prussia, to 38, 13, attacking the stubborn Pomeranian Army from the East, but fails to destroy it.

6) Luftflotte IV bombs and destroys the battered remnants of the Pomeranian army. With a sigh of relief, Chief of Staff Franz Halder says, “If they all fight this way we’ll be stuck in Poland for a year!”

7) It’s path finally cleared, XIX Panzer Group moves from 36,13 to 39,13, attacking the Poznan Corps from the Northeast and reducing it to 60% effectiveness.

8) XVI Panzer Group moves out from Czechoslovakia into the Polish interior (37,15 to 39,15) to attack the Lodz Army (38,15) from the Southeast, resulting in 90/80 % effectiveness.

9) 10th Army moves from 37,16 to 37,15, attacking the Lodz Army from the West, and reducing it to 50% effectiveness.

10) 14th Army leaves the Carpathians (3817 to 3816) and attacks the Lodz Army from the Southwest, resulting in 90/30% effectiveness.

11) VII Corps moves from Danzig, around it’s Polish adversary, to the outskirts of Warsaw, where it attacks the Polish Air Force, reducing it to 40% effectiveness.

12) VII Corps leaves Prague for the Carpathians 3817 to attack the Krakow Corps at 3916, reducing it to 70% effectiveness without noticeable loss to itself.

13) II Corps moves from Berlin to 3715 Oder, linking Army Groups North and South while attacking the Lodz Army, resulting in 90/20% effectiveness.

14) XI Corps operated into Danzig.

15) Bock HQ (Army Group North) and Rundstedt HQ (Army Group South) moved east remaining in contact with the Front.

Not wishing to give away his double agent status, Admiral Wilhelm Canaris disguises himself as a gardener and waves a banner a hundred miles from the Maginot Line, "Hey Frenchies -- They're busy in Poland, hardly anyone here defending the place!"

Disgusted by the forced deviation from Manstein's invasion plan, Hitler begins an investigation to find out where the original plan, to quickly take Warsaw, had gone wrong.

[ August 19, 2003, 09:53 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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17 Sep 39


He's committed totally to Poland at the moment. Thankfully the Poles got off relatively lightly and only lost one army. The remaining Poles withdraw into a tight defensive huddle around Warsaw to weather the next turn. I'm about 80% confident of Poland holding till Turn 3. A good start in the east.

In the west Chamberlain, to the amazement of the rest of the world, declares war on a British dominion. The skies of Dublin are alive with Hurricanes, Swordfishes and Whitleys. After a fortnight's fierce aerial and naval bombardment the Free State's single corps is down to half strength.

Off Cape Finisterre Force H led by HMS Hood runs into a U-boat ambush. In a fierce exchange the RN naval group is knocked down to 5, with it's opposing wolfpack being knocked down to 6. The question now is where's the other wolfpack?

Everything quiet in France. For now.


[ September 17, 2003, 06:38 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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