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French resistance


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There was no "real" partizanship in France, the way there was in Yugoslavia and the USSR. The myth of the "French Resistance" was created after the war was over, as a sop to French pride.

This is not to take away from those brave Frenchman and Frenchwomen who actually did work against and fight against the Nazis. However, there were no militarily significant units, and thus no activity at the scale of this game.

If you really wanted to model the effect of the French Resistance (and the Low Country Resistance, and the Danish Resistance, etc), then just lower the income you get from those areas by one or two.

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With all due respect, thats not entirly accurate. You see, in the summer of 42(41?) there was a corps sized unit of frech resistance in the south. Now, given frances shape, any partisan unit deployed in the same manner as in yugo, would capture a city. There for the partisans should only spawn 1)after vichy has been conquered. 2) after the allies have landed in France.

However given the present way of simulating partisans i agree the french should be left out.

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I bring back this post because I too think that French partisan effect should be depicted in the game.

First reasons, the Russian partisan are as much a myth as the French one if not more. Read the Mytrokyn Archive (the group in Kiev for example simply kill each other without affecting the Germans). Most of the so called partisans were special forces or NKVD soldiers not liked by the populations.

True the French resistance was quite small and get bigger only with time. That is dur to a strategic choice of most "maquis" units : they reckoned (and were told so) that the allied will made a landing so they were wanting for that moment to enter action. I agree too that the number of resistants increased after the collapsed of Vichy.

That led to the problem of displaying partisan as military units. The activity of the French partisan where Intelligence (mostly) and sabotage (few until the the week before the D-Day).

What one as to understand is that the D-Day was made easier to the allied because of the Intel and sabotage operation of the resistance just before it.

That lead me to think that partisan activity should be seen as Partisan point pool to act action in the partisan's country. For example 1pt could be used to spot some hex in the country, while five point could be used to by the actual partisan unit. 2pt to change owner ship of a hex. The pool could be either spend or it could replenish each turn, but each turn the garnison could have a chance to damaged the pool.

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I can see where you are all coming from on the Partisan question. I think that the big difference between Western Europe and Eastern Front/Balkans is that in France essentially as was pointed out the resistance carried out acts of sabotage, intelligence gathering, assasination and helping shot down fliers evade capture - in the East though much larger partisan groups operated actually attacking German rear echelon units and their supply train.

I believe that the game reflects this difference in that the Germans need to leave units to garrison cities in the Balkans and USSR or the partisans move in - this abstractedly creates the effects of the partisans tying down large numbers of units who otherwise would be better employed at the front.


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Ah so, good to see you active again CvM. :cool:

Older and wiser, though, no doubt, some things

Shalt never change, eh?

Like your soon to be re-baptised thread:

"Where is that Finnish HQ!"


Maybe the soon approaching SC2! will Include one, for the older you?

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Originally posted by Immer Etwas:

Ah so, good to see you active again CvM. :cool:

Older and wiser, though, no doubt, some things

Shalt never change, eh?

Like your soon to be re-baptised thread:

"Where is that Finnish HQ!"


Maybe the soon approaching SC2! will Include one, for the older you?

God willing, wouldnt even be surprised that if in the user manual for sc2, when its referring to Minors' Hq's it includes the foot note:

*implemented as a way to end CvM's endless bugging, same goes for the FORTIFICATION ON THE KARELIAN ISTHMUS... :D

Ah, i look forward to SC2,

actually today i am going to play SC for the first time in a long while...

sry to hijack the thread...


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