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Definitions: Gaming words, volume 1


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I want to take time-out & educate the masses regarding some vocabulary words. I ain't no Daniel Webster (for you Euros, Dan is the dude who wrote a major English dictionary.)

Captain --- The one leader of a particular country who respresents SC for their nation. Example: Captain CvM, Team-Finland. Only one Captain per country is allowed at one-time. There is no such thing as Co-Captain, instead Captains can have a "Wingman".

Crowd-Favorite --- Person who is loved & rooted for by the masses.

Forum Buster --- Somebody who posts on the Forum who is busting others balls or a particular subject. Remember, it must be done within the proper rules, but does require being on the edge. Those who go outside the lines will get written up by Moon.

Head-Cracked --- Noun or Verb. Describes trashing an enemy unit on the tactical level. Can describe a strategic beating too.

Icon --- Person who has clout in the SC world. Current Icons are: Jersey, CvM, Hubert, BrianTheWise, Jolly. Many others are close to earning this title.

"I ain't the AI" --- Label placed on spuds who think the Articifical Intelligence is actually Intelligent.

Language Lawyers --- Gamers who learn corner case rules, don't tell those rules, then spring them, to screw you over. Example: '47 stallmate strategy.

Legend --- Highest title given to a SC-player. Requires more than just game; requires charisma, character, & Forum status. Nominations can only occur after doing something 'Legendardy' either on the Battlefield or Forum.

newbie --- aka 'rookie'. Beginning to play SC. They need to 'know their role' regarding posting.

"nice take, rack 'em" --- Reward given for worthwhile or valuable post. Original creator is Jim in the Jungle.

Over-Rated --- Term used to bash a popular wrong SC strategy. Inversely used, Under-Rated.

"You're either with us, or against us" --- When groups are divided on a subject, this take forces people to make a decision. Original creator is President George W. Bush.

Warm & Fuzzy --- Feelings of the natural man. May or may not give one a false sense of security.

World-Beater --- A person who defeats SC-opponents from all over the globe. The original Cool Hand Luke.

[ January 04, 2003, 11:55 AM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

[QBLanguage Lawyers --- Gamers who learn corner case rules, don't tell those rules, then spring them, to screw you over. Example: '47 stallmate strategy.[/QB]

Funny thing that you bring that subject up again. Since when did it become gamey to know the rules?

which part of the following victory conditions don't you understand?

Just because you asked me what a win was and that I was not sure myself does not give u an excuse to use later on, in the case you lose.

I always referreded to the manual errata file (line 50 something) but you did not want to read it. Pretty dull to type all the 10+ lines of rules from the manual (in the SC chat window) when you simply could open the file and read it yourself.

So your ego tells you that i must have screwed you with the rules. Tough luck! Read the rules once again so that you know them in our rematch (after i have wipped your ass in this game). tongue.gif

So in 1947, the game will tell us who won, regardless of our knowledge in the rules. Truth is, i have never battled all the way to 1947 since one side gets destroyed earlier (in 99% of the cases). Just focus on destroying the enemy and take his land. It works good for me, evidently.


Axis Stalemate Victory Conditions (May 7th, 1947)

- Both Germany and Italy have not surrendered, France has surrendered and either London, Moscow,

Stalingrad or Leningrad are in Axis hands

Allied Stalemate Victory Conditions (May 7th 1947)

- Either Germany or Italy have surrendered or

- England, the USA and the USSR have not surrendered and either France has been liberated or Italy

surrendered and both London and Moscow are not occupied by the Axis

[ January 04, 2003, 06:54 AM: Message edited by: zappsweden ]

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