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European Union (beware of bureacrats bringing gifts)


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Oh my, you have touched my soul...you know I like my Jimmy!!! I started listening to him when I got saved at the newbie age of 5. I used to get up early mornings in the 1970's on Sunday before Church & dance in front of the set with Jimmy's preaching.

Sweet, sweet anointing, flowing down to make me clean, like a mighting rushing stream. Sweet, so sweet anointing, pouring out the oil of white all over me.

Gone at last, gone at last, my sins are gone at last. I've had a long streak of that bad, bad, time. I once was lost in sin, but Jesus took me in.

I was on the mountain, wondering from the fountain, when I heard my Savior speak to me.

I just came to praise the Lord, I just came to praise the Lord, I just came to the Lord. I just came to praise Him, I just came to praise Him!

Come ye sinners, lost & hopeless. Jesus blood can make you free. For he saved, the worst among you, we he saved a wrench like me. And I know, yes I know-o, Jesus blood can make the vilest sinner clean. And I know-o, yes, I know-o, Jesus blood vilest clean. To the things, he giveth power, thru the mountains, he makes a way. Findeth water, in the desert, & turn the mountains in golden ways. And I know-o, yes, I know, Jesus blood can make the vilest sinner clean.

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Originally posted by Curry:

Rambo stated - </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Screw Pershing, my Uncle K. crossed the Atlantic, hunted & sunk U-Boats.

If your uncle truly crossed the atlantic and sunk U-boats during the WWI era then I doubt that he would agree with you to "Screw Pershing". General Pershing was a great American hero and in his time was much bigger than Pattor or Ike ever became. He was a great American!!! I would not have expected you, Rambo, to DISPARAGE a Great American and a great General like General Pershing. IF you know your history it was the French who wanted to take our American Doughboys and just through them into the line placing them under the control of the French and the Brits in WWI. It was Pershing who said, "NO" that will never happen and insisted on our American force acting under American commanders and acting independentaly under the allied command. General Pershing was a very good General and a Great American in his day. </font>
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Roosevelt45(the 2nd)

Thanks for those kind remarks and I'm grateful.

Ironically I've managed to alienate about thirty people at two of my websites over the past few months (Ricks -now JJs Clubhouse < JJs Clubhouse > and The Writing Club < The Writing Club > ) where I've become a sort of raving madman! :eek:

Well, it's good to be versatile! :D

By the way, Everyone is welcome to become a member of JJs Clubhouse. There is no theme and no agenda, only a place for people to meet and talk freely without being smeared by others. Naturally, this means nobody is allowed to smear anything on anyone else. Controversy and argueing are fine, as opposed to bitterness and mudslinging.

Another click point -- I changed the one I posted earlier, which led to the wrong screen.

< JJs Clubhouse >

[ September 15, 2004, 04:28 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Brother Rambo

I've got some catching up to do on your posts here.

For a start, we agree about the U. S. in WW I !!

We went to France and screwed up the equation. Without U. S. involvement Germany, France and Great Britain would have arrived at a peace agreement and there would probably not have been a Second World War. Germany would have held it's massive gains in the east, frustrating the spread of Communism. The Ukrain would have survived as the independent Ukrainia, sparing millions of people killed under both Lenin and Stalin -- and the list goes on. A good subject for another thread.

If you feel like joining JJs Clubhouse, it's the sort of thing I'd love to see discussed there and it can never go off topic because we don't care about that!

Here's the Link:

< JJs Clubhouse >

Regarding your earlier post about that dinner, it sounds great. I used to have many similar group discussions in Manhattan during my chess playing days but out in this part of New Jersey the locals are too obsessed with their lawns to talk about much else.

It's the sort of thing we'd love to see at JJs Clubhouse. Did I mention the link? If not, here it is:

< JJs Clubhouse >

Unlike The Writer's Club and House of Games there's no specific subject and we welcome any topic there.

I agree with what you said about fanatic fundamentalists. I wouldn't call them idiots or jerks, they do believe in something and it can't be easy to have your kids telling their teachers that the earth is only 5000 or so years old and dinosaurs never existed. But to me their beliefs are absurd, as you've said, and I hope at some point they see the light.

You've mentioned the Battle of Stalingrad and how good it is to hear eye witnesses talking about it. Just as I'd have enjoyed myself at that dinner you were at, you would have, in some ways, enjoyed being around when I was a kid. World War Two veterans were everywhere. Most didn't talk about it unless you asked and there weren't others around to hear them, but it was a great time to listen to what they had to say when it was comparatively fresh in their memories. Yes, fresh, horrific things like what they saw don't fade very much in twenty or even thirty years.

In Manhattan I knew an elderly German, he was from the Sudatenland and lost that leg at Stalingrad.

He was one of the lucky ones, that 50,000 or so that were flown out while it eas still possible.

Toward the end of the war he barely escaped into Germany proper when most of his relatives were slaughtered by vengeful Czechs killing their one time neighbors, many of whom had become the most virulent nazis after being absorbed in 1938. He described seeing a raft floatind down a river with a family of Sudaten Germans propped up and mutilated, men women and children.

The slaughter of civilians wasn't restricted to the nazis. Their victims often retaliated in kind. I wonder what the children did that was so terrible they needed to be cruelly killed and mutilated.

One thing I liked about him was he admitted he had been a son of a bitch and an ardent nazi and also that he himself had killed civilians of all ages who were suspected of being spies and sabateurs. He wasn't proud of it and didn't attempt to rewrite his past. He was denying his youner self either. In his judgement it was the times, not the people. That bears thinking about. And thinking about a second time.

Needless to say, this is the sort of thing we'd like to discuss in depth at

< JJs Clubhouse >

Guess I mentioned the link already. :D

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