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Suggestion for SC II


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Hi all!

I'm back hehe.....been involved in other real life things (among others..trying to go out with a girl hehe) tongue.gif

Unfortunately love is that never ending game that you can never undo moves or save or restart over.

She isn't into SC and her idea of a great movie is "divine Secrets of the Ya-ya sisterhood"...GROAN...UGH!

Give me "Band of Brothers" or "We were Soldiers"

Anyways, I'm now playing SC head to head and it's definitely more fun.

I like the idea of having SC2 being more HiCom in terms of more political/technological intrigue but still remain somewhat easy.

I never played HOI but I hear it's very involved and too much micro managing which is what I don't care for.

I do agree that players in SC2 should have some input as to how a country joins.

I'm not going to hash over what was said again but the idea of spending political points to influence a country's joining either side would make the game quite interesting.

Also what about espionage in SC2 or is that too tactical of a subject? I was thinking opposing countries could try to sabatoge tech research or maybe steal research.

Finally, I'm dying for a Pacific theater combined with ETO.

I can already taste those sweeping naval battles smile.gif

[ February 15, 2003, 07:38 PM: Message edited by: Genghis ]

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Good to have you posting again. It's womankind's loss and the Forum's gain. smile.gif

Instead of chasing you should just get married. In a flash your tactical doctrine will shift from pursuit to evasive maneuvers. :eek:

--- ** ---

Agreed that a Pacific Theater would be good along with espionage and diplomacy and for some happy ex-marines perhaps even marriage.

[ February 15, 2003, 09:12 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Hay JJ and Genghis

During one of our many postings, the idea came up to have intellegence be part of the Research Menu.

This would work just like reseaching Jet flight, you buy research points and then the bar starts to grow. This choise would be the result of Photo planes, radio listening stations, spys, recon and partisans. The higher the number in research the more hidden enemy units would be shown. This could be random or units closest too cities, or frontlines.

Sounds good to me!

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Sounds good to me as well. smile.gif


Agreed entirely. I've long been turned from my earlier global leanings. I'd still like to see it somehow represented but numerous posters have convinced me it isn't in the cards for this game.

I still think BrianTheWise posted good ideas on this and I hope they find a place but I think global is down the road a bit.

Anyhow, only one person knows the answer.

[ February 15, 2003, 11:32 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Okay, I don't know if there is a way to do this or if this is an SC2 issue. It involves movement. Is there any way to designate the hexes that your units will move thru when you execute a movement order?

I missed out on overrunning a Soviet mine hex because my panzer took the most direct route to its designated destination. Also, at sea, I had the Brit Fleet in the Eastern Med scattered and wanted to search for them with the Italian units and found that they always move in a straight line, no zig-zag or circular route options are possible as far as I can tell.

In addition, is there any way for two units to swap positions? I was garrisoning Leningrad along the river to the south with three 12 strength infantry. My main line to the east saw one of my units reduced to 7. The 7 unit was in a location that precluded reinforcement and I thought I would pull it back and have it swap with one of the 12 factor units, but cannot figure how to do this. Is this also an SC2 issue?

Anyway, still love the game and enjoy reading the posts. They are very informative.

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JerseyJohn - Thanks hehe. Women do make better generals only because they can run rings around men in relationships AND they are really good at scheming too :D

Brad - Aye I realize that a global map would stretch the game out. But if done correctly, it shouldn't be that bad.

I'm willing use the same research tables and automated diplomacy if it means keeping it simple.

I just want to see that Chiang Kai Shek or MacArthur HQ. :cool:

Seawolf - Cool I like those ideas on intelligence!

[ February 16, 2003, 02:59 PM: Message edited by: Genghis ]

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There have been extensive studies on the games girls traditionally play as opposed to the games boys traditionally play and how they lead to seperate techniques later in life. The result, men like games such as football and baseball while women tend to like men who own football and baseball teams. :D

Jim Boggs

At first I didn't care for the movement layout system, then I began liking it. Instead of going one hex and finding out at that point you can't make it where you want to go the system tells you immediately what you can and can't reach. Wish I'd had a similar layout at birth, it would have saved a lot of time in later years. smile.gif

[ February 16, 2003, 11:10 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Originally posted by JerseyJohn:

Wish I'd had a similar layout at birth, it would have saved a lot of time in later years. smile.gif

Indeed... For me too... ;)

As for adding another idea to SC2:

- Being able to give MPPs to an allies...

But not just giving MPPs and the other guys total MPP automatically rise, no... Too easy... ;)

You'll have to physically move the MPPs from one of your city to one of your allies city... Via land, air or sea convoys... Each types of convoys should carry a different maximum of MPP... Air convoys carry a few MPP... Sea convoy a lot more, etc... If the convoy is destroyed, then the MPPs is lost... You'll have to defend it...

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Good suggestion. The convoying of MPPs is interesting as, in addition to actual cargo being sunk, a lot of gold bars also went down enroute from Russia to Britain. They've been located but conditions for recovery are less than ideal.

The birth layout thing reminds me of Brave New World, where the embrios were genetically engineered for their jobs and surroundings, including intelligence level so the drone caste wouldn't be bored by their menial jobs. No doubt we'll get there soon via androids.

[ February 19, 2003, 12:24 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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While new things to research would be fun, I think the existing research items should be tweaked. Make variable costs for them, say Jets or anti tank costing more than Sonar, etc. I'd like to see major advantages in all types of research.

Another idea would be to make each point of research cost 50 MRP's, and this gives you a 1 percent chance of success. This way you could have 6 or 7 researches going, with a low chance of success in each one. You get an advance in one, so you invest more into this since you had that breakthrough.

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Random placement of units would be at the top of my list for changes. Let every piece have 1 of 3 places it could be, then randomize each time.

Some people would like to place these units, but then we have a turn interuption that slows down the game as the opponent needs to take a turn to place those units. This would be a bad idea.

I'd also consider random number of units also. A neutral country might have 2-4 units, or 1 or 2 units, etc. When Russia comes in, they may have 20-25 units. Something that throws some variance into each game is a good thing.

Also add a toggle for this randomness for players that don't like it, of course.

[ February 19, 2003, 01:15 PM: Message edited by: KDG ]

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The problem, as I see it, is not the cost of research... It's the fact that everybody invest in Industrial Technology, Jet Aircraft or Heavy Tank but no one invest in Sonar, Anti-Arcraft or Advanced Subs...


- You make result random... You invest but when a breakthrough occurs, you have not direct choice on what you will have...

- You pump-up, modify not popular researches so people will find them of equal value...

BTW... You're right... Some randomization in the position of units could help the game being unpredictable, with 'FoW On' of course... tongue.gif

[ February 19, 2003, 09:26 PM: Message edited by: Minotaur ]

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Hey, I invest in subs as Germany on certain occasions.

If the 2-subs survive the North Atlantic because the Allies are more interested in the LC-gambit, & the Denmark sub survives...I will consider throwing 1 or 2 chits at it. You already have the hardware.

If you put 3-4 subs of level 12-13 out in the Atlantic or south of Brest out of Allied air cover...you'll buy alot of time to concentrate on the Russian front.

There is a time & place for sub tech---when playing Germany & you have 2-3 of the original subs survive.

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I don't have anything like Rambo's knowledge of the game, but based on my limited experience, I second his comments about subs. They really come in handy fending off the Allied warships and transports in the West, in conjunction with a couple of air units - leaving you more of a free hand on the Eastern Front. Even if you haven't leveled them up too far, at industrial level 4-5 they are cheap to build as well.

It seems that any of the tech improvements are excellent at the highest levels. Even rockets. They're not much good for anything besides entrenchment reduction at level 1 or 2, but take 'em up to level 4-5 and they can dish out some punishment from several hexes out. And they gain experience like crazy because you're racking up the points from behind the front, safe from anything except for air attacks or a breakthrough. One or two rocket units are great for helping reduce those pesky cities such as Sebastapol which you can only attack on a limited frontage. The big drawback is they're too slow, and there always seems to be some other category more essential for your MPP investment.

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

There is a time & place for sub tech---when playing Germany & you have 2-3 of the original subs survive.

You're right...

As it's probably a good idea, as UK, to throw a Research Point or two in Gun Laying Radar... Since it boost both battleships & cruisers...

But my point is some research are far more useful than these two...

Industrial Technology for one... For Axis because they have fewer MPP than the Allies... For Allies because each country have so few points each turn that you must make the best of it... Both Axis & Allies to help pay for the upgraded units...

On the other hand, Sonar is far less useful... Correct me if I'm wrong, but subs are used far more often as a warship than a strategic weapon... Italian sub near Alexandria when I removed UK from the Mediterranean is the only time I use sub as a Strategic weapon... And on top of that, if you play with FoW Off, it's completely useless... Of course, who play without FoW... ;)

That said, not all Technologies are born equal in usefulness... That's the main problem... Not the price... Boost the cost of Industrial Technology and people will still pay... Lower the cost of sonar and people will still ignore it!...

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