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House Rules


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After playing SC for a year, learning the cookie cutter axis moves and progressing to 200+ bids I have sadly concluded that the game should be named War in Russia. It appears that the fatal flaws of insufficient supply at Alexandria, Malta and Gibraltar result in the Med becoming an Axis lake and Italy becoming a corp factory with an expendable navy and no threat to its homeland or MPP's. When you combine this fact with inadequate supply at Brest and Antwerp upon allied liberation and no way for the Allies to increase their MPPs you almost never see a successful invasion. So the best the allies can do is conduct a punishing air war for some period but ultimately the treasury runs dry and the 700 MPP Axis annuity grinds Russis into the ground. Is anyone playing House Rules like No Suez/Gibraltar conquest to return the game to its original scope? Please say there is hope! This is too good a game to have it die before SC2 arrives.

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You can put a tank and a HQ in Egypt at start for the UK. This will not stop a determind Axis attack but will slow down things a lot if you use the RAF well. It also gives the UK a decent chance to take Iraq. A bid of 200 helps....1:5:30

House Rules; No DOW and landings on major nation on the same turn, no AA tech development.

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The problem is, UK can't commit to France and Defend Egypt.

If you defend egypt, you can halve the italian navy, conquer Libya and/or Iraq. However, since France will fall very early but the Axis have enough time to roll you back out of the Mediteranean anyway and stockpile huge money doing so.

I wish Air and Navy could fight at 100% with 5 supply. Conquering libya is easy enough but you can't hold on to it since fully supplied german airfleet operating from Italy can flush you out with ease.

[ July 02, 2005, 03:13 AM: Message edited by: Korut Zelva ]

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I think he's expressing that the bid system still does not fix it.

It's all about giving more and more to Russia.

I think a bid that would split those MPPs between USA and Russia would work better. 0/15/15 and UK starts with HQ, even France with one HQ.

I still find it never made sense that countries had no HQ, but that is being address in SC2 so no need on dwelling.

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Since USA can operate AFs to Russia maybe this can work, like historically Russians used a lot of foreign equipment anyway (though they bared the bulk of the human losses of the entire war). What is needed is allowing Russian HQs to affect them or establishing a USA HQ in russia. Can it be done on DoW turn?

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