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Map Editing


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What program can be used to edit the hex map in SC? How can I open the .MAP files and the .DMP files? The .SNF files? and what about the .INF files?

[ June 02, 2004, 12:43 PM: Message edited by: Judas ]

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No hacking the files, & no selling people out for 30 silver pieces

"No hacking" same thing as editing - "No Selling" no explanation needed....

No you didnt say he would edit it, but you surely implieded it with your post.

And if you dont care, why did you post then..stirring up trouble already again?


A Dane, and nazi according to JJR's logic

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Jev.Dk --- If you don't like me because of the onslaught in the General Forum Hell for my pro-American Nationalistic stances, support of the United States Armed Forces, backing the President of the United States George W. Bush, & witnessing for the Lord Jesus Christ...that's fine.

But this thread is about gaming.....you know what.....imply what you want......

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And another thing, forget about the hacking for whatever purpose. You General Forum people need to clean up your mouth, that kind of language (in this post & GF) is not proper & shows lack of intelligence. I understand you might not be able to control yourself or anger...because, out of the mouth comes the abundance of the heart.

Keep it clean,

Rambo, Captain of Team USA

Rambo, Legend of SC

Rambo, Thou a thousand of my enemies shall surround me, I will serve ....

[ May 31, 2004, 11:03 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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First, I didnt use any bad langauge, talking down to me and calling me "You GF people". I havent shown any anger or anything else. You although do again imply things that have not happend. I didbt mention Bush or your religion. All I did mention was your post said a bit more than you cared to admit, but failed to acknowledge.

And your reply to this was again off target, by implying I couldnt control my anger or my language.

JJR plz stay to the topic instead of dragging your dity laundry inhere from the GF

Jev, General of team DK

Jev, Legend of GHT

Jev, Personal groomer to Fluffy The Sheep

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The GF has their own issues, that's your family & camp, not mine...foul language, stalking, & many others, but this isn't the place for it.

As I've already stated in GF, I will not return to that Devil's Den of unclean spirits (see my posts there), but since you are possessed by me, please feel free to contact to me, because, "Where the Word is preached, the birds will follow" smile.gif


ICQ# 234993018

I'm a 5-time World Strategic Command Champion, I will not discuss your warped politics, libel-tainted posts, or unclean religious convesations in the SC-gaming area. Far as your other stated comment, we've already discussed in previous posts the Danish SS numbers, & I don't need to re-read the Diary of Anne Frank to know what happenend in the early 1940's to the people my Camp protect.

On a lighter note, imitation is the greatest flattery, thank you very much for the compliment, he-he, ha-ha smile.gif

0X0X0X0X0X (that's hugs & kisses) smile.gif

Rambo smile.gif

If you learn from your mistakes, learn to behave yourself, & control your temper...you could win this award in our Sunday School smile.gif


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Originally posted by Jev.Dk:

No hacking the files, & no selling people out for 30 silver pieces

"No hacking" same thing as editing - "No Selling" no explanation needed....

No you didnt say he would edit it, but you surely implieded it with your post.

And if you dont care, why did you post then..stirring up trouble already again?


A Dane, and nazi according to JJR's logic

Ah, why are you posting here?

I did a little search with you member number, you have only posted in 3 threads in the "Strategic Command" Category since January.

Out of those 3 threads, in 2 of them you only posted attacks on Rambo. So if anyone is trying to stir up trouble here, its you.

Rambo on the other hand is a long time member of the SC forum and has made a vast majority of his posts here. So once again, if anyone doesn't belong here, its you. Hypocrite.......

Please, if your gonna post here, play nice. ;)

Comrade Trapp

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This getting funnier every minute.

Jev.DK>>>>You seem to be a Kuniworth wannabe, but no room for pronazi's in my fan-club so gotta drop that stuff. Anyway the guy wanted to edit the files - what's the matter with you, you think it's ok to do so without permission? Ive asked Hubert about it once and got turned down, it would be illegal to then try to hack it. People posting garbage gotta know what happen.

CT>>>I think we have an invasion of phoney id:s...people wants to to talk smack but can't stand up for it

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What did I find on my return? My cat on the computer, reading this thread:

Hunt & pecked out a few responses here 'n there, as well, perhaps?


Man O Man,

Reckon it on up in 2-4 paw-time,

It's a land animal with

A grand plan,

Can that ol' Internet Cat flat out

Rat-a-tat-tat, or what! :cool:

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Yes Hubert dosnt want people to edit the files. Trap told him that in a nice way. JJR on the other hand didnt, and he said some contradicting things also, thats all I have been talking about. But so far JJR has not once replied to those statements. Rather been commenting my status as a member, and mentioning "those GF people" to clean up their mouths. But since Judas isnt a "GF man" since he only posted twice, I can only assume he means me, and I havent used any bad language at all.

So again, instead of commenting on differnt

things, how about commenting on the topic at hand?

PS: I couldnt care less if you where the 10 times winner of World Strategic Command Champion, that dosent give you the right to label and talk to people like you do.

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Jive.Dr ---

#1 Seriously, Dude, take a deep breath, calm down, you're losing it. Why are you so hot & bothered? Play some games, get outside, & have some fun. Get yourself some good food, plenty of rest, & return in the morning...then I will tell you your problem smile.gif

#2 Here's another little hint for you pal, this is the Strategic Command thread, people will be talking about Strategic Command, Leagues, Ryder Cups, PBEM competitive play, & their performance records. :cool:

#3 Don't be ashamed for being possessed by me. But you should be ashamed for being a stalker, that's lame. :(

#4 Finally, here's a little conversation which might shine some light on you. :rolleyes:

"But I don't want be known like the mad people," Jive.Dr said.

"Oh, you can't help that," said Legend,"All that try to smack Rambo will be manifest as mad. You're mad."

"How do you know I'm mad?" said Jive.Dr.

"You must be," said Legened,"or you wouldn't come over here for nothing to stalk Rambo."

Passage from "Rambo's adventures in wonderland". bunnyhole4.gif

[ June 01, 2004, 11:42 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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Jive.Dr. --- Wow! Verily, verily, you are a first-rate exceptional Stalker, posting lickety-split, entranced by an unclean spirit. I've become the focus of your hooked-on-Rambo-Phonics classics smack compact disk set. Are you unable to sleep nights brooding about me? You want to grandstand as Shadow Prosecutor, demanding I answer the topic? That's already been exhausted, you became unglued, and it does not look like you will recover.

[ June 02, 2004, 01:19 AM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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