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AAR Air/Grnd Limit: Shaka (Axis) vs Oak (Allies)

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Paris puts up a valiant fight, holding out at strength 1 against repeated attacks. But, it can only be reinforced to 4 and will fall next turn.

Ireland finally falls.

Italian cruiser attacks Gibralter. Other Italian ships unaccounted for.

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June 30, 1940 ... US 7%, Russia 53%

Dublin Corps finally falls under a massive assault by Sea, Air and Ground forces. We salute the heros who died fighting the oppressors. All Irish of the world are welcome to come to Germany to continue the struggle against British oppression.

Under the direction of the OKM, Operation Weserubung, a swift coup de main, has seized control of Norway. Army Group XXI, consisting of 10th Army, 4th Army and II Corp, supported by Luft IV and Luft II, conducted a lighting strike against Oslo, seizing control of the government within a matter of days. While the 4th Army performed brillantly (causing 5str damage), 10th Army and II Corp struggled during the amphib unloading, suffering slight losses while assaulting the beach and port.

XXI Corps (Fr), even though heavily assaulted by the German XXVI Corps, VI Corps and XIX Panzers, still repulsed the assault (down to str 1). In recognition of the bravery, the Fuhrer has ordered the surrender to be accepted. Members of the XXI Corps (Fr) have been offered positions in the Waffen SS, instead of POW status.

Army Group West has destroyed all remaining French units that resisted in the PTO. Under heavy security, the Fuhrer entered Paris along with the victorius soldiers of AG West.

Italian submarines sink British merchants in the Med.

While celebrating the victory over France, the dominant military power prior to hostilities, Italy has expressed its displeasure over the terms of peace given to the French. It seems that the new Vichy French government will retain Algiers and Syria, as well as Marsielle. Other than Syria, these are the same areas that the Italians conquered during the brief campaign. Mussolini is not happy.

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Axis Comments

With the fall of France, what I consider the first phase of the campaign is over. Since Oak did it earlier, I'll comment on why I did what I did.

There are many different openings, so this is just an explanation of the one I used, so you understand the reasoning. Obviously, this is from the Axis side.

Poland is worth 10 MPPs. So is Denmark. Both give you plunder. Low Countries are worth 24. Poland if not taken by the fourth (4) turn, will cause the Russian readiness to increase.

France can perform the Dutch Gambit on turn two (2). Loss of the plunder is bad enough, but the gain of a good defensive line is a killer. The only salvation is that the French have no HQ. Allies can also use a Corps (or Army) in the Maginot line to capture Munich (you need to lay a bridge over the river ;) ).

So I strip units from the East so I can take the Low Countries on turn 2. The Axis have to be aggressive with France, cause time works against you and for France.

Normally, that leaves me with enough to take Poland by turn three (3) or turn four (4). About 50/50 either turn.

This time, I decided to get "creative" and attempt to take Denmark as well, using that Prussian Corps and some air.

With Oak reinforcing Poland and an additional air and Corps being pulled away from Poland, it seems I went too far, pushing the schedule back one or two turns (Poland falling turn four or five). I also made some mistakes leaving me without some units when I needed them. (Those mistakes where... when the one str Polish Army was on the coastline, I should have used a naval unit to try and eliminate it. If I had of, then I wouldn't have pulled another unit back to go after it. I also should have ignored the "taunt" about it going to Berlin, since I don't think it had enough AP's to get over the river). I had some low random factors as well, leaving units alive that should have been killed. What was even worse, was that the constant reinforcement of the Polish units, meant I couldn't take away any of them for the West. So while I made some nice advances in the West, I was constantly outnumbered, which does catch up with you.

Then I made a major FUBAR and forget to guard Cologne. I lost it the next turn and never got it back.

In my mind, invading Ireland early is a mistake for the Allies. It lets me know exactly where the Carriers are. Thats what my subs were trying to do. I put one as far north as possible, to pull naval units away from the carriers. The second sub was close to Ireland, for a kamikaze attack against a carrier. The first sub held out so well, that Oak had to send units from east of Ireland after my first sub. They found the second sub that was hiding. Such is fate.

Notice one thing though about the Polish "mistake". It cost me 8% points in readiness. You have to judge for yourselfs if thats worth it.

Now to France. In a "no-limit" game, the faster it falls the better. All about MPPs. In a "limit" game, its a little bit different. I prefer to use France as a training ground for the German Army. Experienced units are worth alot more than the MPPs you pay for them. There is no worse feeling than to have a German 6str Army get attacked by four (4) Russian Corps and take no damage, while each Russian Corps loses between 2 to 6 str points. I'm trying to arrange that feeling for Oak right now. ;)

On to the next phase, aka Axis "Happy Times". This is when the Axis run around collecting neutrals and conquests, while the Allies try to bleed the Axis any way they can.

But now the Axis have a problem. The more territory, the more you have to garrison. Especially in the Med, since the Italians only have eight (8) units and those darned Yugo Partisans really cause problems now.

[ August 02, 2003, 07:55 PM: Message edited by: Shaka of Carthage ]

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July 14

The Allies are reeling from the simultaneous fall of Norway and France. Little in the way of movement or activity this turn by the Allies. Unfortunately, the Allies did not have a transport ready to move into Bergen :(

Note: In order to mask the extent of the UK's naval build-up, the UK has gone through an extensive ship renaming exercise so that the Axis cannot identify whether a ship is new or old.

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July 14, 1940... US 7%, Russia 53%

In reports that have been confirmed, a large number of French rebels have been sighted Southeast of Brest.

Bergen (Norway) welcomes with open hands II Corps (Ge).

Italian submarines sink British merchants in the Med.

The Fuhrer has announced that military units will be shipped home and stood down as part of the peace dividend from the glorius victory over France. Spains relationship with Germany continues to be best described as "cool". Vichy France and Italy have refused to come to terms over the taxation of oil being imported from Vichy Frances Middle East colony.

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July 21

In the Med ... Italian air appears in Sicily. It attacks Malta, taking a hit itself but no impact on corps in Malta. Bombardment of Malta starts; Italian battleship replaces cruiser bombarding Gibralter.

In the north ... Allies spot a German corp 2 hexes from the Free French army that has joined the Canadian corp at Brest. The German corp is attacked by a UK bomber (with fighter escort to handle the German interception) and 2 carriers. Corp survives and no indication as to the level of damage done to German corp or the 2 air in France that intercepted.

Report indicates there are lots of German and Italian transports. Aggression by the Axis against Sweden and Vichy France expected at any moment.

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July 28, 1940 ... US 7%, Russia 53%

UK bombers and fighter escorts strike at VII Corps (Ge) in France. Luft III intercepts the bombers and thier escorts. Intrepid and Excalibur CBGs then fly strikes against VII Corps themselves. Luft I provides air cover for VII Corps.

I Field Luft Corps strikes at the Free French 5th Army. Inflicts moderate losses (2 str) and receives none. Luft II strikes at Excalibur CBG, who receives support from Eagle CBG. Luft III losses are minor (1 str).

Italian Navy bombards Gibralter and Malta. Submarines continue to sink British merchants. I Aero (Italian Air), examines its training.

The Fuhrer has had to send representatives to settle the dispute between Vichy France and Italy. Spain meanwhile makes reference to the fact, that if the French campaign is over, why are Germans dying south of Brest?

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In the south ... UK battleships attacks Italian battleship at Gibralter, with Italian losing 3 and UK losing 1.

In the north ... the air war over Brest continues. An additional German army and corp approaches Allied forces at Brest. The Allies attack the corp nearest Brest with 2 air fleets, 1 carrier and 1 bomber. 3 German air and 1 Italian air intercept. The Free French army also attacks the corps.

Surprisingly little damage to the attacking UK forces despite intercepts, but damage to the German corp is also less than hoped for. In the end, the Free French army is at 7 and the German corp next to it at 3.

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August 11, 1940 ... US 7%, Russia 53%

Battle of Brest continues, with both British air, bombers and a CVBG striking at the I Field Luft Corps (Ge). Italian Aero I and German Luft I, II and IV provide air cover. German 18th Army and VII Corps, with Aero I providing close air support, finish off the French rebels.

Naval battle southeast of Gibralter between Vittorio Veneto BBBG and a unknown British BBBG. Italian submarines continue to harras the British merchant fleet while other assets of the Italian Navy bombard Malta.

A truck bomb destroyed a Swedish military hospital in Karlstad (just across the border with Norway). There were 150 people in the hospital (100 of them German soldiers who were patients, the rest staff). The hospital building collapsed due to the force of the explosion. Karlstad is a major military base for supporting operations in Norway. British saboteurs are suspected.

The short lived agreement between Vichy France and Italy has broken down. The two largest unions in Vichy France, representing the dock workers and the truck drivers, are holding last minute negotiations seeking to avert a threated strike. The Fuhrer could not be reached for comment.

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Leaving the Free French army in France was a big mistake. The Allies mourn their lost. However, in the air and on the sea the Allies seem to be successful in inflicting losses on the Axis at a far greater level than their own.

In the south ... the Italian battleship near Gibralter (knocked down to 7) retreats and another takes its place and attacks Gibralter. It is then completely destroyed by the UK battleship in Gibralter and another joining the battle. The 2 UK battleships are now at 6 and 8 strength. The Allies invite the Italians to send more ships to Gibralter.

In the north ... UK air attacks the German corp near Brest and is intercepted by a German air fleet near Paris.

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August 25, 1940 ... US 7%, Russia 53%

RAF Air strikes at VII Corps (Ge). Luft provide air cover. Luft I conducts a interdiction attack on the Malta Air Fleet bases. Excaliber CBG, based in the Liverpool port, comes to thier aid.

18th Army (Ge) with Aero I in support, attack the I Corp (Ca) in Brest. Eagle CBG intercepts. Canadians lose 2 str pts, Germans 1.

Luft II is then ordered to strike the Eagle CBG. On the trip home, the Malta Air Fleet, enraged by attacks on its home base, proceed to inflict horrible losses upon Luft II. There are even reports that pilots who ejected were shot down. Luft II has lost its ability to function.

With reconnaissance provided by Fiunite CABG, the Caio Duilio BBBG and Vittorio Veneto BBBG proceed to attack the UK BBBG that sunk Andrea Doria BBBG (even though the damage was done by another). All three suffer losses after fierce fighting. Of major concern is the other UK BBBG, sitting in the Gibralter port.

German intelligence has discovered the doctrine used by British carriers is named the TERIF doctrine (aka terrible if you screw up). The Fuhrer demands to know why OKL was not better prepared for this, especially in light of Guderians claim "to sweep the seas clear of British ships".

Negotitians with the Vichy French unions is deadlocked. A strike is imminent. Italy has threatend to use the CCNN (Blackshirts) to break the strike. In Sweden, the military refuse to investigate the bombing in Karlstad, saying it is a police matter. The police reply that it is a terrorist act, which is the jursidiction of the military, not a criminal act, which is the responsiblity of the police.

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Sept. 1, 1940

In the north ... German air attacks UK air and carrier, losing an air fleet in the process. Italian air attacks Brest and is intercepted. Brest down to 8; unknown damage to Italian air. Even with HQ support, damage was probably heavy.

In the south ... 2 Italian battleships attack one of the UK battleships. English ship loses 4; Italian battleships down to 6 & 7 after the attack. An Italian cruiser also sits next to Algiers port.

Allies respond attacking the battleship at strength 7 (a mistake in retrospect). Italian battleship knocked from 7 to 1 (the other, at 6, would have been killed). UK battleships now at 6 & 2 with better experience. They are facing Italian battleships at 6 & 1 plus cruiser at 10.

Italian transport sits next to Malta. Italian fleet apparently covering for pending attack on Vichy France, and paying a heavy price.

Reinforcing air losses in France and naval losses in the Med will be expensive for the Axis.

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September 15, 1940 ... US 7%, Russia 53%

18th Army (Ge), supported by Luft IV and I, assault the I Corps (Ca) in Brest. Malta Air and Hermes CVBG respond with air support. I Corps (Ca) down to str 3, 18th Army str 6.

Naval battle in SE Gibralter is over. Vittorio Veneto BBBG sinks the crippled UK BBBG. U-007 submarine pack and Fiume CABG sink the weakened 2nd UK BBBG.

Vichy French Gendarmie and Italian CCNN clash with the striking unions and each other in Marsielle. The strategic importance of the port threatens to shut down the German economy in France.

A armored truck carrying payrolls for German soldiers in Norway, has been robbed and the three guards killed. The attackers were wearing civilian clothes and carrying Swedish made weapons. Swedish Border police even after being put on alert, where unable to stop the terrorist before they fled across the border into Sweden. The Swedish border police refused to let the German military cross the border in pursuit.

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In the south ... the Italians dealt with the experienced Allied battleships by bringing in their experienced sub. The result of the Med navel clash is the loss of 2 British BBs on the Allied side. The Italians lost 1 BB with the 2 others at 1 and 5, the cruiser at 8 and the sub at 9.

In the north ... the Allies continue to intercept air strikes on Brest. The Canadian corp in Brest reinforced to 5. The Italian air in France either was moved or is being reinforced.

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A further note to my comments on the Allies' last move:

The Axis has not replaced the lost German air. With 2 of the German air in France attacking Brest, the Axis has only 3 air to assist in attacks on Sweden & Vichy France (2 Italian & 1 German). It appears that Germany has been saving up his MPP (now at 544) to buy replacement air.

Also, Germany and Italy each of 3-5 transports in the water.

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October 13, 1940 ... US 7%, Russia 53%

18th Army (Ge) supported by Luft III, attack the I Corps (Ca) holding Brest. Malta Air provides air support for the Canadians, but its not enough. Brest is overrun and occupied by VII Corps (Ge).

Vichy France and Italy have agreed to negotiate regarding the union strike. There are no reports of terrorist attacks in Sweden. The Fuhrer invites Spain to inspect Brest and verify the French resistance has ended there.

Italian submarines resume attacks on British Merchant ships in the Med.

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October 27, 1940

Germany gets level 1 jet. Brest is attacked by German air (and intercepted), and then finished off by the German army next to Brest. Allied air pauses to give their researchers time to caught up with Germany's technology.

As expected, Germany built a replacement air (just AFTER getting the tech increase). It also seems that I was wrong and Italy has only 1 (not 2) air. It will be a while before Italy can build a second air fleet, unless it decides not to repair its heavily damaged fleet (which has moved away from Gibralter). Italy still has a transport next to Malta.

The delay in Poland's surrender resulted in an increase in USSR readiness. The air and naval battles since then are forcing the Axis to put MPP into reinforcements instead of new units. Hopefully, the end result will be that the Axis are unprepared to deal with the USSR when it enters the war.

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Nov. 24, 1940

Very quiet. The only Axis activity seen by the Allies is the move of the German army away from Brest, which is garrisoned by a German corps.

Allied air (bomber & 2 air fleets) break the calm by attacking Brest. 2 German air fleets intercept. Unknown damage to the corps in Brest and the German air.

Reports indicate that Italy is saving up its money (probably for another air fleet). Indications are that Germany is putting its MPP into building tanks (in addition to buying/reinforcing air fleets).

Romania joined at the end of the Axis turn; Hungary joined at the end of the Allied turn.

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December 8, 1940 ... US 21%, Russia 57%

Hungary has joined the Axis, following in the footsteps of its neighbor Romania. While the two nations are not friendly towards each other, they have put aside thier differences for the greater cause of the Third Riech.

British bombers, escorted by fighters, bomb Brest. Luft III and IV rise to meet them.

In order to counter British preparations to take away the neutrality of Sweden, the German Wehrmacht has taken over the defense of Sweden. To that end, the XII Corps (Ge), 10th Army (Ge) and 4th Army (Ge) have either landed on the coast on in Stockholm itself. Elements of Luft I and II will provide air cover.

Italian submarines continue to sink British merchantmen in the Med. Fiume CABG bombards Gibralter.

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Jan. 5, 1941

The Axis declare war on Sweden and the attack consists primarily of an amphibious assault on Stockholm supported by 2 air fleets next to Oslo. Stockholm is taken with the remaining Swedish forces largely untouched. Despite the fall of the capital, Sweden fights on. The remaining Swedish forces scatter and head for the forests and hills.

The Allies try a different approach and bomb Antwerp instead of Brest. No Axis interceptions. With the location of all the Axis air now known, an Allied battleship bombards Bergen (but without result as the Bergen corp is well entrenched).

Other than an Italian cruiser bombarding Gibralter, everything is quiet in the Med.

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March 2, 1941

It seems that the Axis are very lucky in gaining technology increases. The fact that German air was able to attack the British battleship off Bergen means that Germany has also gotten at least one level of long-range. An expensive way to find that out.

In Sweden ... the Axis focus on attacking the Swedish army. In a fit of rage at seeing their capital over-run and their collegues slaughtered, the Swedish air force attacks the Germany air in Norway. Little damage to the Germans; heavy damage to the Swedes.

In England/France ... the UK bomber attacks Brest port this time, only to discover that there is no German air within range to intercept. With Brest left unsupported by German, Allies air and naval forces all attack the German corp in Brest and the port. The German corp is knocked down to 2; the port down to 3.

In the Med ... the Italian transport moves away from Malta and the Italian sub is observed zipping by.

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March 16, 1941 ... US 41%, Russia 60%

Brest is attacked by a strategic bomber, two (2) fighter/bombers, three (3) CVBGs and bombarded by a BBBG. The port and the city suffer major damage.

Rogue elements of the Swedish Air Force attempt a interdiction strike against the bases of Luft I. Luft II was able to intercept them before they could do any damage. Last of the rogue elements has been rounded up and Sweden is finally peaceful.

XIX Panzers, XVI Panzers, 14th Army and the Italian IV Corps have been ordered into Marseille to restore order in this strike ridden city. The current government is to be arrested and a new provisional government will take its place. The French ships at port, where able to sneak away.

The Italian 10th Army and II Corps have been ordered to perform the same regime change in Algiers. The Italian Navy has scuttled the French ships in port, preventing thier escape.

Spain has protested the actions of Italy and Germany in Vichy France. The Fuhrer has responded that you are either with us or against us. Threats to the people and government of Germany will not be ignored.

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March 30, 1941

The Swedish forces held out well, with the Germans only being able to knock the Swedish army down by 2. Despite this valiant effort, and the fact that the Swedes still had an army, an air fleet and corps in the field, the Swedish government surrendered.

The 2 German air in Norway were moved out, and 1 was subsequently found in France. The Allies found it sitting in Bordeaux when they bombed Brest port (taking it to 0). The remaining Allied forces move away from Brest (and out of range of the German air).

The 2 German air that used to be in France were moved to Sicily to assist in the attack on Algiers. The Axis forces killed the Vichy French corps in Marseilles, but were unable to occupy it. They did occupy Algiers. Vichy France will fall next turn.

All that remained of Vichy France's forces were the 2 battleships, with the one in the south surrounded and knocked down to 2. The one in the north attacked a German tank on the coast, knocking it from 9 to 8. The one in the south attacked the Italian sub, knocking it from 8 to 6.

The Allies also noticed that the Italians have been reinforcing their fleet, with one of the battleships back up to full strength. Italy still has just one air fleet.

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