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Seeding Proceedings

Desert Dave

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I'll bite. I see where this is going...

It's a great concept, and I hope the thread doesn't get polluted...

16 Players. Where do I stand among them, based on the games I've played.

Allies: 4. I am very good as Allies. Axis: 12. I get flustered. Average: 8.

I don't think money, if it's nominal is an issue. And actually I think it's great. But I think that what would be better is for the players to put a few bucks into a pool, and the moderator buys a couple of certificates. Winner!

Champion. Best Loser. And maybe a six pack.

I really, really don't think there are more than a couple of folks here that cheat. It's not what we are here for. Maybe none.

I prefer to think that there are none.

So, I'll send in the bucks to the keeper who takes on the (onerous) task of dealing with this. This ladder, this wonderful thing.

Immer, I think this is a great post/idea.

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Jim, Bill, Heuristic, Les, 82nd, Konstatin, JJ, CvM, Brian (... and all future posters/players):

Thanks for the enthusiastic and informed responses. smile.gif

This idea will take some certain time to organize, and fine-tune, and there will be many others who will be interested, I am sure.

I don't know what exact form it will take, but I am guessing that we WILL have some kind of tournament and establish, either before or after, a general ranking system. There are many "models" out there to look at, and eventually some CONSENSUS might be reached.

Whether there is money involved or not, or some sort of reward, I don't know. I am guessing that most, if not all players would participate anyway, since the friendly competition is of primary importance.

As mentioned,I am hardly the computer techno expert, so others who are more experienced will have to advise and consent on those matters. At the least, we should have some very definitive guidelines and tournament rules.

Note: I am NOT presuming that I am "in charge." There is simply too much to do, and I have limitations on my available time (... then again, who doesn't?).

ANYONE who can spare some time and expertise is encouraged to post here or in another thread or in shared e-mail, concerning possible tournament and rated play. At some point the momentum will become actuality, yes? :cool:

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Glad you've come up with this concept. It's a good idea and you're an ideal organizer for it.

I'd be glad to offer my nonplaying assistance in any way deemed helpful. Nemerical player ratings are difficult to come up with and not reliable in a small pool but there's no reason not to establish tiers and reward levels to players as they win contests in match or tournament play and legitamately establish themselves as veteran players.


Agreed that the people we have here now are not a bunch of cheats and I didn't mean to insinuate that. What I was saying is this: if you offer fair sized cash stakes it will invaraiably lead to serious arguments, disputes and accusations of either cheating or manipulation.

For ten years I played in 50 prize chess tournaments a year and saw these things happen over and over again. In one event an unrated player turned and played like a wizard, winning the amateur section. A photo was taken that showed him shying away and he was later identified as an emigree senior master registering under a friend's name! Things like that and much worse happen.

Offer money without at least having a qualifying system -- make it open to anyone from anywhere who wants to participate -- and watch what happens! smile.gif

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I like this idea (as I've said ad nauseum)...

Another (possible) way you (or the moderator) could provide awards, would be to award symbols (somewhat like HOI. Crappy game, cool symbols).

and rank. Following the premise, you could have sixteen ranks associated with the names of the players who are rated along with symbols associated with them. For example, the best of the best, would be a Marshall, and one of those symbol thingies of an Eagle or something attached to his name. The next best is a Major general, lietenant general, brigadier, colonel, major, etc. all the way down to Sargeant. Anyone who's not rated is a private. Over time, people would be promoted or demoted (CvM beat me and I've been demoted!, type thing).

After all, it's all about bragging rights.

Speaking of which, with about one exception, I actually think that the best players here, brag the least. Based on the posts that I have seen, Irish Guards is a demon of a player (never seen a post from him saying so, but), Archibald is a force to be reckoned with, Macon is a devil of a player and so on. Those quiet people are the players that give you the sweaty palms. And then there is of course me, King of all Gerbils within my sight, Emporer of Hamsters. I never lose as Axis, as long as the Allies don't move.

(sorry about that fluff).

Jersey John, I hear you about the cheating and know you are not insinuating.

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After all, it's all about bragging rights.

Brian --- It's funny how you Demonize me, yet your pursuit is to be like me. Pride is in the heart, you just delay the manifestation. Have your tourneys, have your rankings, & maybe they'll put a feather in your cap.


"You don't need to wear a patch on your arm to have honor" ---Lt. Caffey in A Few Good Men

Rambo >>>>>>>> Be your own person

[ January 11, 2003, 04:40 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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What the hell was that post about?!?

You don't need to Rudolph the Brown Nose Reigndear here. K ryst!.

You are a newbie!

Rambo has made many off color remarks to just about every one here. Or, at least anyone who speaks. Becuase he's TCB>>>Taking care of business, etc.

Rambo is so ramboish, he deserves his own thread on how to make enemies and keep them.

You need to look at his past posts and the accusations he has shot at many many people here. I mean, please, assuming another person's identity. Conceding and then saying he didn't. Not just against me, but also Zap. (pattern)

On the other hand, cocky as he is, Rambo is a good player, very good, and actually very fun to play against. Understanding, patient, conceited, willing to admit mistakes, and nice at pointing out another persons mistakes. When you play him live.

Rambo is a dichotomy. And I believe he likes it that way, intends it that way.

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Boggs, be welcome, but know this...

I have a permanant grudge match against Rambo, and newbies complimenting him, without knowing him, makes me angry.

I am no "master". Just a gamer. And so your sarcasm is misplaced.

I'm not wise either. ok?

Mr. Boggs, hang out a while. Lay back a little, be well. learn a bit about the game (I still am), and the folks in this community.

I would push this, but there are the lock keepers. And I don't want the thread locked.

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Originally posted by BriantheWise:


Rambo has made many off color remarks to just about every one here. Or, at least anyone who speaks. Becuase he's TCB>>>Taking care of business, etc.


Not me. Were avoidin each other and it works out quite well. However this guy JerseyJohn or what he calls himself never gets of my back. One moment Im a knuckle-head, then I was gay and now Im apparently danish.

You gotta love his style.

[ January 12, 2003, 10:57 PM: Message edited by: Kuniworth ]

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

Master Brian:

This is newbie #11661 requesting his gruff old schoolmaster revisit the site of his great displeasure. I apologise for my RTBNR attitude, but if nothing else, I try to be consistant.

Boggs. The rule here seem pretty much everyone against Rambo. Like in the movies you know...

[ January 12, 2003, 11:05 PM: Message edited by: Kuniworth ]

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I think he confused you with me, then. I'm danish.

And I don't mind bashing head with Rambo. If it's fair and sensible. And to be honest, I've been ditz here too. But ser. Please...You have been here long enough....You don't like his style and I know you don't....

Brian the Liar. Zap the liar. I'm waltero, play me in our tournament....etc.

For better or worse, Rambo is Rambo. And we cannot change that. I think about this....

He's damn smart, but I would not hire him.

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Mr. Boggs

Lurk mode again? Stop lurking just avoid being nice to these guys and they'll treat you better. Have you seen any of the Crockodile Hunter episodes on Animal Planet? Well, you don't catch him trying to shake hands with the damn things, right?

In case you wander too far into the shadows and don't reappear allow me to write something we can all remember you by:

James "Trigger Finger" Boggs was a made man when he vanished from this place. Some say he went on a one way ride but I don't know if that's true. He wasn't here long yet he made an impact, lurking behind the scenes more openly and more often than anyone else in history. It was his wish to remembered as the man who was banned with the infamous JerseyJohn -- who he was often mistaken for. Jimmy was a man of honor, a guy with class and a gentleman. How someone like that ends up in a sanitorium like this is a mystery.

You'll be missed, James.

Wherever grognards past, present and furture go off to peek quietly from the shadows, there lurks our good friend, Jimmy Trigger Finger Boggs.

Left Click here for a photo of Gentleman Jim Boggs; the epitome of style and good etiquette.


I never said any of the alledged remarks you've been attributing to me and I think it's a shame so many others feel the need to utter such awfull rumors. You may have noticed how I've been supporting practically everything you've been posting -- how screwy is that! tongue.gif

[ January 13, 2003, 06:22 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Thanks for the assessment, the guy's an enigma! I do play, but only through E-mail as I never know how much time I'll have or when I'll have it. It wouldn't be fair to an opponent to start an IP game and only give it an hour or so. My few ventures into it have run ten hours or more -- that's a big time commitment and I can't do it at the moment.

I pop in whenever I get a chance, which is usually a few fairly brief visits per day. I generally post at least once a visit, which is why it seems I'm always here. Truth is I'm only here a few short visits each day and I type fast so my entries are long and boring and it seems I'm here much more than I am.

Also, I have stopped with the pics, haven't posted one since my shrink told me I shouldn't. She said it was because in nursery school I'd been banned from art class for assuming other kid's identities. But I'm cured now; if I post one now it's under a URL.

PostScript: Why do you keep saying you aren't wise? I've been basing my life on your teachings. Come to think of it, you became my Guru -- and then I was banned! :eek:

[ January 13, 2003, 03:16 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Originally posted by Reepicheep:

I would be interested in joining; but I don't play with TCP/IP- just e-mail. If that's not all right, I understand. (But I presume a turn checker would be for PBEM- not TCP/IP?)

Would not be needed for PBEM just rename the files as turn numbers.
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