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Question about research


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I've read the documents - but the research seems rather arbitrary in how it works and I am interested in hearing from others.

For example, as Germany, I had 3 points in Jet Fighters right after defeating France in May of 1940. By 1941 I had 5 points there (max) - and yet by the END of 1942 I still had not received Jet Planes level 1 - yowza!

I also experienced this with heavy tanks. It seems that if I put one or two points different places EACH TURN the computer actually checks - I'm wondering if points that are left sitting don't register?

Anyhoo, please share your experiences with research and if it works steadily for you, randomly, not at all etc.

Thx -


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After playing through a '39 campaign, here are my totally subjective, I took no notes, I ran no stats impression...

i bought 5 research points at the earliest possible point and in "blocks of 5" much later on when i could afford it...

fwiw, i swear the probabilities increased as time went on... much the same as your experience early on then by about late '43 and into '44 the was a payoff about every other turn/research line... even saw 3 different ones payoff on the same turn... fwiw.......

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I played the '39 scenario as the axis and invested 5 points into jets early on. By '41 I had level 5 jets and while this was happening I invested 3 points in heavy tanks and 2 points in radar with each reaching level 4 by '41. I think this one was just good luck, because I haven't had a repeat of this yet.

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I've played several full games up to this point, and in each one I concentrated on research early on.

Sometimes I got an increase early, sometimes I had to wait, but I think overall it adhered to statistical probability. Five points in one area gives you a 25% chance of improvement, so it's likely that with a couple of bad rolls you can go without an increase for a long while.

I usually split my points 5,3, and 2 early on, and once I reach Industrial Tech 5 I go for a 4, 3, and 3 split. This method maxes me out on the important stuff by the endgame.

[ August 06, 2002, 10:57 AM: Message edited by: blackbellamy ]

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Just finished the Game as the Axis at default setting, loads of fun !!

I had set research at Heavy Tanks 4, Jets 2, and Industrial Tech 4 by June `43 and was maxed out on all by late 1944. However I`m not sure that was the best way to go, maybe spread it out a bit more...thoughts ?

[ August 06, 2002, 11:31 AM: Message edited by: Old&Slow ]

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