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AAR: Terif vs Avatar


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May 1942:

Russia retreats to the mountains in Iraq, killing a last axis army during retreat smile.gif . In Tangier axis Northafrica supply got cut of again for one turn by the US corps, but it will be killed next turn.

In central and southern Russia a huge counteroffensive started. Kiev reconquered, german tank killed in the process, a german AF survives the ground attack at str 1...reinforcements operate to Kiev. Minsk cut off, some other axis forces cut off in the central mine and southern Russia.


Allies land , cut of Skandinavia in Denmark and liberate Bergen. Heavy airfights between 3 carriers, 4 allied AFs and 4 german AFs across the channel. Italian cruiser survives at str 3, german AF killed. New US air operates to England.

Yugo partisans cut of Albania and take the port of Venice for one turn.

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May 31, 1942:

Russian offensive continues, german army + corps killed another army cut of far behind the lines near Kharkov. Italian army killed, Russian forces reach Odessa. 3 tanks from Iraq + HQ operate to Kiev to support the offensive. German air retreated to Warsaw - small airbattles.


Heavy airfights between France-England. Allied AF lost, german AF killed too. Italian battleship and cruiser sunk in the naval battle. Allied transports swarming the french coast and protecting the carriers against axis subs stationed in Bordeaux.

Skandinavia still cut of, Bergen beachhead reinforced. New partisans in Yugoslavia.

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July 5, 1942:

German subs manage to kill a UK transport with 2 strikes and to kill the str 6 carrier behind with the third one. But its too late, they can´t prevent invasion any more - German tanks and other forces operate to France.

In the east Russian forces are moving fast towards Germany. The leading russian armored spearhead kills a german AF in Warsaw - first russian soldiers on german soil smile.gif .

Odessa would have been surrounded this turn and several german armies - the core of the axis ground forces - killed behind the frontline around Minsk and near Kharkov.

After this deadly blow, Axis sues for peace.


At the end of the war, Russia is still 7 !! tech advances behind Germany in the air - not a single tech for Russia.


Germany: LR 4, Jets 3

Italy: GLR 2

UK: LR 2, Jets 1

USA: LR 1, Jets 2

Russia: LR 0, Jets 0

No other known techs.

[ October 05, 2004, 05:42 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]

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Terif played very wisely with the western allies spreading the landings (very annoying i admit it ;) ) and drawing away the much needed in the east german forces.

I do not know the exact battle of order of axis troops but i think that if the axis player noticed he couldn't keep the momentum in russia, he should have entrenched and deal with the western allies after their landing. Otherwise he should have pushed deeper into russia and let the allies reach the rhine if this was the price to pay for knocking out russia. Or maybe the western allies were too strong for germans to employ this tactic? Give us some more insights ;)

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Hi Cosmin,

Yes, this is the usual situation where Axis should have defended one front while killing Allies on the other one - but fortunately axis commander was not willing to be defensive at one front and attacked aggressively at both...leaving a lot of holes to exploit smile.gif .

Germany had a huge tech advantage, had more mpps/turn now with Iraq and until 1 turn before surrendering had even more combat units left...so still a clear advantage for Axis from the allied point of view. In this situation Allies had much more reason to surrender than Axis, but fortunately Axis surrendered first :D .

Nevertheless it was a good game where the advantage shifted several times and till the end both sides had good chances to win. At the start Allies had the advantage since they rescued a lot of units from France. With LR 4 this shifted strongly towards Axis and Avatar was sure he would win. Shortly after Barbarossa Allies recovered and nearly liberated Iraq - until Germany got jets 3 Allies were here in the advantage since they had the better ground forces and more mpps/turn. But without tech against the LR 4/Jets 3 german AFs it was again hopeless for Russia when fighting at a narrow front like in Iraq where they need air superiority and Allies were again in the disadvantage - especially since western Allies also got no tech...therefore very difficult to break the enemy air superiority and to establish a second front.

So Russia had to attack in the wide area of central Russia where it could bring its ground forces into action without the need of air support. At the end Axis had a short term problem, but if they had retreated their remaining units and formed a defensive line in either the west or east...who knows how the war had finally ended - still enough opportunities to change the result for both sides smile.gif .

[ October 05, 2004, 07:29 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]

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Tangier was left open since all 6 axis units in Africa were in Iraq and just surounded Baghdad - so it was not possible for them to operate any unit to Tangier for defence (and they had needed 2 to prevent the cut off: one for the city and another one for the port hex). And additional transports were standing along southern Spain, but here Axis was able to operate enough units to protect the coasts smile.gif

[ October 05, 2004, 07:52 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]

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hehe it seems so ... u had an excellent early gameplay ... probably u got p*ssed off on something that didn't happen the exact way u wanted ;)

It is obvious that some other players came near terif in terms of gameplay ... but it also seems that against terif only a perfect timing of DoWs and perfect mouse clicks are not enough ;)

Anyhow as it seems you are one of the few who managed to put up a very good fight against the champ...congrats for that and congrats for terif for cleverly hiding his not-so-good situation from the enemy's eyes tongue.gif

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The good in SC is, you can always turn the tide, nearly till the end - as long as you continue fighting.

Usually advantages/balance shifts several times during a (good) game - If you surrender you have lost for sure, but as long as you continue playing you still have a chance to find the weak spot of the enemy, to develope the right counterstrategy or e.g.to notice his forces were much more damaged than you thought - so you can regain initiative.

There is ebb and flow and it doesn´t pay off to surrender the first time you are in the ebb and loose the advantage (or think you had lost it...) - the tide will often change when you consolidate your forces, do the best in this situation and develope an adopted strategy.

As long as the income and unit base is not really too small there is always a chance (perhaps if the enemy is 2:1 superior it is in deed over...). You have sometimes to go into the defence until you have recovered, siberians arrive or you catched up in tech. But as long as you can choose where to strike, you can still turn the tide, even in the later war.

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