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SC RYDER CUP - Matches, rules etc - CUP STARTS NOW


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Greetings fellow sc-gamers,

the two team-captains of Europe and USA have discussed the rules for the SC Ryder cup and decided how many games will be played. Our aim was to get as many people as possible to play this cup, and hopefully we all will have a blast.

All players read very carefully;


* The Ryder cup will be played in 9 games. The continent that gets 5 or more victories win the SC Ryder cup 2003.

* Every player play 1 match only and the games can only end in a draw if game ends that way. Players can NOT AGREE on a draw.

* There is absolutely forbidden to let other player in team play the match.

* Standard z-league rules applies;

RULES FOR Zapp League


Currently there is one house rule. A player that breaks it, loses the game.

House Rule #1: If you declare war on a major nation (Russia, Italy, USA) you are NOT allowed to use landings on that nation the same turn.

The latest patch applies i.e today only 1.07 is allowed. The standard rules apply i.e fow on, all options on except siberian wars. Random politics on. Any scenario is allowed, BUT DEAFAULT is 1939 Fall Weiss original scenario. Bidding is OPTIONAL (The UK+Russia handicap system only) and explained further below.

UK+Russia 1:8 Handicap system: The handicap level is a cash amount bonus for those TWO countries EACH. The highest bidder gets Axis and the other player gets Allied with the cash bonus level added to UK AND Russia eight times the amount UK gets.

Example: Player A posts on the opponent forum: "SC ladder game" Player B replies "I bid 100 MPP. Player A replies "accepted" (ofcourse he could have raised the bid instead). Player B will get Axis since he bid the highest bid. The host (either A or B) modifies and saves a new scenario (based on the 1939 Fall Weiss scenario) so that UK gets 100 MPP bonus AND Russia gets 800 MPP bonus.

That means that the HOST will 1) Start the campaign editor 2) Open the Campaign (1939 Fall Weiss.cgn). 3) Edit campaign data by setting the UK+Russia MPP on the bid level (in this case 100 and 800 MPP). 4) Saving the scenario as preferrably the name of the other player. 5) The host starts SC TCP/IP and picks the newly created scenario.

If no player wants to bid or only bids 0 MPP the game can be played without handicap hence no campaign editor will be needed.

LOST OF CONNECTION: Ending your turn when the opponent has inactive window might cause lost connection. If u experience lost connection you should use a confirm before ending your turn. Send a colon ":" and let the opponent reply before you end the turn.

GAME CONTINUE: Since this game is turn-based and takes alot of time, the game can be played on several occasions. BOTH players should have a save file from the game. When u decide to take a break, do it according to the following example:

Example: Rambo and Terif plays and decide to take a break. Rambo is currently active (Rambo's turn). Rambo saves and quits. Terif renames his autosave to Rambo.sav so that it will not be overwritten in some other game.

* Players can agree on rule-changes to z-league rules if both players agree. Our recommendation is that this is not used, in order to make it easy for forum-visitors to follow the games without any special rules influencing the game much..

Matches and AAR

* Matches will be played both in PBEM and TCP/IP. We have tried to mix PBEM-players vs PBEM-players and TCP/IP players vs TCP/IP players. However players in the matches can decide to use diffrent way to play game than recommended by team-captains.

* TCP/IP games will most likely finish earlier than PBEM games. Therefore we recommend that PBEM-matches are played as fast as possible to avoid delay.

* Matches SHALL be posted with AAR in the forum like this;

SC RYDER CUP, GAME X X-USA(axis) vs X-EUROPE(allies)

This is very important.







6. RANNUG(Europe) vs PANZER 39(USA) PBEM

7. KURT 88(Europe) vs DISORDER(USA) PBEM


9. IGZTER(Europe) vs CvM(USA) PBEM

Lets have fun everybody! :D

/ Rambo


[ August 15, 2003, 08:04 PM: Message edited by: Kuniworth ]

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So lets start playing!

The ryder cup is meant to be played simultaneously. Btw You can post your comments on the games and the cup here or in the offical ryder cup thread. Personally I think Europe's crucial game will be Archibald vs JerseyJohn. If we will win that one, Europe may very well bring home the cup.

[ August 15, 2003, 03:04 PM: Message edited by: Kuniworth ]

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Guessing the results of these games are very difficult but as captain for the euro's I think we must win the first 3 to stand a chance. My comments on the follwing matches are this;

1. Terif vs Rambo

Terif should win this game, I think Rambo will go for Axis.

Guess; Terif wins

2. Zapp vs Liam

Zapp should win this one, Liam may fight hard but Zapp is class.

Guess; Zapp wins

3. Codename condor vs Comrade Trapp

Spanish Condor is of high international class, Comrade will have to fight.

Guess; Condor wins..

4. Kuniworth vs Wachtmeister

Never met each other before...Wachtmeister is a veteran, but Kuni has won against good players before.

Guess; can go either way

5. JerseyJohn vs Archibald

A key game for the european side. Hopefully Archibald pull this one off.

Guess; can go either way

6. Rannug vs Panzer 39

Very hard to guess this one. Both players are able.

Guess; Can go either way

7. Kurt88 vs Disorder

Kurt is new, disorder is aggresive and hard.

Guess; disorder wins

8. Piumarcobaleno vs some_god

Piumarco is new, some god got experience.

Guess; some_god wins

9. Igzter vs CvM

CvM is young but played for a long time and knows tricks.

Guess; CvM wins.

Summary; Europe wins 5-4

The SC ryder cup has certainly attract the attention of the best players in the world. USA may miss Iron Ranger and Sand Castle but on the other hand talented european Hombreplin also is missing. So I think the losses are equal. Whats fun is that the team consists of the best SC players of all time. Only profiles missing from old pbem-days is gazza35 from australia, irish guards and maybe brian the wise. Waltero and Hueristic would be fun to watch too...BUT this cup is really filled with mega-stars.

Good luck everybody!

[ August 15, 2003, 03:54 PM: Message edited by: Kuniworth ]

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Well then, it seems to have been decided by fate, which saves a lot of time!


Thanks for the bidding hint -- so bidding is done through e-mail -- the exact procedure should be posted above so there's no confusion. Does the bidding continue till someone decides it's too high for Axis, is there some point where it has to stop automatically?


I've looked through some Threads but haven't been able to locate your e-mail address, if you want to open the bidding I'm at:


Or, as suggested by Kuni below, I'm setting up an AAR Thread and will post my opening bid, awaiting your response.

[ August 15, 2003, 03:19 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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You can bid in your AAR thread also. Bidding stops if one side is happy with the bid. If Archibald for example accepts your bid of 100 MMP you will get axis and UK get 100 MMP and Russia 800 extra MMP.

Of course you can also chose not to play with any bidding system. Its all up to you and archibald! ;)

Oh and use your team-mates to tell you about hints and tips. This is what the cup is all about - team-work and team-spirit. Encourage and support your team! tongue.gif

[ August 15, 2003, 03:16 PM: Message edited by: Kuniworth ]

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"We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, We shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, We shall fight in the fields, and in the streets, We shall fight in the hills; We shall never surrender!" / Winston Churchill june 1940

Long live Europe!


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You know guys, Rambo has sent me a video-clip of him out on the golf-course. And he sure doesn't look like a marine to me, rather like a business-man. Your captain may not be up to the task, team USA....can the rest of you handle the pressure?

[ August 15, 2003, 05:07 PM: Message edited by: Kuniworth ]

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Meanwhile in Germany the emperor of SC, Terif the terrible, is leaving the smoke and dust off the z-league battlefields to crush the hopes of team USA...John Rambo will be destroyed by the one-man legion of doom...


[ August 15, 2003, 06:20 PM: Message edited by: Kuniworth ]

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