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I really would to thank whomever was responsible to creating SC.

Are there any plans to make an Asian Threatre version or maybe use the basics rules to do say... The War Bewteen the States?

I would also like to find out if there are any plans to enhance this game (i.e.: more variables, more units, etc)? I would love to see more of the same.


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Bring in the pacific theatre so some ANZAC legends can dish out their share of kickarse! Would have liked to have seen more of North Africa so a Tobruk scenario could have been developed. (relax 'oldbies', I know geography and it's inherrent programing limitations have been played out to death on this forum!) :cool:

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Excellent, you were never a junior member type.

But you're last two posts are stuck at 33*! :eek:

Not to worry, my numbers were also stuck for a little while, a thousand or so postings, then the problem just clears up by itself! ;)


*That had me shook up when I first started and was under the impression that each number was supposed to show what the post was at the time it was put up -- back then they were hidden so at first I only noticed the number by accident. Everyone assumes there are only two categories because Emmries and Dorosh and those other CM guys who are up at 15,000 are still listed as members, but I keep checking, maybe the next category starts at 20,000! :D

[ March 03, 2004, 07:06 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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