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Cheat programs have ruined competitive SC


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Comrade told me a couple of times he'd work on it and have it up and running again. The days came and went. I'm sure there are excellent reasons it didn't happen as planned; Comrade is the sort of person who does things without being prodded or encouraged, so I saw no point in bugging him about it; he knows we'd all like to start posting there again.

SC HQ, although I'm a moderator at it, is Comrade's brainchild and project. I think it's good that he's working on it and also that it would be wrong for me to keep asking him for progress reports.

If it doesn't get back in commission I'll be sorry, but will also be certain that Comrade did his best to get it rebooted.

I didn't believe he was serious when he first mentioned it. When he got it going I was pleasantly surprised and honored that he asked me to help monitor the place

-- (which was no problem at all as I only needed to take a single action during it's entire existence!).

When Shaka partitioned it I was extremely pleased and all the more let down when it crashed so shortly afterwards.

Many of the threads and postings there were really great and I think it helped this site as well. Which is another reason it's crashing was so disappointing.

My only regret along the way is that a few people seem to have dropped by the wayside over some of the issues that came up there. Or, perhaps they just dropped because they wanted to.

While still on the subject, I think Kuniworth was a real credit to the place and I thoroughly enjoyed exchanging volleys with him and am very eager to do so again. smile.gif:(

[ December 04, 2003, 11:38 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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I'm confident it will be re-started, but won't nag the guy about it. If it isn't running there must be a good reason why it isn't and if it doesn't get back in commission I'll be sorry about it, but won't hold it against Comr
Agreed 100%. I'm sure CT is doing all he can. I'm just hoping the place will re-open soon.

One good thing however is that due to the crash this forum is been picking up pieces again. Maybe a bit more modestly but I'm enjoying reading it again.

Btw I'm fairly surprised this thread isn't locked since there's no real topic.

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I'm working on it, it took me about 3 days of constent working (some sleep in between) to get SCHQ up and running the first time.

I haven't had the kind of time available that it takes to restore all of the settings to where they were. I will hopefully will find time later this week or the latest this weekend.

I don't really consider this a disaster, it more like a new beginning. Now that we know what to expect and how to run it, I think we will be a lot better off.

Comrade Trapp

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As Shakespeare once said, "All's Well That Ends Well!"

Thanks for the update Comrade, thanks for inspiring it, Kurt.

When it starts again I think I'll take the opposite approach from last time and try to be the last (of the initial members) to reach the various milestones.

Hell, I'm perfectly capable of lurking and not posting -- Just see if I'm not! :D

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I'm working on it, it took me about 3 days of constent working (some sleep in between) to get SCHQ up and running the first time.

I haven't had the kind of time available that it takes to restore all of the settings to where they were. I will hopefully will find time later this week or the latest this weekend.

I don't really consider this a disaster, it more like a new beginning. Now that we know what to expect and how to run it, I think we will be a lot better off.

Comrade Trapp

Speak of the devil !! Great news CT, I knew you would get it back up!


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Since you seem to have snakes on the brain as of late. Go to this site:


I think you'll find something interesting after the third or fourth loop, immediately following mushroom, mushroom.

I don't have a picture hosting site, otherwise I'd just put it up. But you should watch the whole thing anyways.

If you like it, go to their main sight and watch the one called SCAMPI.

Positively addicting, how my life was complete without it I do not know.

Oh I should add, I unleashed this upon my comrades over at the red army boards. It ruined many lives. And apparently one of them is now proclaiming Mr Stabby is his mentor.

So be forewarned.

Za Rodina!

[ December 04, 2003, 01:03 PM: Message edited by: Konstatin V. Kotelnikov ]

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Check out a thread in Wargamer boardgaming forums.

We might have a new grand strategy board game classic on the hoizon eh guys.

Oh and for relevance to topicality, it will be cheat proof eh.

If the opponent cheats, you kick him in the shins or boot him out of the place.

And hey, you will KNOW who you were playing, so you won't have to worry about false accusations hehe smile.gif

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You have my eternal gratitude, I am now cured of my snake obsession.

Unfortunately, I'm also sitting in a corner muttering in various tongues I'm not familiar with!

A Truly Mind Expanding Experience! :D

[ December 04, 2003, 01:28 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Originally posted by JerseyJohn:


A Truly Mind Expanding Experience! :D

Oh I agree. A couple weeks ago we were doing one of those 4 player SC hotseat games. When someone says; "Hey Guys, you've got to see this."

I have been hooked since. Only wish they ran on my PC at work. With work stress, seeing "Cheese in Disguise" would make it better.

Like that one also cause of the reference to Russians and Stalin. Stalin in sunglasses looks like someone I know.

Needless to say we never did finish our SC 4 player hotseat. I had to be the axis and promise not to do a sealion. I behaved, but eventually the Bacardi 151 and cokes we were drinking took it's toll. Left no one in shape to continue past the Spring of 1942.

Za Rodina

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**A True Patriotic Tale**

Upon entering the Air Force my primary beverage was Coca-Cola straight, without a chaser.

After being in SAC roughly three days my primary beverage was Bacardi 151 and cokes ... or similar concoctions.

Upon exiting the Air Force my primary beverage was any old whiskey straight, without a chaser.

I'd once more attained purity.*

-- Somehow, that website made me think of those days. Ahh, nostalgia. ;)

Anyway, that sounded like a great game! :D

*I found that, enjoying a good drink or twenty, rum led to the worst hangovers! Vodka was the least objectionable. Wine and beer never agreed with me in large quantities. Most hard stuff was easily dealt with by orange or tomato juice.

In short, it's not the drink so much as the kind of hangover it produces that really matters! ;)


[ December 04, 2003, 02:45 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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As always, Les, a wise decision.

I'm planning on visiting the place again pretty soon if this site slows down sufficiently, but between here and the General Forum there's usually enough for a few postings a day, afterwhich I take a little time out to do some work.

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Jersey, are you saying that you will become a lurker? with all that wonderous knowledge that is leaking out of your noodle, do you think it is possible for you not to direct us?? You are our voice of civilty!!

Who will be left, there is no Kuni, Comrade Trapp is off recreating SC HQ, who'll be left??? :eek: *gasp* us 'newbies' We all know this is not a good thing at all.

[ December 04, 2003, 03:05 PM: Message edited by: ErrantRecce1 ]

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You've convinced me, it was a selfish indulgence on my part.

So, my career as a lurker lasted two hours and produced twenty posts! :D

While hesitant to call the stuff oozing out of my noodle knowledge*, there is one thing that can be said of it, I can't find the damn shut off valve! ;)

*though I do appreciate your giving it that classification, however erronious! smile.gif

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I live in the New Jersey Marshlands -- if all I catch is the flu then I'm doing pretty well!

Fever is a normal condition for me, explaining my constant and usually incomprehensible postings put up during all hours of the day and night. :D

Except now, when it's either early dinner or late lunch at the homestead.

Should I survive I'll return, should I not it would be good if Kuni delivered some sort of eulogy. Prefarably in Swedish. :cool:

No doubt I'll continue posting even in death! :eek:

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Forget hiding at Wargamer CT, hmm maybe Shaun saw my earlier comment smile.gif

Now at Wargamer, if you enter the Battlefront labelled forum there, guess where you end up smile.gif

It sends you here smile.gif

So CT, if you were thinking about it (going there), it isn't an option.

We will just have to wait till ya gets SC HQ back in order for our way out there ramblings..

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Which is only right -- we get looped back to the starting square like Monopoly's Advance to Go card. And here we can feel more at ease with the usual bitching and arguing and wild anticipations ... ;)

This Forum has left me very encouraged despite it's drop in volume over the past several months. On the other hand, I rooted for the dinosaurs in all three Jurasic Park movies.


Your mentioning those mixed rum drinks yesterday caused me to wake up with a flashback hangover!

I kept thinking about those headaches that started at the top of my head and split it down the middle!

My sub-conscious needed to be told five or six times that I haven't had a drink in weeks before, finally, Freud's old IDDddd finally believed it. All the same it demanded an orange juice. Very glad we had some in the refrigerator. smile.gif

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Originally posted by JerseyJohn:


Your mentioning those mixed rum drinks yesterday caused me to wake up with a flashback hangover!

Well if you ever find yourself in this neck of the woods you are invited to partake in Vodka. Proper russian style. With all appropriate toasts.

It's always a blast and would explain the large number of Germans and GI's that visit our camp and remain there. Oh say until the time the vodka runs out. LOL

Mmmmmm antifreeze.

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Vodka is good with orange juice, but I find you can't really taste it with the orange juice.

Which begs the question, why drink something you can't taste? Why not just drink the orange juice heheh.

Of course if the reason is so you can drink till you fall down, that's easy to handle.

I can always just knock you down a lot, and you won't get the hang over after smile.gif

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Thanks for the invitation -- no trip is too far for really good vodka!


Exactly right, these things always need to be taken straight, otherwise what's the point?

For me the only exception is a good Bloody Mary with meals. Although even then, I think a decent French brandy during and a good French cognac after are also good -- I mean, with a meal of course, but the holds true with other activities.


It isn't as though this Thread has strayed noticably off-Topic or anything. smile.gif

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My drink of choice would be a bottle of Real Lime Extract (the stuff usually used to cook with smile.gif ).

Yes I know it isn't an alcoholic beverage, but then, have you ever tried to drink a bottle of Lime extract before heheh.

I like Gin and Tonic myself.

I usually have a beer with a meal.

And Jamaican Coconut Rum yummmmmmmmm. Makes excellent joint pain remover.

Sadly, and to my shame (being Scottish) I think scotch tastes like dehumidfier water. I tried a glass once straight, and god it was undesirable.

I never drink the spicy type drinks, so a Ceasar is right out of the question.

Of course liquor chocolates, now they're special. It isn't christmas if I don't find that box under the tree eh. And a bottle of Bailey's is just awesome. I have an unopened bottle from 85 that was a gift from my brother when he got married. Someday I might open it (like when the world comes to an end heheh).

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I believe I'll pass on the extracts but thanks for sharing that info. :D

Agree on the drink part -- there's nothing wrong with one or two of the sweet drinks, but they're hell to get really sauced on.

You may have tried the wrong kind of Scotch. Johnny Walker Black, Teacher's and any premium = expensive Scotch is fine straight and without ice. Never, never attempt this with Johnny Walker Red, Doers, J&B etc & etc. .. As soon as you see those labels start mixing them, that's all they're good for.

Most brands of Irish Whiskey are fine straignt and without rocks or soda or any or water ... add them and you may as well be drinking the cheap garbage.

Most Bourbon Whiskey is also good straight, even the rot-gut variety, but it's really a different drink from the Scotch and Irish variety.

Imagine that silly Boggs wondering why this thing isn't locked just because it's become a primer for alcoholism!

Actually, I've mentioned both tomato and orange juice, even putting up pictures of those items, and you've mentioned lime extract, so I guess it's still pretty wholesome.

Now it's off to an activity I suppose you Canadians might be vaguely familiar with, shoveling snow!

As for the legitimacy of this eternal thread, I ask you, what could be a more heartwarming sight than a woman taking her baby for a stroll?

-- At an Outdoor SC Exhibition!


[ December 05, 2003, 03:18 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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