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SC2 - Comments for the Future of SC

Edwin P.

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Overall I like SC, its fast, playable, balanced and interesting. One or Two players can complete a game in a reasonable amount of time.

Paraphrasing what Bill Macon said, in SC2 I would like to see it retain the same basic system and playability while adding;

1. Diplomacy

2. Few More Unit Types & Techs

- Marines

- Engineers

- Decoy Units to fool air spotters


  • Defence 0, Attack 0, AP 2, Cost 25MPP</font>

- Intelligence/Code Breaking Tech </font>
  • Tech 0 - 0% per unit to reveal location of enemy unit for 1 turn</font>
  • Tech 1 - 2% per unit to reveal location of enemy unit for 1 turn</font>
  • Tech 2 - 4% per unit to reveal location of enemy unit for 1 turn</font>
  • Tech 3 - 8% per unit to reveal locaion of enemy unit(s) for 1 turn</font>
  • Tech 4 - 16% per unit to reveal location of enemy unit for 1 turn</font>
  • Tech 5 - 32% per unit to reveal location of enemy unit for 1 turn</font>

- Winter Preparation Tech to negate winter effects

- Partisan Support Tech > Increases chance for partisans in conquered nations - Norway,Greece, France, Sweden, Spain, UK, Turkey

- Army/Corps/Fleet Unit Commanders with penalties/bonuses option

3. Improved AI

- More canned strategies

- AI online updates (log in and down load new AI rountines/canned strategies)

- AI Strategy Editor so players can try new AI strategies

- AI gets smarter as Intelligence Rating Increases (ie Beginner > Intermediate > Expert).

4. Map

- Larger Europe / Global Map at the same/larger scale.

- Limited Weather Effects (ie Ice in Artic sea, snow in Russia), Air Range reduced by 100%, Operating costs increase by 100% in winter zones during winter. Movement increase by 100% in winter zones.

- A few Changes - ie North Sea Transit Hex if map stays the same, two way Suez tansit, minor ports

5. More variablity and less predictability

- Selectable merchant ship convoy routes

- Random starting positions for the front-line Russian forces

- Neutrals occassionaly (but not always) respond to large forces massing on border and along coast with new deployment locations, providing intelligence to the other side.

- Post Russian Surrender Partisans

- Free Brits options

- Chance for US Naval Reinforcements from the Pacific

- Chance for Japanase Naval reinforcements to the Meditteranean if German controls Suez and US Naval forces arrived from the Pacific.

- Russia can move capital for a MPP cost.

- Random but rare events (1% per turn for an event, about 1 event every 1 to 2 games)


  • Intercept maps of a country's troop locations, see enemy location for 1 turn</font>
  • Spies damage ship in port, a ship in port receives 5 pts of damage</font>
  • Spies have sabatoged our oil refineries - Lose 10MPP for 1 turn</font>
  • Spy in General Staff - See all of 1 nation's units for until spy is dectected (20% per turn)</font>
  • Spies Steal Tech Advance from a random enemy nation</font>
  • Technology Breakthrough, receive 1 bonus tech advance in a random technology area</font>
  • Explosion rips through Science Lab - Reclaim 1 random tech chit (-1 chit, +125 MPP)</font>
  • Spies reveal "FALSE" Locations of Enemy Naval Units.</font>
  • Military Genius assumes control of HQ Unit</font>
  • Most Capable General is killed in plane/car accident, replaced by Lower Rated HQ Unit</font>
  • HQ communications Damaged, Action points for units controlled by 1 HQ unit reduced by 50% for 1 turn.</font>

[ May 08, 2003, 03:04 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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ther beter b paritrops ore Ial driv evry 1 crazie wih stewpid postins unteal thay r aded.

There better be paratroopers or I'll drive everyone crazy with stupid postings until they are added.

ther beter b paritrops ore Ial driv evry 1 crazie wih stewpid postins unteal thay r aded.

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I honestly can't wait for SC2 no matter where it is lol. I would really really like to see a pacific theater, it's one the area's that interest's me the most and I think it would really add a lot to the game.

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For me, WWII is a global war where the allies have to balance the resources assigned to Europe and the Pacific. Its the war I want to see in a most playable game. Its a war that gives rise to lots of global strategies on the economic and military front.

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