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I'm playing with the demo version of Strategic Command and i think that it is a

good war game but i think that there are some important things not implemented .

I'm speaking about things like Enigma,spies and nuclear research .

It is known that the U-boats were defeated after the breaking of the Enigma code

and that UK and Germany were involved in spies' wars.

I think that the game will be better if it implements this things .

There are some humble suugestions :

Enigma :

The Axis can do research on it and he can use the Enigma to hide the positions

of his subs . The subs will be undetected until the Allies cracks the Enigma.After

the Enigma was broken there is no fog of war for the Axis subs .

Axis can pass to Enigma-2,3... doing other research.

Spies :

The Germans/Allies can buy a Spy unit that can be positioned anywhere in the map.

A spy can clear the FOG in the hexes near it so the player can look at the secret

army's of the enemy.

A one shot commando operation can be buied and used against key facilities...


A 10 point research can be initiated by Axis/Allies . The first that reach the

nuclear level 10 can use the bomb.

... i read too much Forsyth!:)

Great game anyway :)

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Not bad ideas. However the commando one is a little too small scale for this game. Corps is the smallest unit I believe.

Spies...well its interesting to say the least I guess. Wouldnt bother me with or without them in future installments :D

Enigma...I like that idea. Only problem is didnt the germans use enigma for more than just subs? If I can remember correctly Blechley Park (spelling?) had been cracking the enigma code and actually knew about the impending german offensive in December '44. I dunno maybe it was another code? Interesting ideas none the less. Better than most I have heard.

ohh one last thing. The nuke idea wouldnt be very fun because everyone would spend all their MPPs to get a nuke and just would be a spending fest. IMO.

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There certainly isn't enough intel in the game ATM IMO. For example the Germans can mass a huge invasion force a couple of hexes off the channel (in France) without the UK having any idea that it's there. But I think I would abstract intel ops a bit more than suggested above.

Perhaps there could be a % chance that the location of any unit will be known to the enemy regardless of spotting. This percentage could increase with research up to whatever seems reasonable. You could add a counter-intel tech to reduce the % but it would probably be simpler to use the relative intel tech of both sides to calc the %. So for example, 10% if both at same intel level, 15% for the side with better intel, 5% for the side with worse.

BTW I'm talking SC2 here, if you should be working on SC1 (H&BBs) then what are you even doing here!

[ July 10, 2002, 08:42 PM: Message edited by: Bruce70 ]

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Originally posted by matra:


I'm playing with the demo version of Strategic Command and i think that it is a

good war game but i think that there are some important things not implemented .

I'm speaking about things like Enigma,spies and nuclear research .

It is known that the U-boats were defeated after the breaking of the Enigma code

and that UK and Germany were involved in spies' wars.

I think that the game will be better if it implements this things .

There are some humble suugestions :

Enigma :

The Axis can do research on it and he can use the Enigma to hide the positions

of his subs . The subs will be undetected until the Allies cracks the Enigma.After

the Enigma was broken there is no fog of war for the Axis subs .

Enigma decrypts were not that effective for ASW, Huff Duff was and is probably already covered in ASW tech.

Enigma decrypts (in the ASW sense) were used mostly to route convoys away from subs, not to vector attackers to them.

Spies, no thanks, if you are going to have them remove FOW (for reality reasons) you need to also have them report masses of spurious units, make masses of mistakes and frequently get turned by the enemy.

It wouldn't add much to the game IMO.

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"Operation Barbarossa is launched as our 2 greatest commandoes invades Russland and aims for Stalingrad. Himmer have announced that Luftwaffe will join them shortly, once some airfleets can be built. Our fabolus spy network have placed markers on the roads they need to go in order to avoid the silly sovjet partisans." :eek:

My vote on no spies.


[ July 11, 2002, 07:12 AM: Message edited by: Norse ]

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I could accept spies (maybe) if they didn't remove FoG entirely, and that it were optional and not a De Facto part of the game.

UK could research some spy tech, and get limited and inaccurate information each turn. Maybe 1 of 6 subs is spotted before the spies loose track of it again.

The more spy tech the Germans have, the more inaccurate this information get. If the Germans have more spy tech than the UK, then u end up "decoding" german messages that are sent out just to fool you, so you see subs that aren't really there.

To totally remove the fog on the Germans is unfair, give the axis a chance to fight back on this. What I stated above should do it. Subs tracked by spies could have a ? marker on them as they're not really seen by anyone, just tracked by spies. Location unconfirmed.

About commandoes, we should be very careful about this. If the game gets too many 1-man units, then we end up having a couple Rambo's slugging it out and deciding the war, instead of the HUGE armies that was world war 2. I don't think commandoes should be implemented at all, in order to avoid this. We should be forced to spend the MPP's on huge armies and tons of aircrafts, instead of making some kind of James Bond unit.

Commandoes could be implemented in the spy-tech as well. That way, if you got alot of spy tech, then the enemy stands a chance of loosing alittle mpp's per turn (maybe 2 or 3 mpps). That would represent the resources sent to various sabotage and resistance units. I mean, in the big picture, a resistance unit blowing up a factory in Paris would only disrupt max 2 mpp's from the German war machine anyway.


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>> I could accept spies (maybe) if they didn't remove FoG entirely,

The Axis player buies a spy and places it everywhere in UK . From this point on

the Axis player receives informations about things like troops movements , unit

buying, research (we can steal it!) and other intel informations .

Allies can do the same.


The Axis/Allied buy a spy,place it anywhere in the map and from this point on

he can view all enemy units in the six hexes adjacent to him.

Suppose a super trained (5 or more research points) spy ,infiltrated in the UK,

send a message to Berlin like "Look at Normandy".

>> and that it were optional and not a De Facto part of the game.

It is only an if... ;)

>>so you see subs that aren't really there.

If the UK decode Enigma the MPP lost due to U-boats dramatically decrease . I think that

it is a good trade-off: no more canceled FOW for subs.

>> To totally remove the fog on the Germans is unfair,

Never said that smile.gif

>> give the axis a chance to fight back on this.

Axis can develop Enigma-2,3,4... and so on. Allies have to spend other research to decoy it.

>> Subs tracked by spies could have a ? marker on them

I think that the above solution is better . To detect the U-boats we can use advanced sonar.

I think that it is obvious that SC lacks some intel .

Mix all those things with real-time and a smaller scale and we obtain SC2 : The WWII game ;)

Great game anyway.

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I would not like to see an actual spy unit (or any other small unit for that matter). It raises a whole bunch of issues with stacking for starters. I think it is a good thing that this game has no stacking and I'd like it to stay that way.

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