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Diplomacy and "High Command" flashback

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First of all, I would like to say that this is a tremendous simulation and offer the de rigeur "I can't wait for 'SUMMER.'"

This game is as close to a fulfillment of my own personal wishlist as I think it is possible to get, but perhaps one suggestion for improvement: allow players to expend MPPs to attempt to influence the diplomatic status of neutrals. As of now the minor countries seem to come in rough approximation to their historical entry dates. It would be an interesting option, for instance, if one - as the Germans - could pump a lot of extra MPPs over to the Iron Guard in Bucharest and maybe get access to that oil at an earlier date.

Just a thought, and one that hearkens back to my old fave "High Command" from the early 90's.

Which reminds me of the time I (as the allies) stomped the Computer Nazi regime, declared war on the Soviets for the fun of it, and took the BEF and French army on a "bizarro world" Barbarossa in 1940. The really cool thing was that after a couple turns "Germany" ressurected as an ALLIED nation and joined me, albeit at somewhat reduced strength. Wasn't that what Patton always wanted to accomplish?

Too bad SC does not allow the Allies to declare war on the Sovs (as idiots in France and Britain actually wanted to do during the Finland campaign)

Anyway, great game, great forum, and great fun with the demo so far for me.

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THANKS! I have looked through the past pages of this forum and had apparently missed that one.

I still feel that there is a lot of historical precedent for various powers effectuating political changes within other countries, and I think it would add a nice element to the gameplay AND would not require a drastic retooling of the game. (That aspect was one of my favorite things about High Command.)

Anyhow, 'tis a minor gripe and I must say that as a person with experience playing just about every WWII simulation ever made, I find Hubert's work to be tremendous, especially in the critical area of the AI.

By the way. Ted, I believe you were the person who posted those detailed recaps of your campaigns - bravo! Nicely done. And thanks for giving me the perfect road map to follow in executing Seelowe and trodding those Limeys to death under my merciless jackboots!

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Camicie Nere, I read your post above about High Command and was interested. Looked through the net and found a site that offered the game as a download, just finished downloading it as it looks like a very fine game for its time or any time for that matter. I have to ask though what did you like and dislike most with this game? Thanks for any reply and have a nice day, and for those interested here is the link if you wish to try it out as well. http://www.ryanbailey.com/hicom/hicom.html

[ June 10, 2002, 02:08 AM: Message edited by: przy ]

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Originally posted by Camicie Nere:


THANKS! I have looked through the past pages of this forum and had apparently missed that one.

I still feel that there is a lot of historical precedent for various powers effectuating political changes within other countries, and I think it would add a nice element to the gameplay AND would not require a drastic retooling of the game. (That aspect was one of my favorite things about High Command.)

Anyhow, 'tis a minor gripe and I must say that as a person with experience playing just about every WWII simulation ever made, I find Hubert's work to be tremendous, especially in the critical area of the AI.

By the way. Ted, I believe you were the person who posted those detailed recaps of your campaigns - bravo! Nicely done. And thanks for giving me the perfect road map to follow in executing Seelowe and trodding those Limeys to death under my merciless jackboots!


Glad to help. smile.gif

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Amusingly, I myself found that High COmmand site but have not succeeded in getting it to run on my machine.

But to answer your question, I think it was a tremendous game and in many ways it was by far superior to its contemporary, CLash of Steel. (I just CANNOT accept the amalgamation of countries done by COS - I am a hard-core history buff and a stickler for accuracy)

Anyway, HC had a nice (albeit complex) modelling of resources and production and showed an appreciation for the kind of historical minutiae that I so love. For instance, instead of "Romania joins Axis" we got "The neo-Fascist Iron Guard stages a coup in Bucharest."

As I mentioned above, my favorite gaming moment of all time, probably, was when I had a coalition of France, Britain, the US, and a formerly defeated but now apparently repentant Germany fighting the Soviets. How cool is that? Each country had an expeditionary force in Russia, somewhat a la what happened in 1919.

As for the bad, I think all the programming resources for that game went into everything other than the AI - it was brutal. Also, a human player US could pretty much annihilate Germany in no time flat by kicking out loads and loads of armored units at once and swamping them.

Anyhow, I better go, but I am always happy to wax rhapsodic about HC and my international crusade to stomp out Bolshevism. Maybe I'll try to install that puppy again and try to tide myself over until the full SC comes out!

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The AI in HC was perhaps the worst in a wargame I can remember. What made it so frustrating was that nearly everything else about the game was so close to perfect, that with a decent AI, I doubt I ever would have stopped playing. What made the AI lack even worse was that they built it without any form of head to head online play, not even PBEM. The designer's notes talk about that. It took long enough to make that the PBEM origins happened somewhere in the middle of the design so they released it rather than delaying it further. It is possible to PBEM, but the process is a pain, so I never did it. I've gotten it to run for a bit, but always end up with the error message saying that I don't have enough conventional memory. Can't seem to get around that one no matter what memory settings I use.

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Yeah, nothing like that HC AI conveniently taking solitary French units off the Maginot line in order to make a suicidal beeline in the direction of distant Berlin.

But I agree, Wolfpack, that with a better AI it would have been just about perfect.

Have high hopes for SC, though! This may be the best AI I have ever seen.


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