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Why would you ever ban Rambo??


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“Serious discussions? What do you want to talk about? Moving a tank? What Patton's shoe-size was? This is a game, not cancer research."

"Where I live, Sodomy(ed: that's anal sex for those who don't know)is against the Law. Therefore playing SC in Idaho against a Sodomite is against the Law. I will follow the Law.”

- Rambo

I can't help it. I crack up everytime this guy writes. I'm going through Kuni's 'smack talk' section, and i'm laughing my pants off reading Rambo's diatribes. I love it, and you guys were thinking of BANNING this guy from SC a while ago??? This guy IS SC. How could ppl have taken every comment so seriously from him? He WANTS to make you laugh, and you all spit on him. Shame on you.

[ August 02, 2004, 12:53 PM: Message edited by: Avatar ]

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Have you ever awakened one fine day to find you'd been dubbed Claus Boobie? :D

Rambo's defense aagainst picking on a fourteen year old was to claim he himself was only twelve and when I said something I was chastised for picking on a twelve year old! :D

Brother Rambo is an SC treasure. We'd never think of asking to have him banned. You're reading very, very old threads.

Aside from which he happens to be The Original Legend; you don't ban Legends!

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Who can forget this classic song from CvM;

THE REAL RAMBO(song; the eminem song about slim shady)

"looks like we're gonna have a problem here"

Ya'll act like you never seen a loud person before

Jaws on the floor likr Rambo and JJ just burst through the door.

I started whoopin' in ass worse then before.

they first were flankin, throwin him over furniture (Ahh!)

It's the return of the... "Ah, wait, no way, you're kidding,

he didn't just say what I think he did, did he?"

And Mister Rambo said... nothing you grognards!

Rambo's dead, he's locked in my basement! (Ha-ha!)

Old Time gamers love CvM {*vocal turntable:

chigga chigga chigga*} "CARL Manny, I'm sick of him

Look at him, walkin around trashin this rambo foo

usin' his panzers on you," "Yeah, but he's so smart though!"

Yeah, I probably got a couple of screws up in my head loose

But no worse, than what's goin on in Rambo's 'puter room.

Some times i just wanna get on the forum and let loose. But i cant, but its cool For Kuni to kill a dead Moose.

"My panzers on your flanks, My panzers on your flanks, and Im lucky i might just give ur Air fleet a little dank." And that the message he give to little kids and expect not to know what the Nazi party is.

Of course they gonna know what Barbarossa is by the time they hit 10th Grade they got the History Channel Dont they?

"We ain't nothing but grognards.." Well, some of us cannibals

who cut other people open like cantaloupes

But if we can flank dead panzer truppen and antelopes

then there's no reason that my industrial tech i cant develope

But if you feel like I feel, I got the antidote

Otto wave your website round, sing the chorus and it sounds

I'm the real Rambo, yes I'm the real Rambo

All you other Real Rambos are just imitating

So won't the real real Rambo please stand up,

please stand up, please stand up?

I'm the real Rambo, yes I'm the real Rambo

All you other Real Rambos are just imitating

So won't the real real Rambo please stand up,

please stand up, please stand up?

Jersey John don't gotta cuss in his posts to get attention

well I do, so flank him and flank you too!

You think I give a damn about that army?

Half of your airfleets can't even reach me, let alone hurt me

"But Ram, what if you win, wouldn't it be weird?"

Why? So you guys could just lie to get me here?

So you can, sit me here next to CvM?

DAmn, Comrades Trapp better switch me chairs

so I can sit next to Hubert Cater and Madmatt

and hear 'em argue over who can delete that

Your little sub, robs me of MPP

"Yeah, he's tought, but I think his fleet is sunk , hee-hee!"

I should download this demo on BFC

and show the whole world how you gave CvM Victory {*AHHH!*}

I'm sick of you little spammers and yammers, all you do is annoy me

so I have been sent here to destroy you {*bzzzt*}

And there's a million of us just like me

who cuss like me; who just don't give a flank like me

who dress like me; walk, talk and act like me

and just might be the next best thing but not quite me!

I'm the real Rambo, yes I'm the real Rambo

All you other Real Rambos are just imitating

So won't the real real Rambo please stand up,

please stand up, please stand up?

I'm the real Rambo, yes I'm the real Rambo

All you other Real Rambos are just imitating

So won't the real real Rambo please stand up,

please stand up, please stand up?

I'm like a head trip to listen to, cause I'm only givin you

things you joke about with your friends inside your Forum room

The only difference is I got the gual to say it

in front of y'all and I don't gotta be false or sugarcoated at all

I just get on the thread and spit it

and whether you like to admit it {*ERR*} I just kid it

better than ninety percent of you posters out can

Then you wonder how can kids eat up these games like dames

It's funny; cause at the rate I'm goin when I'm thirty

I'll be the only person in the college Dorm gamin'

Kickin Krauts arses when I'm flankin round ur fortress

And I'm workin but this whole bag of Airfleets isn't working

And every single person is a Real Rambo lurkin

He could be workin at Best Buy, spittin on your SC9

{*HACH*} Or in the parkin lot, circling

Screaming "I just took France!"

with his windows down and his system up

So, will the real Rambo please stand up?

And put one of those fingers on each hand up?

And be proud to be outta your mind and outta control

and one more time, loud as you can, how does it go?

I'm the real Rambo, yes I'm the real Rambo

All you other Real Rambos are just imitating

So won't the real real Rambo please stand up,

please stand up, please stand up?

I'm the real Rambo, yes I'm the real Rambo

All you other Real Rambos are just imitating

So won't the real real Rambo please stand up,

please stand up, please stand up?

Ha ha

Guess there's a Real Rambo in all of us

forget it, let's all stand up

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And without him the General Forum is a paradise of peace, love and wisdom. :rolleyes::D

He's called me everything but the Anti-Christ, so what? Nobody on earth is farther from what Rambo has to say on religion than I am. Not a biggie.

He doesn't spread hate, he just feels that if you aren't identical to his own religious beliefs you'll go to hell. Big deal, he's got plenty of company of all relions that feel the same way.

If he doesn't watch himself I won't vouch for him and he'll never be admitted into Hell! :D

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Zapp's song(Song; Eminem - Stan)

My game's gone cold I'm wondering why I..

got out of Poland at all

The strategic bombers clouds up my frontline..

and I can't see at all

And even if I could it'll all be gray,

but one day you gotta fall

and it reminds me, that I'm not so bad,

I'm not so bad..

[Eminem as 'Zapp']

Dear Terif, I wrote but you still ain't callin

I left my cell, my pager, and my home phone at the bottom

I sent two e-mails back in autumn, you must not-a got 'em

There probably was a problem with the servers or somethin

Sometimes I scribble addresses too sloppy when I jot 'em

but anyways; **** it, what's been up? Man how's your airfleets?

My luftwaffe's level 3 too, this game’s bout to go even farther

If I get Rambo to a slaughter, guess what I'ma call me?

I'ma name myself Air-king

I read about the panzerliga gaming too I'm sorry

I had a tank kill himself over some hexes who didn't want him

I know you probably hear this everyday, but I'm your biggest fan

I even read the spanish gambit **** that you did with Condor

I got a room full of your AAR:s and your tactics man

I like the **** you played with Dragon too, that **** was fat

Anyways, I hope you get this man, hit me back,

just to chat, truly yours, your biggest fan

This is Zapp

{Chorus: Dido}

[Eminem as 'Zapp']

Dear Terif, you still ain't called or wrote, I hope you have a chance

I ain't mad - I just think it's ****ED UP you don't challenge fans

If you didn't wanna play me cause’ you think Im a looney

you didn't have to, but you coulda signed an autograph for Kuni

That's my fellow swede man, he's only six years old

We waited in the latest AAR for you,

four hours and you just said, "No."

That's pretty ****ty man - you're like his ****in idol

He wants to be just like you man, he likes you more than I do

I ain't that mad though, I just don't like bein lied to

Remember when we met at battlefront - you said if I'd play you

you would play me back - see I'm just like you in a way

I never knew Irish Guards neither;

he used to always cheat on fellow players and beat them

I can relate to what you're saying in your report

so when I have a ****ty day, I drift carriers away and put 'em in a port

cause I don't really got rockets else so that ship helps when I'm depressed

I even lose to Liam when I don’t get the rest

Sometimes I even spend myself to see how much fleets

It's like adrenaline, the mmp is such a sudden rush for me

See everything you type is real, and I respect you cause you tell it

Moon’s jealous cause I talk about you 24/7

But he don't know you like I know you Terif, no one does

he don't know what it was like for people like us climbin the ratings’ up

You gotta play me man, I'll be the biggest foe you'll ever lose

Sincerely yours, Zapp -- P.S.

We should do an AAR together too

{Chorus: Dido}

[Eminem as 'Zapp']

Dear Mister-I'm-Too-Good-To-Play-Or-Write-My-Fans,

this'll be the last save I ever send your ass

It's been six day and still no word - I don't deserve it?

I know you got my last two e-mails;

I wrote the addresses on 'em perfect

So this is my save-game I'm sending you, I hope you analyze it

I'm in France right now, I'm doing 90 along the coastway

Hey Terif, I dow a bunch of minor, you dare me to a game?

You know the song by Phil Collins, "In the Air of the Night"

about that guy who coulda saved that newbie from spending mmp

but didn't, then Phil saw it all, then at a a show he found jets level 5?

That's kinda how this is, you coulda rescued me from the carrier bug

Now it's too late - I'm on a 1000 rambo-game now, I'm drowsy

and all I wanted was a fow-sniffer or a call

I hope you know I ripped ALL of your postings off the wall

I love you Terif, we coulda played together, think about it

You ruined it now, I hope you can't sleep and you dream about it

And when you dream I hope you can't sleep and you SCREAM about it

I hope your conscience EATS AT YOU and you can't BREATHE without me

See Terif; {*screaming*} Shut up Jersey! I'm tryin to talk!

Hey Terif, that's Kurt88 screamin for a u-boat sunk

but I didn't slit his attack, I just tied him up in France, see I ain't like you

cause if he boggs down he'll suffer more, and then he'll surrender too

Well, gotta go, I'm almost at barbarossa now

Oh ****, I forgot, how'm I supposed to send this cookie-cutter out?

{*air-attacks squeal*} {*CRASH*}

.. {*brief silence*} .. {*LOUD splash*}

{Chorus: Dido}


Dear Zapp, I meant to write you sooner but I just been busy

You said your Rambo game's going well, how far along is it?

Look, I'm really flattered you would call flank that

and here's an autograph for Kuni,

I wrote it in padlocked thread

I'm sorry I didn't see you at the AAR, I musta missed you

Don't think I did that **** intentionally just to diss you

But what's this **** you said about you like to cut your IT-cost too?

I say that **** just clownin dogg,

c'mon - how ****ed up is you?

You got some issues Zapp, I think you need some counseling

to help your ass from bouncing off the walls when air-fleets get down some

And what's this **** about us meant to play together?

That type of ****'ll make me not want us to play each other

I really think you and Rambo need each other

or maybe you just need to flank him better

I hope you get to read this letter, I just hope it reaches you in time

before you lose the game, I think that you'll be doin just fine

if you relax a little, I'm glad I inspire you but Zapp

why are you so mad? Try to understand, that I do want you as a fan

I just don't want you to do some crazy turns

I seen this one axis-**** in the forum a couple weeks ago that made me sick

Some dude went amoc and sacrificed his tanks over some hex

and had his BB quickly sunk, and he was fooled by his foes bid

and in the thread they found a save, but they didn't say who it was to

Come to think about, his name was.. it was you


[ August 04, 2004, 03:47 AM: Message edited by: Kuniworth ]

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JevDK stated -

Because he spreads hate. Try read some of the more religious and political threads in the GF.

Then Jersey replies "And without him the General Forum is a paradise of peace, love and wisdom."

Great one JJ - like Rambo is the whole problem in the GF. People dont like what Rambo has to say and usually jump all over him from what I have seen.

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Thanks Curry.

Agreed, silly as it sounds he tends to be misunderstood. He's one guy I've had massive blow-outs with, not once but a few times, and he always patches things up. That's a weird way of spreading hate.

As we were saying, the GF on the whole has a strange way of seeing things and often it's members take the whole thing too seriously.

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Patched things up? Then please direct me to the place where he says that drugs againt medical depression or pain medication against last stages of cancer is ok, or that catholics are not evil. And those are just the recent one.

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Jev. Dk,

take this to the General Forum, this is the SC forum. With all due respect. This place is for SC, not general forum topics. Here the Rambo I know is somewhat funny, somewhat - no very unique, somewhat polite, likes to talk smack, but its all SC related. He is a benefit to have on the SC board and an excellent player of SC.

By the way I see you are from Copenhagen, spent two weeks there, wonderful city, loved the placed.

[ August 03, 2004, 04:51 PM: Message edited by: Curry ]

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Curry: JJR is not funny. He is serious about what he says and correct. I have not read everything he has written but he is My Brother is Christ. Christ would not that anyone be lost but free will allows man to take the easy road to perdition. A3

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I'm talking about patching things up between the two of us whenever we had a blow-out.

As Curry said, you're taking GF issues to SC where they have no meaning. None of us care what his personal views are here, we're only talking about his relationship to this Forum.

Personally I disagree with Rambo on all the issues you're talking about and many, many more, but they have nothing to do with SC.

The final irony is that he's often referred to as JJ at the General Forum and there are people there who have issues with Rambo about things and when I post there they think I'm the JJ someone else was talking about in some other thread. So, in addition to being the UnGodly one I'm also accused of being a radical fundamentalist Christian!

As you are familiar with my friend's posts and threads at the GF, you might have noticed I don't post in them. There's a good reason for that.

But, as Curry and I are saying, that's the General Forum and has nothing to do with this one.

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Kuni, here is another song I found out in the cyberspace :D

Somebody To Blame (The Terrible song)

(Song; Jim Carrey - Somebody To Love)

When the flaws are found to be fixed

And all carrier strategies will be nichts

Don't you want somebody to blame

Don't you need somebody to blame

Wouldn't you love somebody to hate

You better find somebody to blame

When the newbie quarters, they are gone, yes

And (so) the Yoda classes has nothing going on

Don't you want somebody to blame

Don't you need somebody to blame

I'd really like somebody to hate

But it's hard to find somebody to blame

Your league, I saw your rule, it looks like ****

But in your head mr Green

I'm afraid you don't know Sportmanship

Don't you want somebody to blame

Don't you need somebody to blame

Wouldn't you love somebody to hate

You better find somebody to blame

Sweat is running, running in your bed

Though your worshippers baby, they treat you like a King

Don't you want somebody to blame

Don't you need somebody to blame

I'd really like somebody to hate

But it's hard to find somebody to blame

[ August 11, 2004, 07:29 AM: Message edited by: zappsweden ]

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