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Germany always surrenders first


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Yes you know the deal, the rocky hills of the italian mainland makes the allied attack impossible to conduct. So the game ends when germany falls to the russian onslaught.

As I see this our only option is to make the UK available to build troops in Alexandria as suggested a lot of times before. Otherwise Africa will continue to be as silent as ever and UK never can muster force to challenge the Italians.

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SC could have a surrender rule for Italy. Historically, Italy surrendered prior to Rome being taken and some Italian units continued to fight under German control (the Not-So-Free Italians?). Some games like 3R have conditions defined which result in Italy's surrender. SC could define similar conditions which result in increasing chances of surrender. We should keep some randomness to it so it's not always a sure thing. What-if Italy does fight to the bloody end?

If we get into seriously considering surrender rules like this, the same could apply to the axis minors. Rumania surrendered to USSR before Bucharest was taken and the Rumanian units actually switched sides, leaving the Germans to fight their way out to Hungary. Maybe providing the axis minors a chance of surrender and chance of becoming USSR minors in lieu of plunder could be considered? That may be too hard to implement in SC1, but it's food for thought for later.

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Another good point.

I too think that surrender should not be entirely geared entirely to sacking a capital.

In A3R sacking Moscow does not in and of itself generate a surrender at all.

And crying "forced history rewrites" is idiotic at best.

We ARE gaming history aren't we? The Germans were not called Blue force last I looked.

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