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The SC forum Hall of fame - Nomination thread


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I will host the SC forum Hall of fame, with JerseyJohn if he likes to help out. Together we will select forum-profiles to be selected into the hall of fame.

This month one or more players will be chosen to be in the SC forum hall of fame. I will need you to nominate persons in this thread that you would like to see there. Only rule; the person should be a contributor in some way to the community and/or the game. It can even be me for most locked up threads tongue.gif

So post your candidates here.

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Thanks and honored to be chosen as a consultant. I think this is a very good idea.


roughly in order of seniority

Otto For his Great Website, and also for being so friendly and cooperative with contributors.

Bill Macon For reasons too obvious to mention. He's created some of the best scenarios ever, and modestly defrays credit to those who made them earlier, but the truth is, his are by far the best. More recently he's put out the strategy guide and has always extended assistance to other players whenever the occaision has arisen.

Immer Etwas For bringing his unique and special touch to the forum and also for the vast number of very good game Postings he's contributed over the months.

Moon For his well developed sense of what is and what is not permissable, for knowing when to let things slide a bit and when to nip it in the bud.

Hubert For his responsiveness and willingness to share his ideas with the playership.

Carl von Mannerheim For his innovative scenarios, for the numerous great contributions he's made to dozens of posts, and for the patient assistance he's often extended to Forum Members.

Kuniworth Take a bow, you help keep the place lively and, in my opinion are an inseparable part of it.

Jon_J_Rambo Who transformed the SC Forum from top to bottom. As his first and most bitter enemy I've learned to really like him and have grown to appreciate more and more his in-your-face method of stirring things up and getting people active.

Terif A Great Guy. A Great Champ. The Greatest SC Player of All Time. Do we really need a fourth reason?

ZappSweden Another Great Guy and Great Player who has always freely given valuable aid to the rest of us.

(Final Two copied from later posting)

Shaka of Carthage Though not as senior as my initial group, Shaka has offered enormous amounts of great information, innumerable fine ideas and has been a steadying influence in the Forum. Additionally he's a fine, stand-up guy and a truly outstanding member of this fraternity.

Edwin P. Author of numerous excellent threads and suggestions and a real asset to our membership. He doesn't post as often as most of the other members, but when he does the entries are always meaningful.

And I'll leave it there for the moment. I know I've left some deserving people off but it wasn't deliberate. There are many newer guys who deserve consideration, but I think these are enough nominations to be starting off with.

[ August 06, 2003, 04:34 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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(copied to original nominating post)

By way of glaring oversight I failed to nominate

Shaka of Carthage Though not as senior as my initial group, Shaka has offered enormous amounts of great information, innumerable fine ideas and has been a steadying influence in the Forum. Additionally he's a fine, stand-up guy and a truly outstanding member of this fraternity.

Edwin P. Author of numerous excellent threads and suggestions and a real asset to our membership. He doesn't post as often as most of the other members, but when he does the entries are always meaningful.

(above copied to original nominating post)

Among those very notable members I haven't nominated . . .. I initially put the list here with reasons why they should be included and the reasons I didn't nominate them. It came to twenty-five names! After considering it, I felt it would do more harm than good to create a special mention list. Mostly I left people off either because they weren't very active, or they are active now but still very new.

And, in the final analysis, this is a group effort and everyone is invited to nominate members. I'm sure I've missed some very deserving people and would like nothing better than to see them listed.

Looking forward to further nominations.

[ August 06, 2003, 04:32 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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I nominate SuperTed for his excellent AAR's. Way back when, before the demo was released, it was SuperTed who kept us all captivated and mesmerized with his stories. What a glorious time that was, and not to be forgotten by those of us who were there. :D

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Well, while the orginal impulse is normal and quite understandable,

I would oppose ANY method that would separate the many forum members.

I appreciate your nomination JerseyJohn... my understanding is as always... you are kind-hearted, quite naturally.

Exclusiveness is what this other ultimately is, and IMHO, we should strive to be ALL including.

Therefore, I WITHDRAW my name from any consideration, in any proceedings where some sort of hiearchy or popularity contest is attempted.

To paraphrase a great and eternal Spirit:

All are equal in the sight of the Lord,

The sparrow,

The hunting-hawk,

And even,

The little mouse chousing about

Beneath the rock & roll floor-boards. smile.gif

Or, this other one arrives on an Easterly breeze:

Be easy and equal

In all that you do, or see,

And soon enough, it's true,

You will be... now, and then again,

Eternally... free. smile.gif

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This, to me, was never intended as a "hiearchy or popularity contest".

Nor was it intended to separate the membership and create a class distinction or anything else along those lines.

We aren't talking about special priveledges or some sort of title, just a little honorable mention that pops up from time to time in any case.

It seems inevitable that, sooner or later, something along these lines will be set up, that being the case, I'd like to do it in a reasonable and organized manner.

The mere fact that someone like Super Ted has come, contributed and left the scene wihtout a very active and fairly long standing member like myself having no idea who he was, pretty much indicates that something like this ought to be set up and respectfully taken with a large grain of salt.

If not Kuni's idea of a Hall of Fame, then perhaps a Hall of Special Mention where outstanding positive moments, such as Zeres setting up The Free French AAR -- both Zeres and that group effort AAR having already become long forgotten -- can be recognized and established for later members.

I'm very disappointed at the elitist interpretation. I've got contempt for such things and would never be involved with an idea along those lines. As for it being a popularity contest -- there are at least ten members I'd have nominated first solely on the good old boy relationship. I give them credit for the maturity to understand the idea and not being offended. Do people in Hollywood hate and resent that footprint sidewalk in front of the Chinese restaurant?

Implying that this is an elitist effort probably does more to separate the membership and create antagonism than this very conventional and innocent idea ever would.

I guess things like the SF Hugo and Nebula awards ought to also be discarded. Writers with one short story published in 1953 ought to have the same recognition as Issac Asimov, so as not to cause a separation of the membership.

Philosophically speaking, it must be prefarable that everything move from ashes to ashes and dust to dust. And the sooner the better, all on a level plane.

[ August 06, 2003, 03:39 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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As originally posted by JerseyJohn:

I'm very disappointed at the elitist interpretation.

And I am disappointed that you are... disappointed.

Implying that there is an elitist effort probably does more to separate...
For the moment, you prefer to think that I am elitest.

All right. I'll consider the criticism, and if appropriate, will try to learn from it.

If most members want this kind of thing, or something similar, then... perhaps, it shall be done.

I'll have to accept that as part of the forum... no problem.

For consideration... if the moderators of this forum had wanted futher delineations, they would have set up something akin to other boards, where you are "ranked" or are a "senior" member, etc.

Here, everyone is, after a month, simply... a member.

But, I have merely expressed my opinion on this matter,

And, as far as I can figure, that's ALL I have done.

You are entitled to yours, but I hope that you or I or anyone... would not accuse another, so very blithely, of being an elitist.


It seems inevitable...
NOTHING is inevitable. Absolutely... nothing.

Ever. ;)

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And I'm disappointed that you're disappointed about my being disappointed!

I don't, and have never, considered you to be an elitist -- or anything else with a negative connotation. If anything I've always considered you excessively modest and still feel that way.

The Moderators never had anything to do with this; it was spontaneous, grass roots, for the people and by the people, that sort of thing and even chose to include two of the moderators!

In deference to your opinion, I'm withdrawing from the idea and also declining the nomination.

Whatever enjoyment there may have been in this venture has already been destroyed. I really loathe elitism or anything that even hints at it. And this sure as hell did NOT.

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No need to be arguing, my superiority surpasses you all anyway.

This thread was created so all you "little people" could be reconized for your achievements. If the intention was to create a list of "elite members", I would have surely been the first one nominated.

So be happy.......and Jersey....you WILL stay on as a nominee, because I said so.

Don't make me raise my voice again........

Holding down the fort while Rambos gone,

Comrade Trapp

[ August 06, 2003, 04:50 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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Occassional recognition of "little people" is OK. The Hall of Fame idea is a bit tacky, but harmless enough and will soon pass into forum obscurity.

The true list of "elite members" is no doubt maintained in Valhalla, where the Valkyries bear the slain opponents of Terif, Rambo, Zappsweden and the rest. ;)

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I nominate consistant bi-weekly turns along with variable regional weather conditions for SCII...

Geez, the natives are getting restless...we need news on SCII quickly lest there be a Romper Room stampede!....

[ August 06, 2003, 05:53 PM: Message edited by: J P Wagner ]

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