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SC Happy 2004


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Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year.

I probably won't be posting for most or possibly all of January as I'm on my way to a hospital stay, which I mention because I don't want anyone to be offended by my nonresponse.

Till Sometime Soon, hopefully,

John smile.gif

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  • 3 weeks later...

After a short prayer for JerseyJoun i want to invite every interested user to spare a minute for JerseyJohn as well.

Would be nice to read soon again something from him, and a story about his miracleful healing or massive health-improvement on january 19th would be a good start...


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Sorry, this isn't John, it's his wife.

John's had me checking sites to keep him updated except I don't know what he wants me to update him on but I'm sure he'll enjoy reading this one. I'm printing it out and will bring it tonight when I visit.

I came here last week but didn't see his name like he told me I would and didn't leave an update. I left one at another website and am hoping to find that one again later on. This is the first time I've tried to find my way through these things and it gets pretty confusing.

An update.

He's been on I. V. antibiotics mostly but had what they called minor surgery the other day. Usually he springs back quickly and hopefully he'll do it this time too.

Being in bed, especially when he can't get up at all is really driving him nuts. He doesn't want to worry about his laptop which is why he isn't online, but I've been printing his e-mail and bringing it to him. A day or so later he gives me a handwritten reply which I type out and send when I get home.

On the plus side he's been doing a lot of reading, mainly on the Holocaust for a project he's working on and just finished The Eichmann Trial. Also he's filled a couple of notebooks so I'm sure he'll make up for lost time when he's back at the keyboard.

John's dubbed his two specialists Dr Gloom and Dr Doom. He asked one of them if he wouldn't rather work in forensic medicine and when the other poked him in a sensitive area he said, 'you must be fun to watch at an autopsy.' The poor guy said, 'I don't do autopsies' and John replied 'That's weird I didn't think you were used to patients with functioning nervous systems.' The Doctor laughed but I'm trying to make him zip it, which isn't easy for him.

That's about all, sorry I didn't leave something earlier. After he reads these messages he'll no doubt have something for me to add when I get home later.

He asked me to sign him up for another site that started after his infection, Fire-something, my apologies and I'll have him write it down for me. If someone could be kind enough to put in a link I'll go there tomorrow.

Anyone who wants to e-mail John can reach him at


As I said earlier, I print the messages and bring them and type his answers the next day. It may take a couple of days for a reply but he's really enjoyed the messages he's received and has responded to all of them pretty quickly.

Thanks to all of you for writing such encouraging notes and for thinking of him. With a little luck he'll be back home in two weeks. He says it will be Thursday, but he said that last week so I'm not counting on it.

Best Regards,


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Originally posted by JerseyJohn:

John's dubbed his two specialists Dr Gloom and Dr Doom. He asked one of them if he wouldn't rather work in forensic medicine and when the other poked him in a sensitive area he said, 'you must be fun to watch at an autopsy.' The poor guy said, 'I don't do autopsies' and John replied 'That's weird I didn't think you were used to patients with functioning nervous systems.' The Doctor laughed but I'm trying to make him zip it, which isn't easy for him.

Best Regards,


L :D L!

Marion, thank you for sharing this little jewel with us. I enjoyed it like nearly all of Johns messages here.

May God bless both of you.

Take care

Claus smile.gif

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My thanks to all, your messages and good wishes have really done a lot to cheer him up. He said he feels guilty that his ailment isn't more worthy of all the attention it's gotten. A view I don't share, of course.

Kurt88, thanks for providing that link, I'm sure John will go there as soon as he returns home -- see below.

xwormwood, glad you got a kick out of those remarks, the visitors for the other patient were also laughing and he stopped short of antagonizing the doctors, who he told me are the Mengele clones -- thankfully he's kept that one to himself.

Good News, if nothing out of the ordinary happens John will be released Saturday morning.

Dr Gloom said they need the bed for someone who might really be ill and Dr Doom said it was because the medical profession can't take any more of his astute observations. John's reasoning is they're releasing him because his coverage is running low. Whatever the reason I'll take it.

Overjoyed by that Get Well message, I didn't tell him about it because it's obviously meant to be a surprise. Just got in and haven't checked the e-mail yet, but I'll print it up first thing and he'll have it tomorrow night. I'm sure he'll send out responses as soon as he gets back in the house.

John said to especially thank Brad for his encouragment and interest in the project, which he's gathered a lot of information on while laid up.

As it's only two days away, instead of relaying specific messages I'll leave that for my husband as he's a much faster typist than I am and also I'm sure he'll want to add things after he's read these messages himself.

Once again my gratitude. John's shown me hundreds of posts this past year that he thought were funny, mainly from Kuniworth and Rambo and a lot of your screennames were already familiar to me. You're a great bunch of friends. I wish we could invite you all over for dinner.

Best Regards,


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