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cheaters of the world, unite

Capt. Fubar

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dude, i got the l33t haxx0r for you!

open up the Editor (it's a l33t haxx0r utility, ships with the game, but don't tell anyone else, it's on the down low..shhhhh), then Edit Campaign Data, then enter "9999" in the country of your choice

dude, you are now ready to rock the world with your l33t MPP's!!!!

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Originally posted by Les the Sarge 9-1b:

Cheating is the worst form of insult, namely because it is you telling yourself you suck personally.

And how do you respond when you have called your ownself to stupid to win a game like the rest of us?

Perhaps a bit harsh. Sometimes I'll set up a game or two just for a bit of light relief.

Way back in the olden days when my state-of-the-art gaming machine was an Apple IIe I hacked into the code for "Hunt the Bismarck" (well, sort of hacked - the code on the floppy was simple BASIC!) and gave the Bismarck 60 inch guns and engines capable of 50 knots. I figured the skipper commanded on waterskies...

It was amusing for a while to hunt down and sink as much of the British Navy as I could before game end, but in the end I reverted to the original form of the game.

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