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updated Panzer VI zimerite roadwheels

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Here's an updated set of late style roadwheels for my last panzerVI mod.

These new roadwheels (bmp 3390) you can get here:


Madmatt's Combat HQ has the whole mod under 3rd party mods/vehicles/german tanks listed as "Tiger Pz VIE w/ Zimmerit coating", with early style roadwheels. This new bmp will overwrite the 3390 bmp from this mod zip.


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First of all, I want to thank you for all your efforts in improving this game with your great artwork. Continue that way.

Regarding your last mod, the Wespe/Marder III, I have a question:

You've changed bmp #3720 from five to four wheels. Concerning my resources, I think the wespe did have five wheels, because it's based on the Pz II chassis.

Here are two pictures:



Details can be found here: http://www.achtungpanzer.com/wespe.htm

With regards


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Yeah good eye. I missed it.

Ok here's how the corrected version looks; much better smile.gif

I sent it off to Matmad Combat Mission HQ and you can snag it there when he gets around to posting it.

Thanks and enjoy (pic below)



[This message has been edited by Tiger (edited 01-06-2001).]

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