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Am I the only one?

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just be patient, okay?

Questioning BTS's choice of delivery method won't get you your game any faster. Not that they had much of a choice to begin with.

People have been slamming BTS for both their prices and for deliveries taking too long. No matter where on the sliding scale between Expensive and Fast on one end and Cheap and Slow on the other BTS choose to position themselves, they'd get criticised for their choice.

As about half of all complaints are about prices and the other half is about delivery speeds, I'd say they've chosen a fairly good middle ground, wouldn't you say? wink.gif

And, secondly, if your post office says 4 days, that really is a promise you should hold THEM responsible for, not BTS, right?


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Originally posted by Germanboy:

Look - I live in the UK, and it took 12 days (Coventry then). A better system would cost an awful lot more money.

Well, SPWAW - ALL 300MB WORTH, was available as a free download. So surely there is a way to allow us to download the game with a valid purchase? Those of us with cable modems or ASL could benefit from that. Even those on a 28.8 modem would get it in a day of downloading vs. the weeks that it could take now. Just a thought, but not too sure that this would cost much in the way of setup.

The one thing that BTS would have to figure out though is how to let us download once (and only once) yet prevent us from making illegal copies for distribution. Maybe making it a limited 2-3 week executable while the CD was being shipped would be palatable? Then, after the initial 2-3 week period the game will not run until the CD is in the tray or the executable on the CD is installed.


Jeff Abbott

[This message has been edited by Juardis (edited 02-26-2001).]

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The one thing that BTS would have to figure out though is how to let us download once (and only once) yet prevent us from making illegal copies for distribution. Maybe making it a limited 2-3 week executable while the CD was being shipped would be palatable? Then, after the initial 2-3 week period the game will not run until the CD is in the tray or the executable on the CD is installed.

Why not just wait for it to arrive in the post. It's just a computer game after all!

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Originally posted by M. Bates:

Why not just wait for it to arrive in the post. It's just a computer game after all!

Well, I believe that's what the original post was complaining about. Besides, me and you have the game so we don't miss it. My friend Havermeyer lost his copy this past weekend (actually, his 2 year old lost it) and he's going through some serious DTs right now, so be thankful you're not the one waiting on the USPS smile.gif

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Originally posted by Muttley:

Let us know when you get it. I'm curious to see which country gets it faster.

Great idea! I think everyone who got that February 15th confirmation note should do the same. I know our American cousins won't thank us for raising the issue again, but this situation is turning into an absolute farce.</P>

Having said that, however, I also believe this thread could do with a well-earned injection of humour! Instead of everyone getting uppity and seriously holier than thou, we should all join together in song. So, if you know the tune to that splendid Carol the 12 Days of Christmas, raise your voices and sing along with me...</P>


On the 12th day of waiting, my postman said to me:</P>


"Same bloody story

No sodding parcel

Just keep on waiting

It won't be long

Try to relax

It's not my fault

Please put me down

<FONT SIZE="+1">Oh, bee - tee - esss!</FONT>

But they can't be arsed...

to write back...

with some advice.

...And that's what they call support!"</P>



Perchpole wink.gif

[This message has been edited by Perchpole (edited 03-02-2001).]

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Took two working weeks for the orders to come to me and I live in the UK.

Occasionally though a package can be stopped and opened by customs which can add anything up to another 2 working weeks onto the time.

It will get there eventually, I have an extra three copies on order now (not for me ... presents), sometimes these things happen.


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HA. ..hahaha..haha..hehe hehe hoo hoooo ho! ..*cough* sorry..

I live in germany.. it took exactly 8 days to get to me.. aahh I remember when I first got it in the mail.. jumping up and down saying to myself .. "ooh goodie goodie goodie!!" carefuly placed it in my CD drive not to scratch it.. turned my volume on my stereo to 20 and freeked out the neighbors thinking the war has started again..LOL (vol. 11 on my stereo you can hear "ach mein Bein" in the stairwell in my house 18 you can hear "ach mein Bein" at the entrance of the apartment) I think the Wienerwalt workers on the main floor thought all hell was breaking loose on the second floor. mUHahahaHAhaha!

more so when I first tried rockets! Foosh Foosh BOOOOOM!

and yes I do get strange looks from my neighbors when I run out quick to the Kiosk to grab some munchies swearing "god damn Cromwell, no way could it have taken out my Jagdtiger at 1000m!!... oh hi Frau Brutlo..*walks further down the stairs, HA! I'll use my 88mm AT to take it out if it moves out from behind that house!!"


www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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Well, Mensch, you are a raving lunatic. So -we're- not surprised.



"What do I care, I got laid last week" - Chupacabra

"Bjorn again are really quite good!" - Germanboy

- Official owner of the sig files of Dalem and Croda -

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Originally posted by Clubfoot:

I must say that having shipped a CD by priority mail (faster than typical mailing and more expensive) to France last week that the ship time I was given was 7 or 8 days. That's priority mail. I can assure you that if your postmaster informed you that 4 days should be all that's required to receive your cross-Atlantic shipment, he told you a bald-faced lie.

It appears some of us seem to entirely disregard BTS when they tell you 2-4 weeks. I'm not sure I comprehend ordering a product with a declared shipping time of 2-4 weeks and then raising the roof when you don't receive it in 4 days. I live in the very heart of the U.S. midwest, and waited 10 days for my CMBO CD. So reign in the dismay a little fellas. When you get the game you'll not care an iota how long you waited for it.


He's right, I was the one receiving the CD biggrin.gif !

The fastest I've ever seen is in this area : 7-8 days from US to France, I assume it should be the same with England.

Myself shipped a CD for Clubfoot 10 days ago, he still didn't receive it it seems frown.gif

I waited some 12-14 days for delivery of CM - in fact that's fast compared to 10 days between East coast and MW !!.

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Anytime I send mail to Europe from my home in the States it takes this long. I'm lucky if it gets there in 7 days. So stop your petty bitchin', I already have a Wife for that.......



"I don't need my junkie friends all knockin' at my door. I just wanna do an old time waltz with a buxom Irish whore!"

-Shane MacGowan

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