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exclusive ww2 pics forthcoming

Guest *Captain Foobar*

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Guest *Captain Foobar*

These two photographs were taken by my grandfather, at the Anzio beachhead.

The man aiming the pistol at the AFV is named Glen Wold. My grandfather flew a P-38, doing photo-reconnaisance in the Mediterranean. Photo recon pilots flew alone, and most of his missions were over Italy, and Southern France.

Now, someone start identifying everything you can in these photos. Is this a Ferdinand in the large photo? Also, to the left of this "mystery" afv, I think I see the back end of a Marder, and to the left of that, some small tank. Maybe a Lynx?

In the smaller pic, where Glen is aiming his pistol at the same "mystery" afv, there are some big guns, and a couple afvs to the right. Anyone who can help ID this stuff, I would geatly appreciate it.

I was told that this AFV in the foreground appeared to be in perfect condition, except for one hole at or on the Gun Mantlet. I dont know what took it out, or if it was just abandoned.

[This message has been edited by *Captain Foobar* (edited 01-21-2001).]

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Guest Der Unbekannte Jäger

Works... and looks nice.


"...come from the sea with nitroglycerine, nitroglycerine and a ladder of rope, and a thing called hope..."

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Guest *Captain Foobar*

Warp, read above, I edited my post to include the explanation.

Btw, I cant seem to enlarge the first picture for some reason. If anyone has the desire, feel free to enlarge the jpg, and repost it.

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Guest *Captain Foobar*


help me out here guys.. I need some positive ID's on these vehicles, and maybe some Anzio history...

thanks in advance

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Guest Michael emrys

Definitely an Elefant. The big gun behind Glen in the first shot looks to me like an 88 on a 105 chasis, but I'm not ready to bet the farm on it yet. Looks like the shield is missing for some reason...


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The vehicle shown is indeed a Ferdinand. It is interesting, because it is NOT one of the 48 that were modified with a hull MG and commander's cuppola, although it does have the usual zimmerit coating to half-way up the side of the fighting compartment.

The tank destroyer is a Marder III (Panzerjager 38(t) mit 7.5cm Pak40/3 ausf M.)

The other tank would appear to be a Panzer II ausf F, but it's damned hard to tell.

The large gun is a 17cm Kanone 18 ( 17cm Kanone 18 in Morserlafette )

calibre 172.5mm

shell 68 kg (HE)

range 28000 M

Can't identify anything else. Is it possible to rescan these at a far higher resolution?

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That is a great picture of a Ferdinand or Elephant. Very interesting tank turned TD. The chassi was the losing entry for the Tiger I tank design... but Prof Porche had enough pull that at least some of his designs were built as TDs.

I wonder if anyone knows if this is the same Elephant that the Aberdeen proving grounds has. I saw it this summer WAY far away from the grounds field. Some story about trying to get it loaded onto a flatbed train to work on it and it was too heavy to move so they are leaving it there until they can move it. I don't know if I believe it, but it was where the curator told me. Here is one of the pictures I took. I have about 3000 more from my trip and I am still organizing them for my web site. I'll let you all know when it's done.



BTW, it's my favorite TD

[This message has been edited by karch (edited 01-21-2001).]

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Guest *Captain Foobar*

Thanks for the help, guys.

I dont have a scanner at home, so I pay for this crap at Kinkos. I will go back tomarrow and try to get them scanned in BIG.

The one AFV left in question is WAY in the background on the small photo. To the right of the 17cm Kanone 18cm, there appears to be some other type of gun, and THEN, just to the right of that is a Tracked Vehicle, with a very large sloped armor chassis, and a VERY short barrelled gun. I doubt its a Sturmtiger, but I swear the barrel cant be any longer than 24 inches. (could be a removed barrel) I can see it on the photo, but I imagine it is blurred on the jpg.

I will go back to kinkos and try to scan bigger. Can anyone recommend a res? I suck at Photoshop.

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I do a lot of work with photoshop and other graphic apps. Depending on how you can get the file home.. do you have access to a Jaz or Zip drive at home? If you do, then have them scan them at 600-1800dpi grayscale. They will be really big files, but you can always scale them down for the web while still having high enough resolution to get professionally printed someday. Please let me know what you do and if you need some help with anything. If you need some help trimming down the files after you get them.. please feel free to email them or upload them to my companies site through your web browser and I'll try and help. The address is http://www.facilitywiz.com/upload/

The Elephant (Elefant) is my fav German AFV and I'd love a good copy if the pictures.

Scott Karch


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Guest *Captain Foobar*


I just identified the vehicle on the far right!


It is an early Sturmpanzer IV, aka Brummbar..

Most of my afv recognition skills are from playing CM, which explains why I couldnt identify this one..hehe...

I still need to go enlarge these pics... Hopefully today.. smile.gif

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