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Abstracting Blind Willie with Hand Jive Walter

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Sometimes I don't understand what is being abstracted - except perhaps the vaguaries of war appearing as a regular and common occurrance.

I have a Regular Platoon HQ with 2 fit members in a foxhole with a two man artillery spotting team belonging to the enemy. The Platoon HQ is in the foxhole with the enemy FO for the best part of a minute, and the FO is completely unpeturbed. What sounds like shots ring out, but presumably the HQ team is abstracted as comprising a couple of blind wandering minstrels who are trying to faze the FO out with a rendition of "Bless Them All" on the jaw harp and kazoo, while tapping the cadence out on the bottom of a ration can.

The FO is apparently having none of it, and continues to rain shells down on my brave boys advancing across the other side of the map.

Is there a more "roll over and die" unit in CM than an FO team? If two OCT graduates cannot take out an FO team in less than a minute, what hope is there? Maybe it's Jackie Chan being abstracted as the FO team - keeps talking on the radio, spotting fall of shot, while kicking the crap out of my HQ unit and catching .45 rounds in his teeth.

Great game BTW, I just love it. All the frustration of golf without the fresh air and exercise. :^)


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A hilarious (In a sick and twisted way...) set up is to make a scenario with just an Allied spotter and a Axis spotter and place them next to each other.

The Gung-Ho little fools will call arty on top of themselves. :D

OSGF, where your troops low ammo?


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AS far as I can tell, the Bojangles Brothers are ammo'd up and sober. They did lose two member of the team getting to the foxhole, but are not "shaken" or anything.

I'm still struggling with the abstraction beneath the pixels. As best as I can tell, there are Hans with the binoculars and Kurt on the radio, peering intently at the fall of shot about a kilometer away. Suddenly Blind Willie falls into the foxhole.

"Willie, where'd you go?" calls Walter, the hand jivin' rascal.

"I'm in here" replies Willie.

"Nach links, funfzig meters, squsshhht" says Kurt. *Thud* Walter drops into the foxhole.

"Come on Willie,, let's get 'em!!" cries Walter, noticing the FO team intent on their FO'ing.

*zang* *zang* *zang* *tootzzaatootzzaa* *bonk* *bonk * bonk* "Bless 'em all, bless 'em all!" *zwang* *zwang* *zooteetootzzzaa* "The long and the short and the tall....." *bonk* *bonk* *bonk*....

*dink* 60 seconds is up and shells are still falling under the direction of Hans and Kurt, the latter shouting adjustments into the radio to be heard over the din....

It could be worse. We might be trying to drive 12 Shermans and such down a narrow road bordered by impassable bocage, getting shot to bits by hidden AT guns and such. Could happen you know....


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