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I need HELP!!!!!!

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Create a new folder in your CMBO directory. If you are using Windows just click on Program Files\CMBO in Windows Explorer. Then go to the top of the window and select File and New and then Folder. Rename that folder "Mods." Download your mod files, which are in ZIP format, into the mods folder. Create another new folder in CMBO called "Temporary." Unzip the mod files into the "Temporary" folder and look for any read.me file that may have instructions or other info about the mod. Follow the instructions, otherwise just cut and paste the .bmp files into the Program Files\CMBO\BMP folder and copy over existing files if you are prompted to do so. The new mods should showe up the next time you load a game.

NB: I am presuming that Combat Mission installs into the Program Files folder by default. If not, just look for the CMBO folder in Windows Explorer.

If you still can't get the mods to work you may have a technical problem.

[ 05-23-2001: Message edited by: Pvt. Ryan ]

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