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Newbie question..HELP!!


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I downloaded the demo yesterday and I'm REALLY impressed with the game overall. I have a few questions, though, concerning graphics quality and feautres that I'm hoping someone can help me with.

1. Are the graphics sort of, "jerky" for everyone or is it just my 'puter? (433 Mhz Pentium II; 96 ram; video driver (this may be the problem..) Mach64 RagePro Chip Internal DAC, with Direct Draw 1.0.

2. Is there any means of issuing orders to a group larger than squad-level? This would be a nice feature to consider in the future if there isn't as it can be very time-consuming to issue orders to each individual squad.

3. I have noticed BTS intends to produce a CM2 ... is this going to be a remake of this first version with smoother interface, or a different set of scenarios or both or what?

4. Is there anyway to "jump" to a specific unit when that unit is not in the immediate view? That would be a nice feature to consider additing in the future if the game presently doesn't allow for this.

In any event, I'm certainly going to order CM1 and, after a few months to get used to the game, I'll be joining you guys for some PBEM.

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1. Man, don't even think of asking that question here. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. You should be more specific about what you mean with jerky else you risk being roasted alive because people might think you are suggesting things like dynamic lighting or somefink.

2. group-select the units you want to order by drawing a square over them; now you can give them a single order for all (e.g., MOVE)

3. both

4. the + and - keys will cycle through units.

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CM2 will be about the Eastern Front in WW2. I think you might want to post your question about "jerkiness" on the tech support board, as my old computer was quite able to run the demo scenarios without jerkiness and it was a lesser machine than yours. Some of the larger scenarios in the full game caused it to get jerky, though. There are some really helpful people on the tech board. Good luck.

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Welcome aboard Aqua,

1-The graphics should not be Jerky at all. Everything should run smooth as silk. Your machine specifications is more than adequate to run the game. If your having a problem go over to the "Tech Support" forum and explain exactly what your seeing and what your settings are, I'm sure someone will be able to help you.

2- Hold you left mouse button down and draw a square over he units you want to give orders to or double click on a HQ and all the units under his command will become highlighted and ready for orders

3- CM2 will deal with the eastern Front in it's entirety. It will be enhanced version of CMBO. Search for CM2 and you'll get a ton of info. Also, there will be a CM3, Africa and the Mediterranean and a CM4, the early years, I believe France and Poland et al.

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Pssst, hey kid, k'mere. Whas a madder you? Look, I got it from my cousin Vinny down at the docks who works wit a guy whats on the beta team see, this is the best thing ever happened to wargaming see. Now do the right thing kid and by da game. You tell em Beta Face Nelson sent ya see. Yeah...



"Gentlemen, you may be sure that of the three courses

open to the enemy, he will always choose the fourth."

-Field Marshal Count Helmuth von Moltke, (1848-1916)

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On your first question; I too had problems with a jerky picture but after updating my video card this smoothed out. I have a processor of similar speed and power and I can run the game but large and huge scenarios are slow for me. Do a search on video cards to find the pros and cons of each type.


Blessed be the Lord my strength who teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight.

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Ok, before we get this kid totally confused, let me help'em out. smile.gif

Originally posted by Agua:

1. Are the graphics sort of, "jerky" for everyone or is it just my 'puter? (433 Mhz Pentium II; 96 ram; video driver (this may be the problem..) Mach64 RagePro Chip Internal DAC, with Direct Draw 1.0.

I have a Celeron 433, 128MB RAM, 32MB TNT2 Ultra with DX 7.0a. OK, as far as your processor, adequate. It's a bit faster than mine even because a Celeron doesn't have 256K of Cache. 96MB of RAM isn't bad, 128 would be better, but 96 is plenty. Your video card altogether might be the problem. How much VRAM does it have? 4, 8, 16, 32, or 64 MB? Anything less than 16MB needs upgrading.

2. Is there any means of issuing orders to a group larger than squad-level? This would be a nice feature to consider in the future if there isn't as it can be very time-consuming to issue orders to each individual squad.

Simply draw a square around any number of troops you want to issue orders to. Do this by clicking somewhere and dragging the cursor across a group of troops. It high-lights them all. However, you can only issue one waypoint to them.

3. I have noticed BTS intends to produce a CM2 ... is this going to be a remake of this first version with smoother interface, or a different set of scenarios or both or what?

BTS is gonna do the entire European Theater in CM games. CM2 is going to be the Eastern Front: 1941-1945. CM3 is going to be the Mediterranean Theater: 1941-1943 (North Africa, Sicily/Italy, Greece/Crete). CM4 will be the Early War: 1939-1940 (Poland, France, etc). Full TO&E will be made for these along with steady enhancements to the current game model. After CM4, BTS will do a total rewrite of the engine and make CMII.

4. Is there anyway to "jump" to a specific unit when that unit is not in the immediate view? That would be a nice feature to consider additing in the future if the game presently doesn't allow for this.

You can cycle through the units by pressing the + and - keys. Then to jump to a unit who's info is displayed in the bottom window, press Tab and the camera will "snap" to that unit.

Actually all of this information (except for the CM2 question) is in the game's manual. When you get the game, I highly suggest reading the manual. For one, it will save you some embarrassmnet on this forum from asking gameplay questions that can be answered in the manual.


"Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator

"Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot

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And get into PBEM or TCP/IP play as fast as possible-- honing your skills against live players with comparable experience will improve them faster than beating on the AI.


"If you can taste the difference between caviar on a cracker and ketchup on a Kit-Kat while blindfolded, you have not had enough aquavit to be ready for lutefisk." (stolen from some web page about lutefisk)

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Originally posted by Maximus:

How much VRAM does it have? 4, 8, 16, 32, or 64 MB? Anything less than 16MB needs upgrading.

Not entirely true. The graphics run quite nice on 4MB VRAM, and if one want more speed with less VRAM then just downgrade the textures (BMP files).

I've done a terrain mod that does just this; Olle's Fastmods.

Here's a preview!

Available from my website below provided you have a Hotmail or MSN account, otherwise I can mail you the kit.



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