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Juggernaut PBEMs

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I hear so much talk about 1500+ point values like they are the most difficult things to play. I guess the mass amounts of clicking is difficult, but the tactics? No, thats not difficult.

I play really small games, around 300 points. In small games like this you don't have large tanks or company after company after company of infantry. You're lucky if you have a veteran platoon. In small point values the Allies have better tanks than the Axis. In small point values mistakes aren't forgiven. If you lose a squad without taking out an appreciable amount of the enemy then you're at a major disadvantage. I'd like to see Fionn play a 300 pt defense as the Germans. It would be a big difference when compared to his custom 6000 point defense PBEMs. I would so laugh at his wasteful tactics then.

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In small point battles luck and not skill play the important part.



Mit donnernden Motoren,

So schnell wie der Blitz,

Dem Feinde entgegen,

Im Panzer geschützt.

Voraus den Kameraden

Im Kampfe ganz allein,

Steh'n wir allein,

So stossen wir tief

In die feindlichen Reihn.

von Schalburg

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Originally posted by Tank Man:

I play really small games, around 300 points. In small games like this you don't have large tanks or company after company after company of infantry.

let me say that I play games from small to medium sized. Large maps slow my computer down too much. But I can handle a 2000 point game and have, just to see how the elite units handle....

In larger point games you do have more troops, but so does the other guy. That's the way the game works, (unless you fiddle with the settings...) so it would seem that there's no room for wasteful tactics at any force level.

I would also say that coordinating a couple companies of infantry, their attached artillery and armor is no easy thing, and requires forethought, planning and skill.

Finally, if you are suggesting that it takes more skill to play smaller games, and that the people who play larger games are less skilled, you will probably hear some voices raised in protest.

[This message has been edited by Terence (edited 03-06-2001).]

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Having lots of points doesn't necessary imply that you have lots of units.

Example of small, but heavy, German KG (All Crack or so):

2-4 King tiger (offensive) or Jagdtiger (defensive)

1 PzGr platoon

1-2 mortar spotters

1-2 MG42 HMG teams

1-2 Sharpshooters

1-2 Panzerschreck teams

A couple of spotters for heavy artillery.

Total about 20 units or less, but will cost a bundle in points (and probably be considered as gamey...).



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Great... now you guys ruined it! I wanted Fionn to reply so I could have a viable reason to challenge him to a 300 pt defense game. YOU RUINED IT! Now he'll never accept a 300 pt PBEM from me. Ah well, I'll try again, but for now I'll plot... plot the downfall of Fionn forever! HAHAHAHAHAAHH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH... ahem... bye *lurks away*

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Great... now you guys ruined it! I wanted Fionn to reply so I could have a viable reason to challenge him to a 300 pt defense game. YOU RUINED IT! Now he'll never accept a 300 pt PBEM from me. Ah well, I'll try again, but for now I'll plot... plot the downfall of Fionn forever! HAHAHAHAHAAHH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH... ahem... bye *lurks away*

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Originally posted by Olle Petersson:

Having lots of points doesn't necessary imply that you have lots of units.

Example of small, but heavy, German KG (All Crack or so):...

Only one platoon of inf? (!)


Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

The Last Defense- Mods, Scenarios, and more!

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Originally posted by Olle Petersson:

Example of small, but heavy, German KG (All Crack or so):

2-4 King tiger (offensive) or Jagdtiger (defensive)

1 PzGr platoon

1-2 mortar spotters

1-2 MG42 HMG teams

1-2 Sharpshooters

1-2 Panzerschreck teams

A couple of spotters for heavy artillery.



no, that's not gamey...

next time just buy some 14" spotters and a jeep... biggrin.gif


Klotzen, nicht kleckern!

[This message has been edited by ParaBellum (edited 03-06-2001).]

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Originally posted by 109 Gustav:

Only one platoon of inf? (!)

Yes, the infantry is way too cheap to fit in with this concept of few units on map but with lots of points spent. Still you'll need some infantry to gain success, and 50% of the main force isn't too bad. (50% as in one platoon each of armour and infantry. If you go with my lower figures you'll have twice as much infantry as armour, the same proportions as for the Panzerdivision in total (two tank battalions and four Panzergrenadier battalions).)

The original problem was that Tank man preferred few on map units, and therefore only played battles with low point totals.

I've realised that it gets even better if as much as possible of the arty point allowance is spent on Fighter-Bombers instead of FOs...



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The smallest PBEM I played was 400 pts, it was very small and infantry only...

300 pts is the cost of ONE Crack or Elite Panther I think, this makes for a pretty small game !

And as already said, less points=more luck factor..

So IMO a good small game is 1000 pts, medium size is 1500-2000, up to 3000 it's big but manageable - the only problem you can have is big PBEM files (up to 2 Mo) if you've a crappy 56K modem (like me frown.gif ).

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It's true that (bad) luck affects very small battles more than larger ones, but I still prefer smaller, more manageable battles. I usually play scenarios (QB maps are usually boring), and my favourites are usually company-level fights. (e.g. a company of infantry & AFV platton + support).

At this level play is still focused and I don't generally get too sloppy. I do play big battles at times, but I find my play suffers when I have to give orders to a combined arms battallion. I can't be arsed to spilt squads, or set complex tophat-lowsky orders to my tanks etc. I'm maybe just lazy, but I've seen the same happening with my PBEM opponents, too.

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