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One Click To Combat --A Request And A Question

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Great program. Just wanted to say that it would be even better with a word wrap feature on the email. I like to write long, tauting notes to my opponents and this would make things easier to read. It desperately needs one.

Also, how do you deal with zipped files? Do they have to be unzipped first and put into the default directory before they can be used?

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Glad you like One Click.

I'll look into the word wrap issue...if its easy to fix, then I'll fix it.

Unzipping and zipping is handled automatically by the program, no need to manually unzip.

If you haven't already tried PBEM from Fuerte, you should give that a try. It is similar to One Click, but handles zipping and email differently. Download it from:



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Kman, you are sometimes too gracious toward other programmers! ;)

PS: Kman gave some of his C++ CmOneClick code to Fuerte to convert to Visual Basic 6 for PBEN HELPER. Nice heh? ;)

Nevertheless, gentleman, check out Fuerte's new updated PBEM HELPER (version 1.0.128) immediately @ the site address posted above by Kman. Fuerte has now included file sequence numbering -- Hooraaah!-- upon my request if you use the prescribe format...


where "filename"" = 8 or more letters/characters/spaces and even the underscore ("_") character

where "###" = 3 numerical digits (001 or 012)

Files can be saved in the excellent native format [.pbm], [.zip] and the normal/uncompressed [.txt], the last 2 formats for those who play pbem against non-PBEM HELPERS.

So "Help" me/us God.....


Charl Theron

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh:

As far as Fuerte's program, I'm sure it's very nice but I don't feel like learning how to use another one.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hello Colonel,

No offence to the great groundwork of pbem'ing already laid down by Kman and his One Click program, but Fuerte's PBEM Helper is really, really easy to use and setup. :D

I used OneClick a lot, but installed PBEM Helperto give it a try and 10 minutes (yes 10!) was already using it without problems.

Now with the added benefit of file sequence numbering, as well as smoother email/zip facilities (it supports both the SMTP and MAPI mail format) compared to Kman's utility, it is superior. It equals One Click now in file numbering and surpasses it with regard to file management without a doubt.

It looks and feels like Windows and have an effertless install utility to boot (try not to be scared when it states that it needs a update in the Windows\System directory during the installation process - standard procedure that will not put in gremlins in Windows95 or 98 - just ask aaronb smile.gif)

It works also well with pbem opponents that do not use the PBEM Helper, as long as you and your opponent stick to the above filenaming convention. The last which I use anyway as a matter of sanity given the amount of opponents I sometimes play simultaneously.

Its only small quibble is...

a) There is no Mac version....yet!

B) Size of program = 2,43MB

hardly a problem if you see the size of the CM mods that most people already have installed in their bmp folder!

Give it a try. I suspect that Kman himself is USING PBEM Helperwithout saying so! :cool: C'mon Kman, admit it! ;)

He after all has contributed coding wise to the fleshing out of this nifty program.

It also supports other pbem games, and has now been included on the commercial CD of Steel Panthers:WoW.

Plus Harri Pesonen needs the WARM support of us here, being from a VERY cold place....FINLAND! :D


Charl Theron

PS: Colonel, I'll be happy to take you via a pbem on once you have installed PBEM Helper!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by WineCape:

[QB]It looks and feels like Windows and have an effertless install utility to boot (try not to be scared when it states that it needs a update in the Windows\System directory during the installation process - standard procedure that will not put in gremlins in Windows95 or 98 - just ask aaronb )<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Heard my name. Yes, I installed it without a total system meltdown. And now it supports file sequencing! Time to download again! I'll be using it in the AKoTM tourney.

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A couple of questions for the users and/or creators of PBEM HELPER.

I've downloaded and installed, very easy and good looking interface.

Now, since most opponents don't use this, I get the regular .txt files created by CMBO. If I understand correctly, I now must save the attachments to C:\My Documents\PBEM\CMBO, a folder automatically created by PBEM HELPER for this purpose. Correct? Now PBEM HELPER sees these files and shows them in a list as 'play' files ready to run. Meanwhile it has now deleted them from 'MY DOCUMENTS' folder and moved them to the CMBO\PBEM folder, correct?

While there is a space for the password, P.H. does not 'remember' it from one move to the next, is that correct? If so, that is a pain as with eight to ten games going, who can remember the passwords? (no, I don't use the same one for each).

After retyping the password, the game boots up great with the correct file and works like usual. Now CMBO creates my .txt file, automatically putting it in the CMBO\PBEM folder. PBEM HELPER now sees this new file and shows it as a 'new' file, ready to email.

E-mailing works great with this utility, although I override the .pbm tag and leave the original .txt, once again because most players do not use this format. Is this right?

Now I have two files in my CMBO\PBEM folder, the orinal attachment from my opponent and my newly created file for emailing, but with eight games going I soon will have a giant mess there, with many many files (yes I number them 01,02, etc).

Currently with OneClick, I keep each players attachments in a separate folder under the CMBO\PBEM\... folders. Nice and tidy, easy to find again if you have to.

Are these the pros and cons, or have I missed something here?

I think I really like the new PBEM HELPER, but the missing password and mass of files building up may push me back to OneClick.

Someone convince me one way or the other...



[ 05-12-2001: Message edited by: mrcobbler ]

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It seems that you don't have the 1.0.128 release. It has support for numbered files. Numbered files must be in format


where ### are digits. All other files are treated as separate games (you have to set the password for every game) I have not personally used the numbered files feature at all... so you have to have exactly three digits in the end, no less and no more.

The latest PBEM release is 1.0.130, btw.

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Fuerte, you hit the problem right on the nose.

I was using only two digits at the end of the named file, so it was looking at each one as a new game. Using three digits solved the problem with the password. Thanks!

I'm seeing 'do you want to Host' messages when trying to 'Play'. What does that mean for CMBO?

Thanks again.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mrcobbler:

I'm seeing 'do you want to Host' messages when trying to 'Play'. What does that mean for CMBO?


Hi Fuerte, Schoeman. I also got this message, any light you can throw on this Fuerte?

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Hello Fuerte

Thanks for the quick replies, as well as for the fix mentioned.

Another plus to be added to PBEM Helper is the willingness of Fuerte to listen to improvements, as well as fixing quickly the any bugs picked up bu users. Great work and keep it up.

Schoeman, download the latest small added version 1.0.132. I have received your e-mail with regard to "test driving" PBEM Helper so that we can give feedback to Fuerte with regard to his latest version.

I'll reply on 14/05 @ 9-12am (GMT+2) and setup a pbem game. Await my reply then.


Charl Theron

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