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CMBB - an enhancement for scenario/operation design

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1st, Replayability could suffer the way you describe this. However, if the messages were set the same way reinforcements are now, a XX% chance per turn, then you put that randomness back in.

This being said, this was discussed at lenght by the beta team members and BTS before this was even posted. We came up with a few more ideas to add to this, and Steve has told us this could be in for the CM2 engine re-write. There is no way to change all this code for CMBB.

Don't stop getting ideas however. Nice to see others thinking of ways to improve the game.

Just letting you know BTS is listening, but has been real busy.


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It's not that I want to keep people from spying my scenarios as how they are made, but it's not nice if your opponent knows your initial troops and their positions, what kind of reinforcements *you* are going to receive before you know about it etc. etc. Just because he has previewed scenario contents in the editor in advance and you have not. It's very easy to plan risky tactics that may work during the first few turns as long as your opponent doesn't know what you have and thus has to proceed with caution. This is the main reason why I don't play many PBEM scenarios at the moment, just QBs.

Password protected scenarios would make this pre game cheating a bit more elaborate because you would have to play through the scenario. If reinforcement placements, arrival times etc. could be randomly picked from a list of alternatives, the cheater would have to play several times in order to know that there are alternatives. And because of this same reason, cheating could never make the plot totally predictable, no matter how many times you played.


I did mean that the same random factors about arrival times etc. would be there. It's alway nice to hear new bits of information from beta testers.

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Woohooo - We thought of an idea and BTS had already thought about it. (Sits back in chair with satisfied smile)

We must be on the right tracks then! CM2 here we come :D

"We came up with a few more ideas to add to this, and Steve has told us this could be in for the CM2 engine re-write." "We came up with a few more ideas to add to this, and Steve has told us this could be in for the CM2 engine re-write."

Rune, can anyone say what other ideas on this subject where discussed by the beta team? Just out of interest :cool:



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