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Can someone tell me what happend here?

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A German Pioneer squad was on a bridge with the whole platoon on it. about 5 minutes into the battle the Pioneer squad opened up on another Pioneer squad, with its target line targeting the other Pioneer sqaud and killed it and then went back and was killing some tommy's. So why in the hell did that pioneer target its own troops in the middle of battle???

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Because you're fighting at night. Friendly fire can happen at night, even allowing units to target those on its own side. See Maximus' post: Extreme Case of Friendly Fire in CM for how bad it can get (though I don't know that his specifically targeted his own units; they just kinda got in the way). smile.gif

In one lengthy night battle I had to continually switch 2 MG42 teams from firing at their own troops over a period of 15 turns. They were just having too much fun killing their own comrades! tongue.gif

Also had a tank target friendly troops and unleash a couple of HE rounds before I could reign him in. Yikes!

- Chris

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